APP - Pass Kennedy Care now!

Nixon moved to California and lived on the WATER? Do you think that is an example of him not having regret for WATERgate?
So Senator should not have named his "Chinease Water Dog" splash...?

In order to have remorse he had to avoid anything relating to one of the most common substances on Earth? I do not understand that. Laura Drove a car, was that disrespectfull? Laura smoked cigerates, smoke was likely something that was at the accident sceen, does that demonstrate that she lacked remorse?

This is one of the more pittafull arguments Ive seen on this board, and comming from you Damo of all people!
First let me say saying, "I'm the rubber you're the glue" at the end is an atual example of pitiful.

Again, deliberately obtuse. Nobody who feels guilt about the worst moment of their life would name their dog something that would remind them about it constantly and then cheerfully talk it up as the greatest name ever. It does not compute.

Now if the young man had died of smoke inhalation and she named her dog "Choke", you might have an argument there.
I named my dog "Scout", it must mean I have no regret for having quit the Boyscouts when I was 9.
Your question has nuthing to do with what I am talking about. to humor you ill answer... He did nuthing good for her health.

I explained why I mentioned Laura earlier, but Ill do it again for your benefit. I mentioned her because I wanted to point out that people can do something bad, yet still make something respectable for themselves. See above!

exactly....and it was said that had he called authorities right away, her life probably would have been saved....this guy's name should be on no h/c bill....period....he is not a hero....he is a coward
Again, deliberately obtuse. Nobody who feels guilt about the worst moment of their life would name their dog something that would remind them about it constantly and then cheerfully talk it up as the greatest name ever. It does not compute.

Maybe he never heard a splash. Maybe the word never had any connection to the accident to him. This is silly. Its really a silly argument. I bet Kennedy drove across bridges later in life.. how disrespectfull!

I know he kept going to the Vinard, he even drank wine made with grapes grown in Vinyards.... and he was staying in Martha's Vinyard when Mary Jo died. He must not have had any regret!
I named my dog "Scout", it must mean I have no regret for having quit the Boyscouts when I was 9.
Now had you killed a person in a Scout... Or had you beaten Scouts to death with another Scout you again might have an argument.
Maybe he never heard a splash. Maybe the word never had any connection to the accident to him. This is silly. Its really a silly argument. I bet Kennedy drove across bridges later in life.. how disrespectfull!

I know he kept going to the Vinard, he even drank wine made with grapes grown in Vinyards.... and he was staying in Martha's Vinyard when Mary Jo died. He must not have had any regret!
He "remembered" the car flipping over and landing on its roof, this "maybe" is just plain the worst and most inane argument I have ever seen. I have never seen a lawyer that sucked more at arguing than you.

However, again, would the name ever remind Mary's parents of her death? Decency, I just expect basic decency.
First let me say saying, "I'm the rubber you're the glue" at the end is an actual example of pitiful.

Again, deliberately obtuse. Nobody who feels guilt about the worst moment of their life would name their dog something that would remind them about it constantly and then cheerfully talk it up as the greatest name ever. It does not compute.

Now if the young man had died of smoke inhalation and she named her dog "Choke", you might have an argument there.

She named her daughter Laura, and Laura was the name she had when she killed the guy!!!
then why are you criticizing it? because it is good?

If you read what I said, I pointed out that it had nuthing to do with the current discussion and was merely an attempt avoid the discussion.
He "remembered" the car flipping over and landing on its roof, this "maybe" is just plain the worst and most inane argument I have ever seen. I have never seen a lawyer that sucked more at arguing than you.

However, again, would the name ever remind Mary's parents of her death? Decency, I just expect basic decency.

I suspect just about everything reminds the parents of the death.

People remember different things about an accident... Sound might not be what he remembered or was thinking about 30 years later when he named his "WATER DOG"!
I suspect just about everything reminds the parents of the death.

People remember different things about an accident... Sound might not be what he remembered or was thinking about 30 years later when he named his "WATER DOG"!
There are about a million things that I could name a water dog that wouldn't remind me, or anybody else, of the night I killed a girl. That would not be seen as grossly crass and show a capacity to forget something that would haunt others for the rest of their lives.
A Scout (a type of SUV) is an object, like "Splash" a simple noun. You have got to be desperate to defend his action to come up with these.

"Scout" is the name of a fictional cheractor in the book "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee!
If you read what I said, I pointed out that it had nuthing to do with the current discussion and was merely an attempt avoid the discussion. said its not then this means its good....thanks!
