Pics from my trip to Thailand!

This G.I. asked me if I wanted to get some girls and go to the Beach and boat out to this island. So we get to the Beach and get Papa-san to boat us out to this little island, he breaks out a bong and we toke abit. Get to the island where there is a small hut selling stuff, we buy some French beer and these little pieces of meat wrapped in leaves. After we get done, same thing happens, this guy comes out with a bong and we all pass it around taking a few hits. Then we all get naked and go swimming. We're all frolicking around and I become transfixed on the scenery around me. The lush mountains in the background, the perfect water temperature, the super clean air quality, ... and I start getting a boner. I'm in about chest deep water and more or less by myself, I keep getting aroused just standing there, transfixed by the beauty of my immediate surroundings. As I stand there just taking it all in, I become aware that I'm about to ejaculate. I shake my head and "what the fuck". I get back to 'reality' and in minor shock as to what I just experienced. I look around, the others are about 20 feet away and aren't doing anything erotic. So I'm wondering, WTF just happened? Was it the scenery, the weed, the fucking French beer? Anyway, I join the others and put it out of my mind.

Years later, I watch a Viet Nam era 'War Movie' (Apocalypse Now?), I don't remember the name. And there's this scene in it about a group of guys out in the middle of nowhere, camped out on a hillside, waking up in the early morning. The camera pans around filming the usual activities, ... there's a shot of a guy off to the side staring at the mountains off in the distance, as the camera zooms out, it looks like the guy is taking a morning piss, you see this guy 'shaking the dew' off his dick. The camera stays a second longer ... and leaves you with a question: is he 'shaking the dew' off his dick, or is he masturbating a 'morning woody'? The people that have never been there would never notice that, the people that HAVE been there (like MY little episode in the water) can easily relate to that scene.

Were you a GI in Vietnam? French beer is, and was, ubiquitous in Vietnam. I have been there a couple of times, the last time with my son and Vietnamese daughter in law. I love her family, her uncles are prodigious drinkers. French beer especially 33, aka trente trois, is just about everywhere in Saigon.
Are you sure there aren't two Thailands we're talking about?

We are. There’s plenty of illegal drugs available but god help you if you get caught. All sorts of stories of tourist getting charged for a gram of weed and having to drop a couple of grand on bail and wait a year or two in Thailand waiting process the case.
"After the United States built military bases in Thailand during the 1960s and stationed tens of thousands of U.S. soldiers there, the marijuana industry exploded and cheap, powerful pot became as readily available as beer."
“With an eighty-cent bottle of gin purchased at the PX,” one Vietnam veteran remembers, “you could trade for a pack of twenty Thai sticks.”
“Almost every corner, every house, they have it in the yard growing. The older people, they will like it. The working heavy guy, he will like it,” said one retired Thai grower, “but they use for medicine also, when you really feel fever. So if you have nothing there, you can get like one branch, and ground it up.”

I guess things have changed. :(
Oh no. It’s all there and available if you’re looking. It’s the golden triangle. There’s a huge drug trade. Just God help you if you’re caught. Particularly if you’re a foreigner.
We are. There’s plenty of illegal drugs available but god help you if you get caught. All sorts of stories of tourist getting charged for a gram of weed and having to drop a couple of grand on bail and wait a year or two in Thailand waiting process the case.

Those horror stories are mostly about tourists and corrupt police looking to fill their boots.
Were you a GI in Vietnam? French beer is, and was, ubiquitous in Vietnam. I have been there a couple of times, the last time with my son and Vietnamese daughter in law. I love her family, her uncles are prodigious drinkers. French beer especially 33, aka trente trois, is just about everywhere in Saigon.

No, just passing through, visiting. '33' was the beer I was referencing, they pronounced it like 'bomdebom'.

What did you think of the scenery?

I was in Cam Rahn waiting for this Ferry boat to take me to this village on the other side of the bay, I looked down and the water was so clear, crystal clear, I couldn't even determine how deep the water was. I pulled a coin out of my pocket and flipped it into the water, it slowly tumbled, catching the sunlight as it fell in a slow motion descent to the bottom. It stayed crystal clear and when it hit the sandy bottom, it 'dusted up' the sand at the bottom. I've never seen water this clear in the US, not even at swimming pools. That was like 50 years ago and I still have that vivid memory with me.
No, just passing through, visiting. '33' was the beer I was referencing, they pronounced it like 'bomdebom'.

What did you think of the scenery?

I was in Cam Rahn waiting for this Ferry boat to take me to this village on the other side of the bay, I looked down and the water was so clear, crystal clear, I couldn't even determine how deep the water was. I pulled a coin out of my pocket and flipped it into the water, it slowly tumbled, catching the sunlight as it fell in a slow motion descent to the bottom. It stayed crystal clear and when it hit the sandy bottom, it 'dusted up' the sand at the bottom. I've never seen water this clear in the US, not even at swimming pools. That was like 50 years ago and I still have that vivid memory with me.

I think you mean ba mươi ba!