REDUX: How Election Fraud Is Conducted By The Democrat/RINO (Uni)Party

Just so we're clear, you didn't witness any of the events described in the affidavits, right?
Correct. In the cases of the affidavits, those were other witnesses who observed different things.

You apparently didn't even READ the truck driver affidavit in its entirety if at all,
I read it in its entirety many times. I would ask you why you are declaring that I somehow didn't read it, but I know the answer is that you have no intention of being honest in this conversation.

Without the driver delivering the ballots, what do you have besides assumptions about intent?
The delivery across State lines.

I'll leave it to you to pick the affidavit or topic to discuss.
Nope, because I'm already convinced. Every single testimony and sword affidavit stands on its own. I don't need to discuss anything on this matter.

If you would like to discuss any one of them, let's do it.

By the way, I have your official position as being that to the best of your knowledge, you are unaware of any reason that Trump wasn't the US' best President ever, considering only official duties. This is my Exhibit A.

Anything I licked would surely be assume to have nefarious intent Because, you know, my masters.
Instead of licking your masters, feel free to cherry-pick any affidavit for discussion. Since I told you to, I will have no cause to complain.
Based on everything I've written thus far, including everything you claim you haven't read or somehow missed.
Here is a portion of your, I believe, first post in this new thread from page 2:

"The people who made this "official determination" were the same ones who were in on the steal in the first place. The video is self explanatory and you have not done anything to refute the obvious."

Your loading the dice. You're setting the stage so that you never have to change your mind, regardless of what is presented and it's all based on baseless assumptions and circular reasoning. Georgia didn't investigate anything because they're part of the people who stole the election. "Georgia was part of the stolen election, so anything they claim to investigate is CYA and lies."
Georgia didn't investigate anything because they're part of the people who stole the election. "Georgia was part of the stolen election, so anything they claim to investigate is CYA and lies."
Absolutely, and it is obvious. Why do you deny it? Oh, that's right, you are OBEYING master.

I was certain that you were going to pick the sworn affidavit of Brian Geels who showed the extremely improbable odds that the State of Georgia held a fair election, and the near 100% certainty that Georgia officials did literally everything possible to throw the election against Trump.

* 4,502 individuals whom the State's database identifies as having cast a ballot show no record of having been registered to vote in the November 3, 2020election.

* 305,701 individuals have records indicating that they applied for absentee ballots more than 180 days prior to the general election (i.e., prior to May 6, 2020), exceeding the statutory maximum according to state law

* 92 individuals whom the State's database identifies as having cast a ballot show that they returned their absentee ballots before the ballot was issued to the voter

* 29 individuals whom the State's database identifies as havingcast a ballot show that the absentee ballot was issued before the voter applied for the ballot.

* 10 individuals have records indicating that the early in-personballot was accepted either prior to the start or after the end of early in-person voting in the stateof Georgia (i.e., prior to October 12 or after November 3).

* 50 individuals have records indicating that the mail-in ballotwas accepted before the earliest possible date that ballots could have been mailed per Georgiavoting rules (i.e., September 15, 2020).

* 2,664 individuals have records indicating that they were issuedmailed absentee ballots prior to the earliest possible date that ballots oould have been mailed perGeorgia voting rules (i.e., September 15 , 2020).

* 98 individuals whom the State's database identifies as havingcast a ballot show that they were registered after the last day a person could register to vote per Georgia voting rules (i.e., October 5, 2020).

* 217 individuals who voted by mail-in ballot have recordsindicating that they applied for the absentee ballot, were issued the absentee ballot, and the ballotwas retumed all on the same day which seems like an impossible occulrence for a mail-in ballotto be applied for, accepted, ballot mailed to the voter, ballot received by the voter, and to havebeen returned all on the same day.

* 2 individuals have records indicating that the ballot applications were rejected but whose vote was accepted and counted.

* 13 individuals have records indicating that the ballot application date precedes the voters' registration date.

* 4 accepted votes whose matching record in theregistration file has a name that is completely different from the name of the voter in the Absentee Early Voter file. These records are highlighted to show that Georgia'svoter system allows a person to vote under another person's registration.

* 66,247 individuals whom the State's database identifies as having cast a ballot whose records indicate that they were registered to vote prior to their 17th birthday.

* 6,635 individuals whom the State's database identifiesas having cast a ballot whose records indicate that they were added to the voter registration filesubsequent to the 2016 general election (since they weren't listed in the 2016 Voter RegistrationFile) but whose voter registration date precedes the 2016 election. This is a significantrecordkeeping and data integrity issue as the fact pattern indicates that voters were added to theregistration file after the 2016 election, but the registration date was manipulated and is unreliable.

* 2,024 individuals whom the State's database identifies as having cast a ballot whose birth date was changed when comparing the 2020 Voter Registration file birthdate to the related 2016 Registration file birthdate. This is a significant recordkeeping issue as the fact pattern indicates that state's recordkeeping of voter birthdates isunreliable, at best, or were manipulated intentionally.

* 134 individuals whom the State's database identifiesas having cast a ballot whose recorded birthdate is on or before 1915. I researched theindividuals in this list and discovered that there were l0 individuals in this list who appeared tomatch up to an individual who was deceased prior to the election time period, 1 individual whomatched to a felon, and 30 individuals who could not be identified.

* 10,315 individuals who cast ballots in the November 3,2020 election that were accepted andcounted but who were deceased prior to Election Day. It should be noted that thedeath file obtained through the open records request contains death certificates only forindividuals who died in calendar year 2020. In all likelihood, there would be significantly morematches if the population of deceased individuals was expanded to include persons who perishedprior to calendar year 2020.

* Without a proper controls structures and data governance policies in place to govem the election, there is an increased risk of invalid orfraudulent votes being counted without detection. It is my opinion that the data relied upon bythe Georgia Secretary of State and county election officials is either not trustworthy and cannothave been relied upon to conduct an election without serious risk of fraud; or, alternatively, if itis good data, indicates a significant number of fraudulent or invalid votes of a magnitude whichcalls into question the outcome of the Presidential general election.

Thank you for revisiting Georgia's chicanery and fraud.
Absolutely, and it is obvious. Why do you deny it? Oh, that's right, you are OBEYING master.

I was certain that you were going to pick the sworn affidavit of Brian Geels who showed the extremely improbable odds that the State of Georgia held a fair election, and the near 100% certainty that Georgia officials did literally everything possible to throw the election against Trump.

You shouldn't be surprised. I already said you could pick.

Remember when Cyber Ninjas claimed, among other things, there were 74k more mail-in ballots received than there was sent out, 4k voters registered after the deadline and 18k removed from the voter rolls after the election and they claimed these things because they didn't understand what they were looking at when doing the audit?

I'm not saying he doesn't believe what he's saying. I'm sure Cyber Ninjas believed what they were claiming , as well. He very likely does believe what he is claiming and that's all an affidavit says - I swear I really believe XXXX to be true.

Other than telling you what you want to believe, why would to take what he's saying as absolute fact when Georgia refuted these claims?

I think we both know the answer to that question. As I said in another post, which was again ignored, you have loaded the dice. You've made up your mind that Trump won and Dems stole the election, so anyone who says otherwise is part of the steal. It wouldn't matter if the FBI did a full investigation of every claim made on an affidavit and released every name of every agent doing the investigating . If they didn't find that the election was stolen, they'd be written off as part of the those who stole it.
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Trumpys should volunteer to work on elections. They would find out how many safeguards we have and how the claims their party makes cannot work. We have a simple system that works very well as Trump proved.
Trumpys should volunteer to work on elections. They would find out how many safeguards we have and how the claims their party makes cannot work. We have a simple system that works very well as Trump proved.
My mom, Trumper that she is, did just that. She volunteered in 2022 because she wanted to save the world from one magical Biden ballot at a time, and now she's actually working (getting paid) for 2024. It was very eye opening for her.
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Other than telling you what you want to believe, why would to take what he's saying as absolute fact when Georgia refuted these claims?
Are you asking why I should trust math over trusting State officials who will do and say anything to cover their tracks?

Why don't you trust math and direct observation? Is it because you don't understand either? I truly believe that you should abandon your disdain for math and science that you expressed in our discussions of your Global Warming religion. Observations carry more weight than the agenda that tells us that we aren't observing what we're observing.
Are you asking why I should trust math over trusting State officials who will do and say anything to cover their tracks?

Why don't you trust math and direct observation? Is it because you don't understand either? I truly believe that you should abandon your disdain for math and science that you expressed in our discussions of your Global Warming religion. Observations carry more weight than the agenda that tells us that we aren't observing what we're observing.
There was no math shown on the affidavit. There were also no examples (peoples' names) provided.

Math is meaningless if you're using the wrong numbers. I can stand on one side of a Ford Mustang, add 1 rear tire to 1 front tire and get 2. Even though that math was done correctly, would I be correct to conclude that a Ford Mustang only has 2 tires? Obviously not.

i'm absolutely certain that Cyber Ninjas did technically correct math when they subtracted the number of mail-in ballots they thought were sent out from the number of "mail-in" ballots they thought were received and got 74,243. The math wasn't the issue, it was using the wrong numbers because they were ignorant of what they were looking at.
Trumpys should volunteer to work on elections.
I get a kick out of your bizarre belief that only hardened, dishonest Marxists work on elections.

They would find out how many safeguards we have and how the claims their party makes cannot work.
There were too many witnesses to the rampant abandonment of the aforementioned safeguards. Mountainous are the piles of sworn affidavits to this effect.

There was no math shown on the affidavit.
You have to do your research. The methods were provided as evidence, along with the affidavit, in the trial.

There were also no examples (peoples' names) provided.
Not in the affidavit, no. You have to find all that in the supporting documentation when you do your independent research.

Math is meaningless if you're using the wrong numbers.
Math is conclusive if you're using the correct data.

i'm absolutely certain that Cyber Ninjas did ....
Distractor. Do Cyber Ninjas have a sworn affidavit you wish to discuss?
IBDaMann said:
You have to do your research. The methods were provided as evidence, along with the affidavit, in the trial.

Methods, but no math.

Not in the affidavit, no. You have to find all that in the supporting documentation when you do your independent research.
At this point in time, doing that research would be the equivalent of chasing ghosts. I see no reason to chase ghosts.
Math is conclusive if you're using the correct data.

Distractor. Do Cyber Ninjas have a sworn affidavit you wish to discuss?
No, but at least they did provide numbers to go along with their methods. Their obviously flawed methods. But, I'm sure some random accountant got it right, while an actual auditing firm didn't.... couldn't.
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At this point in time, doing that research would be the equivalent of chasing ghosts. I see no reason to chase ghosts.
Nope. There's no time like the present to think for yourself, to learn for yourself, to tell your thought-masters to fuck off, and to perform all sorts of heretical independent research, and then to apply heavy doses of critical reasoning to what you learn.

There's no time like the present. Now is the time to act.

Their obviously flawed methods.
You just finished making lame excuses for not looking into their methods, referring to it as "chasing ghosts" but now you want to declare what is somehow obvious about their methods?

Tell me again about this "open mind" that you have, that rejects math, science and independent thinking.

But, I'm sure some [CPA] got it right, while [the State officials who stole the election] wouldn't.... couldn't.
That's what I've only said about a hundred times.
When there is an investigation by the FBI or, in this case, GBI or any state investigators, when do you ever hear names of actual investigators released?
False authority fallacy. They have no jurisdiction.
So, in the case of Georgia:

The investigation, which included Secretary of State Investigators, and Special Agents with both GBI and FBI revealed “there was no evidence of any type of fraud as alleged.” Through the course of the investigation, “three law enforcement agencies reviewed the entire unedited video footage of the events in question.......

What would having names change?
False authority fallacy.
Methods, but no math.

At this point in time, doing that research would be the equivalent of chasing ghosts. I see no reason to chase ghosts. If.

No, but at least they did provide numbers to go along with their methods. Their obviously flawed methods. But, I'm sure some random accountant got it right, while an actual auditing firm didn't.... couldn't.
Argument of the Stone fallacy. You cannot make the evidence of election fraud by Democrats just disappear.
Methods, but no math.
Yes there is. Argument of the Stone fallacy.
At this point in time, doing that research would be the equivalent of chasing ghosts. I see no reason to chase ghosts. If.

No, but at least they did provide numbers to go along with their methods. Their obviously flawed methods. But, I'm sure some random accountant got it right, while an actual auditing firm didn't.... couldn't.
Counting the same fake ballots means nothing.

You cannot make the evidence of election fraud by Democrats just disappear.
Yes there is. Argument of the Stone fallacy.
the affidavit is linked in IBDM's post. Copy and paste the math that is shown.
Counting the same fake ballots means nothing.
Which fake ballots? How many were there? How many have been found ...anywhere in the country, including AZ where millions of dollars were wasted specifically to find fake ballots among other things?

You cannot make the evidence of election fraud by Democrats just disappear.
I'm still waiting for that evidence to be provided.


And waiting.......

And waiting.......
False authority fallacy. They have no jurisdiction.

False authority fallacy.
Who does have authority? Random Truck drivers and random CPA's?

the affidavit is linked in IBDM's post. Copy and paste the math that is shown. Which fake ballots? How many were there? How many have been found ...anywhere in the country, including AZ where millions of dollars were wasted specifically to find fake ballots among other things?

I'm still waiting for that evidence to be provided.


And waiting.......

And waiting.......
RQAA. Argument of the Stone fallacy.
the affidavit is linked in IBDM's post. Copy and paste the math that is shown.
An affidavit is not mathematics.
Which fake ballots? How many were there? How many have been found ...anywhere in the country, including AZ where millions of dollars were wasted specifically to find fake ballots among other things?

I'm still waiting for that evidence to be provided.


And waiting.......

And waiting.......
RQAA. Argument of the Stone fallacy.