Republicans absent from March on Washington

Washington (CNN) - Organizers of Wednesday's 50th anniversary March on Washington did not invite the nation's only African-American senator to speak at the civil rights commemoration, his office said, a sign of the complicated politics of racial equality.

Republican Tim Scott of South Carolina was appointed to the position in January, is currently the only black senator and is one of only eight African-Americans to ever serve in the U.S. Senate.

"Senator Scott was not invited to speak at the event," his press secretary, Greg Blair, told CNN in a statement about the 50th anniversary gathering in Washington. Blair would not say if Scott would have accepted an invitation to speak, nor if he was disappointed at the lack of an invite.

"Today's anniversary should simply serve as an opportunity to reflect upon how their actions moved our country forward in a remarkable way," Blair demurred.

March organizers responded that they invited every member of Congress to attend the event, but anniversary spokesman Sarah Coppersmith told CNN she did not know whether Scott was invited to give remarks.

President Barack Obama was the prime speaker at the Lincoln Memorial event Wednesday, heading up a list that skewed Democratic, including Reps. Donna Edwards, D-Maryland, and Marcia Fudge, D-Ohio, former Democratic presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton and the leaders of two major unions.

Some others at the podium, including Oprah Winfrey and actor Jamie Foxx, came from outside of politics.


Those ignorant fucks don't get to choose who gets invited to other people's party.

Go have a party of your own .. none of us will be whining about not getting an invitation.
See what happens when I either provide or copy and paste links?

Show me the stats, show me the facts, the lefties demand.

Links and copy and pastes are a waste of time when you're dealing with these people.

Why are you whining like a little girl?

Scott WAS INVITED .. HE declined.

Rachel Shelbourne, a staff assistant to Scott, had replied to the email with the following message:
“Thank you for extending to Senator Tim Scott the invitation to the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington on August 28th. Unfortunately, the Senator will be in South Carolina during this time, so he will be unable to attend the event. Please do, however, keep him in mind for future events you may be hosting.”

Stop whining .. grow up .. fuck republicans .. throw your own party.
No he wasn't and stop your lying. He was a last minute token throw in. he should have received his invitation the same time as Jamie Fox and Oprah and the rest received there's.

The invitation, sent Aug. 8 from the Coalition for the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington, appears to have been a form letter to all members of Congress, with invitees listed as “Representative” rather than by name.

Same link

Stop whining .. grow up .. fuck republicans .. throw your own party.

End of story
they were all invited and did not want to come.

they KNOW their base will primary them for being nice to black people
they hate people of color.

so they trash any person of color who does well.

unless of course its a person of color who tells them that people of color are not as good as them.

there are sociopaths in all colors
Not one R was willing to have their picture taken at this event.

it would have meant the end of their political career