Republicans absent from March on Washington

I'm too busy laughing at you to celebrate right now.....maybe later....

When you get done laughing .. go celebrate Zimmerman. I want that .. I want republicans to be seen as the evil fucks they are.

While you're at it, stop your bitchin' about not being invited. Republicans are never going to be invited. :0)

Have fun at the party. :0)
ROTFLMAO, typical Republican, all bluster no facts.


Senator Scott was not invited to speak at the event,” Greg Blair, a spokesman for the South Carolina lawmaker, said. “The senator believes today is a day to remember the extraordinary accomplishments and sacrifices of Dr. King, Congressman John Lewis, and an entire generation of black leaders. Today’s anniversary should simply serve as an opportunity to reflect upon how their actions moved our country forward in a remarkable way.”

Wouldn't it have made sense to have the first black president joined by the first black senator from South Carolina, which was a Jim Crow state when the original march on Washington took place?
certainly not to demonstrate bipartisanship.......
Oh, bitch hold up. How dare you bring up bipartisanship, after all the shit that has gone down. There is no more bipartisanship, if I have a say. That train left the station without your ass. I'll say. No you didn't! The nerve! Bi who? Bi what?
You lost your monkey mind if you think, after all of the hate, bile, vitriol and shit flung, anyone would sit down to a table with the likes of you on the right, ever again, and tolerate the stench. Get the cross out your pussy, and we'll continue the exorcism.
Lets just cut to the chase: who gives a shit if Repubs, any Repubs were invited, showed up etc. etc.? They don't fucking believe in the mesaage, they in fact believe the exact opposite. I mean would you invite a devout, professed Christian hating individual to your Baptist prayer meeting? Hell no you wouldn't.

Repubs right now have no credibility, no leg to stand on, they damn near wrecked the economy 5 yrs ago, basically stall and filibuster any progress the country tries to make and that is evidenced by their single digit approval ratings. Basically the popular opinion is that they are a bunch of crooks so really they should sit back and shut the fuck up. Hell the best they can do for a pres. candidate so far is some dumbass who WE KNOW wasn't born in America.

They are fucking jokes, the freaking Green party has more credibility.
Repubs were invited. They didn't show up.

I think that is a clear statement of what their party thinks about MLK and civil rights these days.
I can help you out with your empty rhetoric if you'd like. It looks like on your own you are failing miserably.

I'll concede that your personal experience in employing empty rhetoric is greater than mine, but no thanks. I deal in facts.