Republicans absent from March on Washington

Repubs were invited. They didn't show up.

I think that is a clear statement of what their party thinks about MLK and civil rights these days.

You can't argue with right leaners, its like arguing with full blown autistic people or with a brick wall, they only know what their routine is and never stray from it no matter what the facts say.

*no i'm not denigrating autistic people, have a full blown autistic bro-in-law, in fact i'll apologize to him for comparing him to Repub trash*
Whoaaaaaa, are u stalking me?

Ummm, no dude. I live in San Francisco and am a die hard 49ers fan. I grew up in Oakland and went to school in Oakland where kids used to try and fight me over being a 49ers fan. I don't know if you are trolling your football beliefs like you do your politics.
Ummm, no dude. I live in San Francisco and am a die hard 49ers fan. I grew up in Oakland and went to school in Oakland where kids used to try and fight me over being a 49ers fan. I don't know if you are trolling your football beliefs like you do your politics.

First off I don't troll politics, its just because I school you that you troll bait, i've seen you do it with others.

Secondly i'm from Sacramento and I was born wearing red and gold, you are probably a Faders fan.

My guess is that you live down in the Castro near Polk, correct?
Fuck bi-partisanship .. fuck republicans. Republicans hate black people, black people hate republicans.
I'm good with that. It's how it should be,


Bring it, my Brother.
He wasn't invited to SPEAK because he'd been previously invited to attend and he TURNED THEM DOWN.

One cannot expect to be asked to speak at an event one will not be attending...its seems pretty clear to me.

He turned them down only after he received their last minute token invitation which was another reason why the repubs had no interest in attending your Democratic political rally.
Of course there are some black conservative republicans... just like there are toothless, redneck southern liberal democrats... the point is, there aren't many of either. Trends in demographics clearly show that the number of minorities are increasing and that, for the vast majority of them, their allegiance to the democratic party remains solid. Those same trends show that the numbers of angry white guys are declining. Teabaggers may make a lot of noise and generate a lot of ink, but they don't represent the center of the bell curve, where EVERY election is won, and that center is becoming much more "colorful" as each election cycle passes. Republicans on here like Boris, for example, simultaneously trumpet their belief that the GOP needs to move further to the right, while they whine that the democrats are trying to marginalize their relevance. They need to decide whether they want to be a party with national relevance and play a significant role in the way public policy is developed, or whether they want to cling to their failing ideology and become a party with only regional relevance and no real national significance.