Republicans absent from March on Washington

no it is not. hate hurts the hater more than the hated, in fact hating someone rarely hurts the hated unless the hater takes direct action against the hated. if you do not like someone's politics, then do not vote for them, but do not hate them. if a political party works against you, then work against them by joining their opposition.
please remember that hate is bad and hurts you.

Bill O'Reilly is game enough to admit his error re this issue. Any of the conservatives on this side willing to follow his lead?

Arguing with Democratic strategist James Carville, O'Reilly demanded an explanation as to why former President George W. Bush, for example, wasn't there. Carville said, "I do not know that he wasn't invited." The host responded, "He wasn't. No Republicans and no conservatives were invited."

Though repeated with certainty, O'Reilly was, of course, completely wrong. Indeed, we knew a few hours before his show aired that Republican leaders were invited, but chose not to participate. Last night, in a remarkably rare sight, O'Reilly actually acknowledged an error.
"Last night during my discussion with James Carville about the Martin Luther King commemoration I said there were no Republican speakers invited. Wrong. Was wrong. Some Republicans were asked to speak. They declined. And that was a mistake. They should have spoken.

"Now, the mistake, entirely on me. I simply assumed that since all the speakers were liberal Democrats, Republicans were excluded. So, here's the 'Tip of the Day' -- Always check out the facts before you make a definitive statement. And, when you make a mistake, admit it."

Anyone? anyone I don't have on ignore? Philly, you going to admit you were wrong?
actually, we have 23 pages showing how little Republicans mean to minorities......
I would suggest that those 23 pages show how little minorities mean to republicans. But, hey, that's fine with me... The GOP can piss all over minorities from now until they disappear as a national party, for all I care.
Denigrate me all you like. I could give a flying fuck. Bottom line: blacks and hispanics and asians are growing demographics and they all are voting for MY side and not yours. I can't begin to imagine how much that pisses you off anymore than you can imagine how much it pleases me.
Denigrate me all you like. I could give a flying fuck. Bottom line: blacks and hispanics and asians are growing demographics and they all are voting for MY side and not yours. I can't begin to imagine how much that pisses you off anymore than you can imagine how much it pleases me.

Who denigrated you?

What is my "side" while you're at it? Still assuming?
no it is not. hate hurts the hater more than the hated, in fact hating someone rarely hurts the hated unless the hater takes direct action against the hated.

if you do not like someone's politics, then do not vote for them, but do not hate them. if a political party works against you, then work against them by joining their opposition.

please remember that hate is bad and hurts you.

Much respect for you good brother .. but I do not subscribe to the thought that hate is always bad, or that love is always good.

This bed of hate is the product of the Republican Party and its racist followers. Black people are only responding to a hate that has been directed towards us simply because of the color of our skin. It is unintelligent and irresponsible not to respond to that hate, and it's best to respond passionately and with great anger. That hate towards the haters inspires forceful action against them. It is a recognition that you are at war.

We are at war with the Republican Party, and you do not go to war singing songs of love and understanding. You arm yourslef with the weapons (politics, social and political action, intellectual warfare, etc) that you will need to defeat your ENEMY.

Republicans are our ENEMY, and knowing the hate and evil of that eneny makes us stronger.

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Even Dr. King grew to understand the level of hate he faced, and he grew closer to Malcolm X .. and he was killed by the very enemy he sought to try to love and understand.

Hate is a great motivator.
Much respect for you good brother .. but I do not subscribe to the thought that hate is always bad, or that love is always good.

This bed of hate is the product of the Republican Party and its racist followers. Black people are only responding to a hate that has been directed towards us simply because of the color of our skin. It is unintelligent and irresponsible not to respond to that hate, and it's best to respond passionately and with great anger. That hate towards the haters inspires forceful action against them. It is a recognition that you are at war.

We are at war with the Republican Party, and you do not go to war singing songs of love and understanding. You arm yourslef with the weapons (politics, social and political action, intellectual warfare, etc) that you will need to defeat your ENEMY.

Republicans are our ENEMY, and knowing the hate and evil of that eneny makes us stronger.

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Even Dr. King grew to understand the level of hate he faced, and he grew closer to Malcolm X .. and he was killed by the very enemy he sought to try to love and understand.

Hate is a great motivator.

I daresay that is more or less what Islamic fundamentalist imams tell their sheep followers.
So says the guy who's forever playing the "asswipe" so defines who and what USF truly is.

These stupid fucks believe that only they are entitled to hate.

They've been clamoring for a war for a long time .. now that its here, they whine like stuck pigs.
I can't do hate, I will not do it, I understand it though.
That said the Republican party isn't anything the Dem's aren't - the Dem's appeal to the minority vote, but use the base as they wish.

I find it a bit facile to say the Repubs are about hate - their base is appealing to the older white Americans.

The fact we have these "bases" is the real problem, the duopoly uses the divisions to serve it's own interests.

"Us vs. them" politics, isn't helpful at all, it clouds the minds ability to perceive what is best on each issue.

For myself at least, i find being non atached is the very best way to decide each issue -but to each his/her own
I can't do hate, I will not do it, I understand it though.
That said the Republican party isn't anything the Dem's aren't - the Dem's appeal to the minority vote, but use the base as they wish.

I find it a bit facile to say the Repubs are about hate - their base is appealing to the older white Americans.

The fact we have these "bases" is the real problem, the duopoly uses the divisions to serve it's own interests.

"Us vs. them" politics, isn't helpful at all, it clouds the minds ability to perceive what is best on each issue.

For myself at least, i find being non atached is the very best way to decide each issue -but to each his/her own

You, my wise brother, have not faced the history of hate and terrorism that we have faced for more than 400 years in this country .. which is enough to make anyone hate that enemy.

Look at this board and its list of threads. Hate of black people is all over it .. as it was on the other board. Republicans hate black people .. and who is going to tell them they shouldn't?

They APPEAL to and CODDLE racists .. and you know that.
You, my wise brother, have not faced the history of hate and terrorism that we have faced for more than 400 years in this country .. which is enough to make anyone hate that enemy.
ya. I understand the context, I also understand the manipulation by the duopoly to keep that shit stirred up.

Much repect for you, and your ideas, i'd prefer we move past identity politics, but as you ain't me.
ya. I understand the context, I also understand the manipulation by the duopoly to keep that shit stirred up.

Much repect for you, and your ideas, i'd prefer we move past identity politics, but as you ain't me.

You've known me for many years. You know that I have always spoken to getting past identity politics .. but the murder of Trayvon Martin and the celebration of it was my last days of appealing to those who hate us.

It's war they want, now it's what I want as well.
Denigrate me all you like. I could give a flying fuck. Bottom line: blacks and hispanics and asians are growing demographics and they all are voting for MY side and not yours. I can't begin to imagine how much that pisses you off anymore than you can imagine how much it pleases me.

who knows....maybe after another decade of no jobs and lousy schools that will change......