Shit Fat Girls Who Think They're Hot Say

I'm not going to get drawn into an extended whinefest about who calls who out. I freaking hate that. I can't stomach seeing cons talk shit about liberals when they do the same thing themselves.

I'll say this and then I am done;

-cons don't say shit to other cons and always have the same answer when asked "i didn't see it".

-liberals should defintely have more to say about poet's behavior. frankly it has become egregious and i believe turning a blind eye really does not speak well of us. yes, he was treated horrifically when he first got here. but two of those animals are gone for good. we all know webbway is a racist pos, and most of the board has him on IA. I can't be part of pretending that poet is not out of bounds. He is. Or that there is any excuse for it. There no longer is.

I'm done.
Yes you are right I am slightly right of centre well at least in British terms. In the US, I seem to be classified as a loony lefty.

I went to Uni in the '70s which was a hotbed of student revolution and I saw first hand how the hard Left actually operated, it was a very unedifying experience. Anyway, don't they say that if you not a socialist when you are young you have no heart but if you still one when you are older you have no brain.

They only classify you as that because, well mainly because they are ignorant and believe that all foreigners are commies. But right of center in the UK sounds right to me. I guess that says a lot about our respective countries.
You are setting up such a strawman here. If I criticize the way you use gendered terms I am in no way claiming that all women are angels. To make such a claim would be sexist on its face, in the tradition of chivalry, a sexist and racist patriarchal construct. I make no such claim.

Rather, my claim is that by saying you can decide who is a woman and who is a ho, you are engaging in blatant misogyny. This claim has been made throughout history to justify violence and most especially, sexual violence, against women. It’s bullshit. And the idea that I am going to give you a pass on this, is frankly outrageous. Fairweathered? My commitment is always to women’s rights and their freaking dignity, both of which you commit outrages against on a near daily basis. I wouldn’t sell that out for my real life best friend, no less someone I barely know on the internet. You can’t take any criticism so everything is black and white to you. I’m either with you or I’m against you. Well, life is not that simple, sometimes I’m with you, sometimes I’m not.

As for this thread, you’re right, and I did say it’s degrading to women. However, reading through the posts, other than Top who acted like an animal, none of the guys here really said anything that bad. So some of them are saying they like chubby women sexually, others don’t. Is it something for me to applaud over? No. If you and top hadn’t both posted on this thread would I have ever bothered commenting on this thread at all? No.

If I say that I tend to be attracted to tall men, is that sexist? What about if I say if a guy’s shortish he has to have a really good build to attract me? It’s objectification, but we all do it to some degree. I’m not enough of a hypocrite to start pitching a fit over something this stupid basically.

And I'm not going to put you on ignore just because you can't handle any criticism. That is just ridiculous.

Excuse me, but my reality and my experience are my own. I'm a goddamn "dyed-in-the-wool" feminist, myself. And for you to get all "self-righteous", and on your "high horse", on me, first of all, calling out "feminized men", who behave like spoiled, bratty, "evil" women, is beyond the pale. Ice Dancer, and you, yourself, are the only women, here, that I have had to go off on. And that only after Ice Dancer had called me everything but a child of God. You're barking up the really wrong tree.
I decide who is a woman and who is a ho, based on how they treat me, and their words and deeds. My prerogative. Do you know the difference between a "lady" and a "tramp'???
Well, act like you know, and come back to Earth.
Threedee and his cohorts are busy talking about fucking fat women...and you didn't say anything but "it's not that bad"???? Why is that? Your hypocrisy looms large. So get out of my face. And let me hurry up and put you on ignore. Foolish woman.
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I'm not going to get drawn into an extended whinefest about who calls who out. I freaking hate that. I can't stomach seeing cons talk shit about liberals when they do the same thing themselves.

I'll say this and then I am done;

-cons don't say shit to other cons and always have the same answer when asked "i didn't see it".

-liberals should defintely have more to say about poet's behavior. frankly it has become egregious and i believe turning a blind eye really does not speak well of us. yes, he was treated horrifically when he first got here. but two of those animals are gone for good. we all know webbway is a racist pos, and most of the board has him on IA. I can't be part of pretending that poet is not out of bounds. He is. Or that there is any excuse for it. There no longer is.

I'm done.

Excuse me, but my reality and my experience are my own. I'm a goddamn "dyed-in-the-wool" feminist, myself. And for you to get all "self-righteous", and on your "high horse", on me, first of all, calling out "feminized men", who behave like spoiled, bratty, "evil" women, is beyond the pale. Ice Dancer, and you, yourself, are the only women, here, that I have had to go off on. And that only after Ice Dancer had called me everything but a child of God. You're barking up the really wrong tree.
I decide who is a woman and who is a ho, based on how they treat me, and their words and deeds. My prerogative. Do you know the difference between a "lady" and a "tramp'???
Well, act like you know, and come back to Earth.
Threedee and his cohorts are busy talking about fucking fat women...and you didn't say anything but "it's not that bad"???? Why is that? Your hypocrisy looms large. So get out of my face. And let me hurry up and put you on ignore. Foolish woman.

Okay, can you do me a favor and not take me off this time?
I seriously think I may get stoned at some point over the weekend and read the whole thing again. I'm not kidding.

You honestly do not need to be stoned. I just read it this morning and have been laughing my ass off.

"A female lesbian roommate stole my Stevie Wonder concert ticket, back in 1974" Wow.
I know, Jesus wept. Oh, the humanity. Not that I wouldn't kick somebody's ass if they stole my Stevie Wonder ticket, and I love Stevie Wonder, but that is priceless really.

I am just trying to figure out how that fit into his message when I realized it didn't matter. That shit is fucking funny. He seems to continue running into problems with lesbians.
Darla absolutely crushed this thread with a mighty hammer of logic and EPIC OWNAGE.

Totally awesome.

You honestly do not need to be stoned. I just read it this morning and have been laughing my ass off.

"A female lesbian roommate stole my Stevie Wonder concert ticket, back in 1974" Wow.

You're an idiot. Like no woman has ever fucked over you. I'm just man enough to admit it.