Shit Fat Girls Who Think They're Hot Say

And you are queen of the holier than though, tell me you banged a guy over 300 pounds and I'll say you are right. Otherwise save your politically correct trash for someone who digs it.

No I never have. Come to think of it I never banged one under probably 5'8 either. That's a personal preference and doesn't really mean I never would. But most importantly, I get that it's a personal preference and I don't dehumanize people who I don't personally find attractive. I feel that people who do are very insecure about themselves. I am not. In fact I may have the opposite problem as these days I'm downright cocky.
Really? When you get to condemning USF, DY, Yurt, Dixie, STY, Grind, Thomas Jefferson, Webbway. Bravo, then you might have a leg to stand on. Give a pass to the white racists and bigots...and in meantime, condemn me. I don't give a fuck.

Whatever poet. That comment you made was well beyond the pale. Worry about your own humanity. And the bitches and ho's shit is sexist crap. I'm only going to say it once I have zero interest in a big drama over this bs. But this ongoing shit really ruins the board. Between your shit and toms fucking "jokes" and a few other things, this board is a hostile atmosphere for women.

Not that it would ever stop me from posting here but how about this? Instead of everyone here whining about other people and why what they say is worse, clean your own conscience first.
Is anyone else allowed to say stuff for shock value, or only you?

Using those words are still sexist and degrading. I wonder what the rest of the female population of JPP thinks about you dividing women up into the category of "women" and "bitches/hos"

Do you ever call a man a ho?

What is your definition of a 'ho?'

Also is it possible for you to go into any thread at all without putting on your super serious hat? No one gives a shit about your opinions.

I don't like it. I don't like it. I don't like it! I have talked about this before in response to poet's habit of dividing women into categories of those whom it's okay to abuse because they're not real women. Every con who ever said something despicable to me has used the same excuse...I'm not a real woman because I'm a lib or a feminist or whatever. I can't confront every sexist post on this board. I get a headache from repressing stuff somedays here. But if I did call out every sexist post, you guys would all call me a humorless feminist anyway. I mean this thread right here is degrading to women. You all just want me to call out poet every day but god forbid I tell you or how about Tom who says some fucked up shit about women, that hey, you're not funny asshole? Yeah, I would be a bout as popular as herpes. But that's not why I don't do it. I don't do it because sometimes I just come here to relax and distress from work. I dont need this to become a second job. Sometimes I just want to have fun.
I don't like it. I don't like it. I don't like it! I have talked about this before in response to poet's habit of dividing women into categories of those whom it's okay to abuse because they're not real women. Every con who ever said something despicable to me has used the same excuse...I'm not a real woman because I'm a lib or a feminist or whatever. I can't confront every sexist post on this board. I get a headache from repressing stuff somedays here. But if I did call out every sexist post, you guys would all call me a humorless feminist anyway. I mean this thread right here is degrading to women. You all just want me to call out poet every day but god forbid I tell you or how about Tom who says some fucked up shit about women, that hey, you're not funny asshole? Yeah, I would be a bout as popular as herpes. But that's not why I don't do it. I don't do it because sometimes I just come here to relax and distress from work. I dont need this to become a second job. Sometimes I just want to have fun.

I will put Not Safe For Darla (NSFD) in the title in future so you needn't be offended.

Life is like a penis, simple, soft, straight, relaxed and hanging freely. Then women make it hard!
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I will put Not Safe For Darla (NSFD) in the title in future so you needn't be offended.

Life is like a penis, simple, soft, straight, relaxed and hanging freely. Then women make it hard!

I have a feeling I'm not the only woman here who gets pissed/disgusted at some of the things you say. I'm just the only one who will say so.

When did I bitch about that? I've always held that the libs here have a double standard.

Bullshit. Everyone here has a double standard. There is one con who has ever, and I mean ever, said squat to one of the most vulgar, sexually abusive animals on the Internet and that is us freedom. Super freak is the only one of you who has ever had the balls to say something to him. The rest of you shrivel up, hide, and if directly confronted, mysteriously "didn't see it"

So no need to put on airs or congratulate yourselves. Unless you happen to be superfreak. Are you superfreak? No. You're not.

And maybe if one of you said boo when he was chasing rana around talking about his "pink penis" among other things, just recently, rana would bother to say something about what you want her to. But did any of you do that? Nah. It went on for several threads and many posts, but none of you " saw it".

And that's really the last I want to hear, or certainly be involved in, the big who called whom out debate.
I have a feeling I'm not the only woman here who gets pissed/disgusted at some of the things you say. I'm just the only one who will say so.

Have you any examples of my appalling sexism, well according to you anyway? I have always had little time for the humourless Andrea Dworkin "all men are rapists" school of American feminism. I try to inject some levity into situations but it patently obvious that you don't share my sense of humour. I might also point out that the only woman that has ever accused of such, apart from you, was Ice Dancer so make of that what you will.

I posted this a little while back and there wasn't one single comment about it. I thought it was a fascinating article.
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Whatever poet. That comment you made was well beyond the pale. Worry about your own humanity. And the bitches and ho's shit is sexist crap. I'm only going to say it once I have zero interest in a big drama over this bs. But this ongoing shit really ruins the board. Between your shit and toms fucking "jokes" and a few other things, this board is a hostile atmosphere for women.

Not that it would ever stop me from posting here but how about this? Instead of everyone here whining about other people and why what they say is worse, clean your own conscience first.

My conscience is clear, Darla. Now you can pretend to live in "La la land", and believe that everyone is equal, sane, full of sugar and spice and everything nice, but I prefer to deal with reality on reality's terms. I was a victim of sexual abuse, at around age 7, by a older girl of 13. I just remembered as I was writing this...having put it out of my mind, for the last 40 or so years. A female lesbian roommate stole my Stevie Wonder concert ticket, back in 1974. In 2005, I moved in with a lesbian "friend", in her home, trying to get out of a rut, and discovered that she wasn't paying her credit card bills, but charging up thousands of dollars of charges, all in an effort to be BMOC, and she called the police on me, for nothing, several times, and the police informing her that I was a tenant, and she'd have to evict me..........she threatened to do "damage", if I didn't leave willfully, and fortunately another situation became available, before that occurred. My mother raised me to respect women......provided they "act like women". Some women are bitches and act accordingly. Some women (and quite a few men) are "ho's". And it's not being "sexist", it's being "real".
You want to equate all women as innocent and pure as the driven snow. That is fantasy. Some women are worse than any man could ever be. Andrea Yates, Susan Smith, Karla Faye Tucker, and the women I just referred to.

And what woman have I ever called a bitch or a ho, here? One. Ice Dancer, because she initiated hostilities. I call the frigging male pussies here, bitches and ho's, because that what they act like. Why are you internalizing that? If the shoe doesn't fit, why are you trying to put it on?

Grind, Threedee, Capt. Billy The Kid, among others, just engaged in a thread about sexing up overweight women.....and where was your outrage over that? far as I can see. You gave them a pass and came after me. There is something wrong with you, my fair-weather friend. You're hot one day, and cold the next. Is it "bi-polar"? Or is it that time of the month? Just put me on ignore and problem solved. Good riddance.
My conscience is clear, Darla. Now you can pretend to live in "La la land", and believe that everyone is equal, sane, full of sugar and spice and everything nice, but I prefer to deal with reality on reality's terms. I was a victim of sexual abuse, at around age 7, by a older girl of 13. I just remembered as I was writing this...having put it out of my mind, for the last 40 or so years. A female lesbian roommate stole my Stevie Wonder concert ticket, back in 1974. In 2005, I moved in with a lesbian "friend", in her home, trying to get out of a rut, and discovered that she wasn't paying her credit card bills, but charging up thousands of dollars of charges, all in an effort to be BMOC, and she called the police on me, for nothing, several times, and the police informing her that I was a tenant, and she'd have to evict me..........she threatened to do "damage", if I didn't leave willfully, and fortunately another situation became available, before that occurred. My mother raised me to respect women......provided they "act like women". Some women are bitches and act accordingly. Some women (and quite a few men) are "ho's". And it's not being "sexist", it's being "real".
You want to equate all women as innocent and pure as the driven snow. That is fantasy. Some women are worse than any man could ever be. Andrea Yates, Susan Smith, Karla Faye Tucker, and the women I just referred to.

And what woman have I ever called a bitch or a ho, here? One. Ice Dancer, because she initiated hostilities. I call the frigging male pussies here, bitches and ho's, because that what they act like. Why are you internalizing that? If the shoe doesn't fit, why are you trying to put it on?

Grind, Threedee, Capt. Billy The Kid, among others, just engaged in a thread about sexing up overweight women.....and where was your outrage over that? far as I can see. You gave them a pass and came after me. There is something wrong with you, my fair-weather friend. You're hot one day, and cold the next. Is it "bi-polar"? Or is it that time of the month? Just put me on ignore and problem solved. Good riddance.

You are setting up such a strawman here. If I criticize the way you use gendered terms I am in no way claiming that all women are angels. To make such a claim would be sexist on its face, in the tradition of chivalry, a sexist and racist patriarchal construct. I make no such claim.

Rather, my claim is that by saying you can decide who is a woman and who is a ho, you are engaging in blatant misogyny. This claim has been made throughout history to justify violence and most especially, sexual violence, against women. It’s bullshit. And the idea that I am going to give you a pass on this, is frankly outrageous. Fairweathered? My commitment is always to women’s rights and their freaking dignity, both of which you commit outrages against on a near daily basis. I wouldn’t sell that out for my real life best friend, no less someone I barely know on the internet. You can’t take any criticism so everything is black and white to you. I’m either with you or I’m against you. Well, life is not that simple, sometimes I’m with you, sometimes I’m not.

As for this thread, you’re right, and I did say it’s degrading to women. However, reading through the posts, other than Top who acted like an animal, none of the guys here really said anything that bad. So some of them are saying they like chubby women sexually, others don’t. Is it something for me to applaud over? No. If you and top hadn’t both posted on this thread would I have ever bothered commenting on this thread at all? No.

If I say that I tend to be attracted to tall men, is that sexist? What about if I say if a guy’s shortish he has to have a really good build to attract me? It’s objectification, but we all do it to some degree. I’m not enough of a hypocrite to start pitching a fit over something this stupid basically.

And I'm not going to put you on ignore just because you can't handle any criticism. That is just ridiculous.
Bullshit. Everyone here has a double standard. There is one con who has ever, and I mean ever, said squat to one of the most vulgar, sexually abusive animals on the Internet and that is us freedom. Super freak is the only one of you who has ever had the balls to say something to him. The rest of you shrivel up, hide, and if directly confronted, mysteriously "didn't see it"

So no need to put on airs or congratulate yourselves. Unless you happen to be superfreak. Are you superfreak? No. You're not.

And maybe if one of you said boo when he was chasing rana around talking about his "pink penis" among other things, just recently, rana would bother to say something about what you want her to. But did any of you do that? Nah. It went on for several threads and many posts, but none of you " saw it".

And that's really the last I want to hear, or certainly be involved in, the big who called whom out debate.

Ask Rana and Christie how many times I've confronted USF, ID and LOyal over their disgusting insults towards them?
Have you any examples of my appalling sexism, well according to you anyway? I have always had little time for the humourless Andrea Dworkin "all men are rapists" school of American feminism. I try to inject some levity into situations but it patently obvious that you don't share my sense of humour. I might also point out that the only woman that has ever accused of such, apart from you, was Ice Dancer so make of that what you will.

I posted this a little while back and there wasn't one single comment about it. I thought it was a fascinating article.

Yes well, I suppose even that monster was as good as a stopped clock.

If I wanted to comment on your sexist posts, i would have when you made them. And you have me exactly right - I am of the all sex is rape school. Anyone who knows me knows that. Everyone knows how those American feminists are. We don't know our place.

Not like those Asian women.
Bullshit. Everyone here has a double standard. There is one con who has ever, and I mean ever, said squat to one of the most vulgar, sexually abusive animals on the Internet and that is us freedom. Super freak is the only one of you who has ever had the balls to say something to him. The rest of you shrivel up, hide, and if directly confronted, mysteriously "didn't see it"

So no need to put on airs or congratulate yourselves. Unless you happen to be superfreak. Are you superfreak? No. You're not.

And maybe if one of you said boo when he was chasing rana around talking about his "pink penis" among other things, just recently, rana would bother to say something about what you want her to. But did any of you do that? Nah. It went on for several threads and many posts, but none of you " saw it".

And that's really the last I want to hear, or certainly be involved in, the big who called whom out debate.

actually darla...i've called out freedom numerous times. then again, you have preconceived notion of me and see only what you want to see.
Ask Rana and Christie how many times I've confronted USF, ID and LOyal over their disgusting insults towards them?

Tom I don't consider you a conservative. I specifically said cons. Yes, you have.

edit to say that, actually you are a conservative in many, many ways. but let's face it, you are not considered one here, and I was specifically speaking about the actual Republicans/conservatives here.
Yes well, I suppose even that monster was as good as a stopped clock.

If I wanted to comment on your sexist posts, i would have when you made them. And you have me exactly right - I am of the all sex is rape school. Anyone who knows me knows that. Everyone knows how those American feminists are. We don't know our place.

Not like those Asian women.

So now you are indulging in ludicrous stereotypes, especially regarding Asian women.
no surprise...i've even called out his constant personal info crap...but like i said, you only see what you want to see.

Oh I know you were involved in some huge debacle over personal info with Free, Tom, and poet. If you think I paid any attention to that never-ending shit, you really are smoking something tainted. I had friends posting on that thread and I still refused to give it more than a disgusted glance.

As for "calling free out" bullshit again. I have never seen you say one damned thing to that animal about all of his sexually abusive posts. You got into a cat fight with him over Tom or poet or both, that's not calling him out.
Tom I don't consider you a conservative. I specifically said cons. Yes, you have.

edit to say that, actually you are a conservative in many, many ways. but let's face it, you are not considered one here, and I was specifically speaking about the actual Republicans/conservatives here.

Yes you are right I am slightly right of centre well at least in British terms. In the US, I seem to be classified as a loony lefty.

I went to Uni in the '70s which was a hotbed of student revolution and I saw first hand how the hard Left actually operated, it was a very unedifying experience. Anyway, don't they say that if you not a socialist when you are young you have no heart but if you still one when you are older you have no brain.