Should it be illegal to slap a girl on the butt?

Here's the deal......the perverted "youth pastor" (then walked back that he wasn't a youth pastor probably because he and his church probably didn't the kops to really start digging on him being around the youth), will probably get a slap on the wrist and serve no jail time. It will be life as usual for this privilege man.

Callaway said he didn’t intend to slap the reporter on the rear. He said he was raising his arm trying to pat her on the back or the shoulder and didn’t realize until seeing the video that he had touched her buttocks.

What a liar.

Sexual battery is a misdemeanor in Georgia, punishable by up to a year in jail. State law defines the crime as making “physical contact with the intimate parts of the body of another person without the consent of that person.”

If Denzel Washington or Will Smith playfully 'slapped' your ass, would you call the Police? (I rest my case) :)
Yes, it is illegal. A simple slap is battery, and a grab in the right area is sexual assault. The woman said this church leader grabbed.

It's been "misinterpreted" that he was a church pastor by him and the church.

Of course the church doesn't want that kind of attention coming their way.

See first they had to fine tune his image said he was a "good church going father, YOUTH PASTOR, good ole boy..........YOUTH PASTOR.....imagine how may youth ass's he slapped.....rolling my eyes.
I've watched the clip about 6 times....He's just an enthusiastic, happy runner-he saw them filming......I'm really not sure why she's so upset....
Are you?

Because some asshole slapped her on the ass?
We know if you found a man who would give you 5 seconds of attention,it would make your day.
I've watched the clip about 6 times....He's just an enthusiastic, happy runner-he saw them filming......I'm really not sure why she's so upset....
Are you?

I wonder how upset you'd be if a Black homeless man smacked you're ass.
Basically what you are saying is, "Due to laws that prevent me from touching or groping women on their butts when I want to, I refuse to be a gentleman towards women"! That is about as misogynist as it is defined in the dictionary!

Any man afraid to hold a door open for a lady is a CHICKENSHIT without a cause!

And trying to blame "The Left", because of some state or local ordinance or law against spanking a grown person on the buttocks by a total stranger in public, has no merit or redeeming purpose.

However the law that protects individuals from being publicly humiliated by being physically or sexually abused in public does have a redeeming purpose.

And I don't care whether you are a Democrat or a Republican, a Trump ass-kisser or a Trump hater, if you are a male, and this victim of the physical assault were your wife, daughter, sister, mother, grand daughter, or personal friend, and you didn't see any problem with the assault by some total stranger, you are about as bad example of a male as the attacker himself.

This is where, people fail- when they don't have the ability to differentiate the difference between the consequences of having such groping and assault laws on the books from the consequences of not having such laws on the books.

Where do you draw the line? Because laws clearly do draw a line- and that line is "Any act of touching someone else anywhere on their person, at any time, or any place, against their will" is subject to assault charges.

If there were not laws like this on the books, you can only use your imagination as to how far some people would go to fondle or grope other human beings against their will at their own pleasure.

We can become a nation of pleasure seeking misbehaving monkeys, or we can have law and order. I choose law and order!

First off dickweed I said I was almost afraid to hold a door for women. Like most brain damaged liberals you only see what you want to see. Thus with the greatest respect I say fuck you and your opinion.
Sexual battery is a misdemeanor in Georgia, punishable by up to a year in jail. State law defines the crime as making “physical contact with the intimate parts of the body of another person without the consent of that person.”

you mofo really think white men are above the law..........

If he was Black he'd be held without bond.

Oh, stop being so damn racist. If he was black he would have been gunned down in the street. lol </sarcasm>
Because some asshole slapped her on the ass?
We know if you found a man who would give you 5 seconds of attention,it would make your day.

Beyond a doubt. Did you hear about the time she went to Italian Village wearing sweats with "Pinch This" on the ass, but no one even noticed? Sad, very sad. lol