Should the 'C' Word and 'N' word be bannable offenses

Should the C word and N word be bannable offenses?

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<sigh> Anything tea-related here has to do with politics. Anything "c" related here has to do with insulting posters.

I'm sorry...but on the bright side, some of 'em still don't get it.

The other side of the coin is that everything USF says is hateful regardless, so the only point either of you are making is that Evince is funny and USF is a stupid hater who has to quote other posters to sound funny.
Isn't posting the same comment over and over again even when it has no application stupid! Banning means not allowing someone to stay on the board. I just want these posts removed. I don't want the poster banned. There is a difference. But I wouldn't expect any right wing cretin to get it!

fuck you very much.
Just saw some of I'm an Asshole (aka ILA's) latest threads - wow. He's reached a new low. He might even be lower than 007 and DamnYankee at this point.

Sure wish thread titles could be ignored.

But don't worry, "I'm an Asshole" - you're just proving how bad you are; you aren't ruining the day for the rest of us.

Enjoy meeting Satan with Scalia.
And then there are the loopholes. Instead of cunt, they'll say twat. Instead of nigger, it'll be coon, or spear chucker. That's ONE reason we don't ban words. Because the INTENT behind them is what people find offensive.

One plus to allowing those words is it makes it quick and easy to see which posters are not worth paying attention to. It makes it easy to see which people have credibility and which ones do not.
I voted No.

Let their freak flags really shows who those people are .
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Since there are so many stupid cunts, what is the ask?

Banning the word cunt altogether?


Banning the word cunt in thread titles?

Not much interested in that one. Got over it in 8th grade when the boys thought they were cool when they used it.

It's the 'ass rape' that constantly finds it's way into (almost exclusively) male posts and threats. Quite the fixation some seem to have with that. Ick.

But me thinkest some doth protest too much. Heh.