Should this warrent the death penalty?

/shrugs.....I've already solved the problem by doing away with the death penalty......ironically Michigan where this dumbfuck was sentenced was the first English-speaking territory in the world to abolish capital punishment in 1847

PMP, you are opposed to the death penalty? May I ask why? I know you have a very strong faith. Is that the basis for your opposition?
You didn't do a cost analysis. To analyze, the numbers have to be more than a guess and by your own admission, you guessed.

If you think the reason it takes decades to carry out an execution is because guilt/innocence is in question, you're an idiot. It's also another example of why you're a Liberal. The execution should be carried out because that's the sentence. If it saves money rather than housing a guilty person, that's an extra.

When I posted the numbers, I used an "if" situation. As in " If he lives 25 years..." to get an idea of the cost. If you don't agree with that, ok.
PMP, you are opposed to the death penalty? May I ask why? I know you have a very strong faith. Is that the basis for your opposition?

a woman in Texas who became a Christian after 24 years on death took her a long, long time to find her faith.......I encourage the giving of a long long time for everyone to find their faith........and before someone starts in on the "she only said she was a Christian to avoid capital punishment", no.....she was still executed.....
When I posted the numbers, I used an "if" situation. As in " If he lives 25 years..." to get an idea of the cost. If you don't agree with that, ok.

You did say IF. However, you didn't say it was "an idea of the cost". YOU said, and I quote, "Your share will be $0.005. 25 years and it costs you half a penny."
a woman in Texas who became a Christian after 24 years on death took her a long, long time to find her faith.......I encourage the giving of a long long time for everyone to find their faith........and before someone starts in on the "she only said she was a Christian to avoid capital punishment", no.....she was still executed.....

If she did what she was convicted of doing and execution was the punishment given, she should be executed. I'm happy for her choice and since it's not my place to judge if her decision is sincere, her decision has no bearing on whether the punishment should be carried out. The only thing in which is has a bearing is where she will be after the execution is carried out.
Because you act that way.

I'm pointing out your mistake and something you call a guess yet you continue to hold onto it as if it's accurate.

The average life span in the US is 78.8 years. (
In 25 years Nassar will be 79.

Every cost analysis involves using projections and guesses.

It is as accurate as it needs to be, considering that my post was in reference to you thanking me for putting the cost on the tax payer, when by law the only other option was to let him go free.
a woman in Texas who became a Christian after 24 years on death took her a long, long time to find her faith.......I encourage the giving of a long long time for everyone to find their faith........and before someone starts in on the "she only said she was a Christian to avoid capital punishment", no.....she was still executed.....

I thought that might be the reason. You have always been consistent where your religious views are concerned.
If she did what she was convicted of doing and execution was the punishment given, she should be executed. I'm happy for her choice and since it's not my place to judge if her decision is sincere, her decision has no bearing on whether the punishment should be carried out. The only thing in which is has a bearing is where she will be after the execution is carried out.

I have known PostmodernProfit for a long time (on this forum). I don't recall anyone ever calling her a liberal, despite her opposition to the death penalty.
The average life span in the US is 78.8 years. (
In 25 years Nassar will be 79.

Every cost analysis involves using projections and guesses.

It is as accurate as it needs to be, considering that my post was in reference to you thanking me for putting the cost on the tax payer, when by law the only other option was to let him go free.

Since 78.8 is an average, it means there are those that lived longer and those that lived shorter time. Still a guess. You're the one that say this was a single situation yet you apply a concept, an average, that involves far more than one person. That 78.8 years isn't based on one person.

A cost analysis, by definition, involves "breaking down a cost summary . . ". If it's a summary, it's already happened. That means a cost analysis is used to make future projections. Analyzing involves taking what took place not what you guess will take place.

There were other options. He will be placed in a protective situation. Put him in general population and let it be known what he did and to how many. Things have a way of taking care of themselves.
I have known PostmodernProfit for a long time (on this forum). I don't recall anyone ever calling her a liberal, despite her opposition to the death penalty.

Stop whining, bitch. Worry about yourself.

By the way, the 'other people do (fill in the blank) and no one says that about them' is a Liberal argument.
Since 78.8 is an average, it means there are those that lived longer and those that lived shorter time. Still a guess. You're the one that say this was a single situation yet you apply a concept, an average, that involves far more than one person. That 78.8 years isn't based on one person.

A cost analysis, by definition, involves "breaking down a cost summary . . ". If it's a summary, it's already happened. That means a cost analysis is used to make future projections. Analyzing involves taking what took place not what you guess will take place.

There were other options. He will be placed in a protective situation. Put him in general population and let it be known what he did and to how many. Things have a way of taking care of themselves.

Again, it doesn't really matter. Your harping on a single issue that has no real importance to the topic is not new. So continue on as usual. I'm good with what I have posted. The actual annual cost of keeping a single prisoner is only a tiny amount per tax payer.
Let's see. WB misspelled your name and identified you as a female yet claims to have known you for a long time. Also, how do you KNOW someone from a forum?

PMP knows me well enough to have recently remarked about my history of posting here. The auto correct changed the name. Gender is only an issue if it is revealed.
PMP knows me well enough to have recently remarked about my history of posting here. The auto correct changed the name. Gender is only an issue if it is revealed.

That's knowing your history of posting. Not the same as knowing someone. There are lots of things, based on info you've provided, that I know ABOUT you. Alabama fan, drives a red Suburban, lives in Atlanta, a widower, where you hang out, and so on. We've gone back and forth far more than you and PMP have conversed. I wouldn't say I know YOU based on that.

Other than you, I don't know anyone that didn't know PMP was male. As for auto-correct, there is a new concept called proof reading that helps prevent those types of mistakes.