Ah yes the WHO is a left wing propaganda operation. Isn't everyone? And everything? Everywhere? (except Fox that is)
If you do not think WHO is an agenda based left leaning organization, you have a child like naivete snowflake.
Ah yes the WHO is a left wing propaganda operation. Isn't everyone? And everything? Everywhere? (except Fox that is)
The US has waiting lists too. In fact its not that much better than the UK. 76% wait less than 4 weeks for a specialist in the US compared to 80% in the UK. 6% wait 2 months or more for a specialist in the US, compared to 7% in the UK. How many who are on the waiting list doesn't matter as much as how long the average person is waiting, which is something you conveniently left out in your post.
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Most doctors aren't members of the AMA.
Let's see what Trump says.
17) "The Canadian plan also helps Canadians live longer and healthier than America. … We need, as a nation, to reexamine the single-payer plan, as many individual states are doing." (2000)
18) “There’s many different ways (to fix health care), by the way. Everybody’s got to be covered. This is an un-Republican thing for me to say because a lot of times they say, ‘No, no, the lower 25 percent that can’t afford private.’ But...I am going to take care of everybody. I don’t care if it costs me votes or not. Everybody’s going to be taken care of much better than they’re taken care of now....the government’s gonna pay for it.” – Trump still supporting single payer, government-run healthcare in 2015
19) “I identify more as a Democrat.” – (2004)
and you fight to keep children from healthcare out of some idiot loyalty to a failed set political ideas that you are too stupid to see was designed by evil men for the benefit of their bank accounts
even the people who duped you ( the republican party) bailed on that stupid when it didn't fit their aims of the moment
why not get your self right with the facts
you still have time to leave a decent legacy
Well, insurance companies are pretty happy .. likewise the stockholders in for profit hospital chains.
What children am I fighting to keep from healthcare? Explain WHO they are and HOW I’m keeping them from healthcare. I’ll understand if you can’t!
Well darling, I don’t vote for Republicans or Democrats and I didn’t vote for Trump or Clinton, so HOW are the Republicans duping me? I’ll understand if you can’t/won’t explain!
You would be too if you had the control over Congress that they do and can write their legislation for them.
Robo must love to be wrong judging by how well he embraces it. The wealthy are trying to eliminate all social programs that benefit the masses.
They want to end Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and welfare for starters.
They are fighting universal healthcare as hard as they can.
The wealthy are creating a plutocracy , the same one Robo is fighting for.
Including Obamacare that left wingers like kudzu held in high regard and the best thing since sliced bread when it passed. How many millions of those without coverage did they claim Obamacare would help?
evince thinks you, I, and others have more of a responsibility to kids that we didn't produce than the parents that did. If their parents aren't doing for them what they should be doing, it's THEIR parents that are keeping them from healthcare. Just another example of a left winger blaming someone for something to which they have no responsibility while ignoring the fact that those having it refuse to do it.
I'm not keeping anyone else's kids from getting care. They can have all they want as long as the don't demand I pay for it on their behalf.
Obamacare, The best thing the insurance companies ever hoped for and wrote!
She's just the typical lefty on steroids! their best arguments are accusations and insults they can't back up, don't care to, and they think they're cute and intelligent.
Universal healthcare has been a huge success around the world. Every industrial nation has complete coverage from birth to death and does it for halt our costs or less. Better results. not worse. When Taiwan was instituting a national healthcare they came to see what we did. It was embarrassing because they added, they did it to see what not to do.
The US does not have universal care because huge pacs and lobbyists for hospitals, doctors, PHARM and durable goods manufacturers fight to the death to prevent it. They spend billions on ads and send spokesmen to all TV shows and talk shows and internet sites. They are actually able to convince some not too bright people that is is bad for them. Can you imagine that?
Universal healthcare has been a huge success around the world. Every industrial nation has complete coverage from birth to death and does it for halt our costs or less. Better results. not worse.
When Taiwan was instituting a national healthcare they came to see what we did. It was embarrassing because they added, they did it to see what not to do.
The US does not have universal care because huge pacs and lobbyists for hospitals, doctors, PHARM and durable goods manufacturers fight to the death to prevent it. They spend billions on ads and send spokesmen to all TV shows and talk shows and internet sites. They are actually able to convince some not too bright people that is is bad for them. Can you imagine that?
Unfortunately, your comments are going to be lost on him!