Socialized medicine a global failure

You finally got one right Frank! Why should I yield to his propaganda infested post, brainwashed by y'all's hero leftist socialist when I know better? Why should I accept the idea that socialism is the ticket Frank, when I know only capitalism, free markets, competition and for profit always deliver the very best of everything?

You are full of shit...and when you finally figure out that you are full of will be the better for it.
You are full of shit...and when you finally figure out that you are full of will be the better for it.

Canadians want options to failing healthcare system"Canadians want options to failing healthcare system
health-care system just got ranked last — again"health-care system just got ranked last — again
Health Care in Canada"Universal Health Care in Canada
Canada's Single-Payer Health Care System"Canada's Single-Payer Health Care System
Canada's"Why Canada's
Canada's Health System As It Recovers From Worst"Democrats Idolize Canada's Health System As It Recovers From Worst
Failure"A Colossal Government Failure
Canadian health-care system"How healthy is the Canadian health-care system
BONOKOSKI: Canadians want options to failing healthcare system ... 2, 2018 ... Last week, a poll commissioned by the Canadian Constitution Foundation showed a majority support private healthcare when provinces fail.
Of course I know the lefties won't bother to visit any of those sites, but they can't say they were never told about them. We folks on the opposition side of socialism and socialized medicine get blitzed every day by major majority leftist media about the wonders of Single Payer, but they seldom ever get blitzed with any media with the actual truths about their medical dream world. Since they've been brainwashed by the grand socialist invasion of America's educational system and national TV domination by the socialist left, and the fact that Google, Facebook and Twitter are all leftist dominated also, I just want the lefties here at JPP to get some exposure to some negative facts about their medical dream world.
Of course I know the lefties won't bother to visit any of those sites, but they can't say they were never told about them. We folks on the opposition side of socialism and socialized medicine get blitzed every day by major majority leftist media about the wonders of Single Payer, but they seldom ever get blitzed with any media with the actual truths about their medical dream world. Since they've been brainwashed by the grand socialist invasion of America's educational system and national TV domination by the socialist left, and the fact that Google, Facebook and Twitter are all leftist dominated also, I just want the lefties here at JPP to get some exposure to some negative facts about their medical dream world.

Being the "worst" of the best, no dishonor.

Being one of the

Canada is one of the worst of the best healthcare systems in the industrialized world.

That is okay.,

The United States is THE WORST, most expensive of the healthcare systems in the industrialized world.

That is NOT okay. At least, not okay to anyone sane.
Robo's myopic view, backed by like minded opinion links, is just in insipidly stubborn denial of contrary, valid documentation of fact. No point in further engaging him.
A huge success in the propaganda spewed by the NOW a socialist infestation financed by the socialist majority in the United Nations, the toothless gang of socialist alcoholics that hate America until they need America’s military power. A huge success in the minds of the leftist brainwashed that never research any opposing views and evidence to the contrary of their leftist indoctrination.

If Single Federal Payer is the greatest thing since sliced bread then explain why you oppose it at the state level. I know why. It’s because you know it would fail miserably. It’s because some states have already researched it for their State and found it outrageously expensive and they know the folks in their States would revolt and remove them from office. People would flee their State.

Link please!

The people you accuse are the same people that bribe the people you vote for. Democrats had total control of both houses of Congress and Obama in the driver’s seat at the White House. Did they give you Federal Single Payer? Hell no! They gave you Obamacare the scam that enriched further every person and organization your accuse list. Lead pipe proof you haven’t a clue who you’re voting for. Your undying support for a socialist system for America proves further that you haven’t a clue what your talking about.

The European countries and others around the world that have socialized their medical insurance system are populated by a fraction of the folks that populate America and they contribute next to nothing toward their national defense. They depend on America’s armed forces to protect them. Their socialist systems are corrupt! The wealthy get the best healthcare because they pay out of pocket for it. The rest are now days being forced by the shitty care system to find private health insurance. Their drugs are cheaper because that don’t have half of the drugs America has and America invents most of the new drugs. Nobody travels to socialized medicine countries for care. The come to America! They go to places like India and other countries who’s medical systems are not socialized. Who in hell would go to a country to get on a waiting list months and or years long for critical care?

I guess you were not around when Obama became president. Do you know he was facing a potential second great depression. It kept him kind of busy'
Of course you are also unaware that Obama was forced to not push single payer by the incredible lobbying power of doctors, hospitals, PHARM and health insurance companies. He was able to count. He knew if he went that way, he would lose some Dems and Repubs who were financed by health companies. Some states are heaviy controlled by Medoical powers. So his ability to count showed him that he had to modify his goals to just getting his foot in the door. The plan was to improve healthcare when Hillary won.
The Dems actually do vote outside the party . Of course Kennedy was dying. Btrd was dying. Franken was not in office for months. Lieberman was Repub more than a Dem. So no, he did not have that power. Do some homewrork before you nake your noise posts.
Democrats Idolize Canada's Health System As It Recovers From Worst ...
Jan 8, 2018 ... The increasing idolization of our northern neighbor's health system is ironic, as Canada's single-payer system just experienced its worst year ...

Do you know who is rated behind Canada? Do you? Last is the USA. Can you do the math. 9 is better than 11 by 2 places. Yeah, still way ahead of us in many areas.
people risk time and treasure for new medicine because they want to profit greatly from risking their time and treasure

single payer creates a monopoly which allows price control. Risk takers simply will take less risks in a price control environment

It isn't a secret why socialism fails compared to capitalism. any system that tried to ignore the human equation is simply not going to perform well

removing American's role in the profit angle of new medicine is not going to end well.
Why Canada's 'best' health-care system just got ranked last — again ...
Oct 11, 2017 ... William Watson: In a New York Times contest of the world's top health-care systems, Canada didn't win. In fact, we were eliminated in the first ...

yeah waiting times. our waiting times are worse. What else does universal care provide? You do not go bankrupt if you are sick. You can change jobs without that terrifying qualification time without coverage. You can start a new busioness without worring about losing health care coverage. You are not spending thousands of dollars a month on coverage you hope you will not need. Ypur companies do not have to fold the cost of health insurance into their products cost,thereby making them more competitive.
I guess you were not around when Obama became president. Do you know he was facing a potential second great depression. It kept him kind of busy'
Of course you are also unaware that Obama was forced to not push single payer by the incredible lobbying power of doctors, hospitals, PHARM and health insurance companies. He was able to count. He knew if he went that way, he would lose some Dems and Repubs who were financed by health companies. Some states are heaviy controlled by Medoical powers. So his ability to count showed him that he had to modify his goals to just getting his foot in the door. The plan was to improve healthcare when Hillary won.
The Dems actually do vote outside the party . Of course Kennedy was dying. Btrd was dying. Franken was not in office for months. Lieberman was Repub more than a Dem. So no, he did not have that power. Do some homewrork before you nake your noise posts.

Ya got stamina, kid. I've been there, done that with this joker on other subjects.
Hello Robo,

So says the person that can’t account for how many of the countries he posted for evidence that people leave home to get healthcare in other nations, are Single Payer socialized medicine nations receiving the foreigners for care. He doesn’t even mention how many of those travelers who seek healthcare in other countries are actually Americans. And it’s logical to believe he (Nordi), didn’t even bother to check how many of those traveling healthcare seekers are actually folks from Single Payer socialized medicine nations actually seeking healthcare abroad because they didn’t want to die on SINGLE PAYER WAITING LIST in their home country. Go figure!!!!!

Guess what. There are people on transplant waiting lists in the USA who die because they can't find a donor.

Capitalism let them down.
Hello Nordberg,

I knew you could not be honest. The reason the medical tourists do not go to universal care countries, is because they do not have for profit medical care. Is that hard for you to understand. They don't even have a pay window. They are not asked for money. Healthcare is covered for all citizens. They are not in the business of making money off sick people. Yes kiddo, there are always over a million Americans a year going abroad for care. They do not go to get worse.
Americans go abroad to get equal or better care at a fraction of the price.

Robo doesn't understand what he is up against. We have learned how it can be in other nations. People are getting pretty tired of corporate rip-off health care in the US.

Everyone should watch Sicko, the Michael Moore movie about health care systems in different countries. Moore is astounded that in a hospital in Britain he can't find the payment window. Finally, after an exhaustive search he finds a payment window. But he is perplexed to learn the money is being paid out, not in. It is the window where patients can go to get transportation money to get home. It seems if you don't have the money to get home, the NHS will provide cab or train fare so you can make it home safely after being a patient.
Hello Nordberg,

Robo doesn't understand what he is up against. We have learned how it can be in other nations. People are getting pretty tired of corporate rip-off health care in the US.

Everyone should watch Sicko, the Michael Moore movie about health care systems in different countries. Moore is astounded that in a hospital in Britain he can't find the payment window. Finally, after an exhaustive search he finds a payment window. But he is perplexed to learn the money is being paid out, not in. It is the window where patients can go to get transportation money to get home. It seems if you don't have the money to get home, the NHS will provide cab or train fare so you can make it home safely after being a patient.

What is terifying is an interview I saw with one of the Kochs a few years ago. He was asked how the Americans would keep their healthcare system when they see how much better and less pressured so many other countriies have it for health care. He said "Don't worry about that. We will take care of that". I thought it was just crazy bragging, but then thought, what if he can actually do it? Reading Robo and some others, you can see they are getting it done. I thought no way the Brits and Canadians would fall for that. They are.
Hello Nordberg,

What is terifying is an interview I saw with one of the Kochs a few years ago. He was asked how the Americans would keep their healthcare system when they see how much better and less pressured so many other countriies have it for health care. He said "Don't worry about that. We will take care of that". I thought it was just crazy bragging, but then thought, what if he can actually do it? Reading Robo and some others, you can see they are getting it done. I thought no way the Brits and Canadians would fall for that. They are.

I don't understand why people are so willing to trust the same large corporations that are extracting their wealth and obviously making the super-rich vastly richer while leaving the rest behind. I can almost see it for those who are well off enough to have investments in these corporations so they get some return of their own, but the really baffling thing is the people who can't rub two dimes together and they still support the wealth extraction which keeps them poor, hoping one day they will 'get their chance.'
people risk time and treasure for new medicine because they want to profit greatly from risking their time and treasure

single payer creates a monopoly which allows price control. Risk takers simply will take less risks in a price control environment

It isn't a secret why socialism fails compared to capitalism. any system that tried to ignore the human equation is simply not going to perform well

removing American's role in the profit angle of new medicine is not going to end well.

New medicines are developed by colleges on our dime. They are also developed by some entrepreneurs. But it isn't the big drug companies. They take over once a drug is developed or clearly on the horizon.