states where the most people go hungry

Wow you really need to brush up on your math. Unless you knew each other long before you came to this board the most you could have possibly known her by my calculation is 6 years. So I guess you are at least a gross exaggerator or a really stupid little man who will say anything to justify your misogyny. You might also remember that there is that little "join date" at the top which shows just how long you may have known someone and how long you and they have been here! Now if you have known her since 2003 that would be ten years anything after that, not so much and not even close!

Or you need to realize that there are more message boards out there than this one.

That join date does not show how long you have known someone, it shows when you joined THIS board.
Yes you've picked up on one of Superfreak's tactics. When he loses an argument he simply changes what the argument is about.

I think he is a secret fan of Mad Men, where, as everyone knows, Don Draper says "if you don't like what they're saying, change the conversation".

ROFLMAO... I think you need to look back to who it was that started the 'they don't have enough time to cook because they are exhausted' line. You should also look back to see who first brought up the amount of time it takes to cook a chicken breast. seriously, you are comical.
Or you need to realize that there are more message boards out there than this one.

That join date does not show how long you have known someone, it shows when you joined THIS board.

Oh really. So you do remember me from FP then?

I am not surprised!

I bet it really stung when I said I don't remember you - sorry!
I was on aol before this board though. I wasn't on I did post on Full politics for a short time, but I never have been able to remember superfreak from there. The first time I became aware of supefreak was definitely on here - we got into a big fight because he said he admired Ronald Reagan for delaying the release of the hostages in order to beat Carter. I remember it very well. He had to apologize to me, the first of many apologies he's owed me.

DH, where were you before this? Were you on politics and fp?

Well, your memory is not that good... apparently neither is mine... I thought you had been on as well. But yes, FP was where we first met.
Separately, I spoke of pleasure. Food does give pleasure, and can even give comfort. Certainly the working poor have far less of both those things in their lives than you do.

are you sure of that? SF doesn't seem to have much pleasure or comfort in his life...
Yes, 3-4 idiots who decide to bake... no wonder liberals are so unproductive. Try grilling it in a skillet... 10-12 minutes.

Wow. how many times did we include that we were baking it in the oven? I even said it was different if you fried it. And yet only now do you bother to mention a different technique.

In other words, you were wrong about the baking time, and now you're pretending you meant something else.
And again, the first world wealthy country in which the most people go hungry is the 'united' states. It's the American way. And it's also the state where the most people are without affordable and quality health care. It's the American way.

Why does the right want to deny a fact they are proud of?
Isn't it amazing how a thread about the poor and their inability to buy nutritious food quickly devolved into an overheated discussion of how long one should cook a chicken breast. How much more political can you be than that. Perhaps we can get Congress to pass a bill governing the cooking of chicken breasts, compliance will be voluntary of course. Who should we get to lobby for this thing. How about that ragin' cajun, James Carville. I think he is just the man to carry this to completion.

what is really amazing is that it was YOU that started the discussion on how long to cook a chicken breast.
Wow. how many times did we include that we were baking it in the oven? I even said it was different if you fried it. And yet only now do you bother to mention a different technique.

In other words, you were wrong about the baking time, and now you're pretending you meant something else.

Why in the hell would you bake a chicken breast for 40 minutes when you get far better results in a skillet (not fried) in 9-12 minutes?

Also, if you bake it for 40 minutes you are destroying the meat. Go in to one of Darla's expensive restaurants and ask the chef how to cook a chicken breast. See how many of them bake them in the oven for 40 minutes.
And again, the first world wealthy country in which the most people go hungry is the 'united' states. It's the American way. And it's also the state where the most people are without affordable and quality health care. It's the American way.

Why does the right want to deny a fact they are proud of?

Link us up to your data... I would be willing to bet that on a per capita basis we consume far more calories than most countries. From poor to rich.
The problem of people going hungry in the land of the gun are what 'IS' and trying to place the blame is not going to change it. But one thing for sure, your country is not too liberal! Maybe it could be too conservative?

Why not continue to destroy everything Obama has ever intended to do and see if that fixes the problem. Take lots of time, it's got something to do with survival of the fittest and your country winning the Darwin award for self annihilation.
Link us up to your data... I would be willing to bet that on a per capita basis we consume far more calories than most countries. From poor to rich.

You haven't even gotten it straight that I'm talking about first world rich countries.
Statistics that show you doing o.k. are tainted by the fact that your country has the highest per capita income in the world but also has the second highest income inequality in the world too. And then there's the lack of health care for 50 million which isn't even argued by the most rabid righties of your lot. Again, why deny what you are proud of? And are loudly screaming that you need more of?
You haven't even gotten it straight that I'm talking about first world rich countries.
Statistics that show you doing o.k. are tainted by the fact that your country has the highest per capita income in the world but also has the second highest income inequality in the world too. And then there's the lack of health care for 50 million which isn't even argued by the most rabid righties of your lot. Again, why deny what you are proud of? And are loudly screaming that you need more of?

So, again, you cannot link us up to your data?