states where the most people go hungry

I hate to see you left hanging till Tekky returns so, I'll fill you in

it's because you're a miserable prick

INDEED! :indeed:

Thanks Darla! you got it in one!!! If he got pleasure or comfort in life, why would he be so nasty so much of the time?

SF, baked chicken is delicious if done right. And again, it was clear what we were talking about.
If you are capable of providing a sound argument to rebut this:

Then I will entertain you further a little later. A straight out and immediate denial of the facts won't do.

You're 15 and very gullible so that would explain why you would fall for something as moronically stupid as a Food insecurity index from a leftist source.

But for those with even half a brain, they should scoff at such moronic gobbledygook and this notion that America has a hunger problem when compared with just about anywhere else on the planet.

But then, Liberals are patently stupid and gullible idiots who believe just about anything they are spoon fed by leftist Marxist ideologues.
You're 15 and very gullible so that would explain why you would fall for something as moronically stupid as a Food insecurity index from a leftist source.

But for those with even half a brain, they should scoff at such moronic gobbledygook and this notion that America has a hunger problem when compared with just about anywhere else on the planet.

But then, Liberals are patently stupid and gullible idiots who believe just about anything they are spoon fed by leftist Marxist ideologues.

No, I'm 13 and started teaching politics when I was 3.

I'm not comparing America with the rest of the world in which there are many very poor countries where far more people are going hungry. I'm comparing America to wealthy first world countries such as Canada, Australia, European countries, and especially Scandinavian socialist countries. That's what you call liberal stupidity because you are afraid of looking a little deeper and seeing the truth.
And again, the first world wealthy country in which the most people go hungry is the 'united' states. It's the American way. And it's also the state where the most people are without affordable and quality health care. It's the American way.

Why does the right want to deny a fact they are proud of?

If you are capable of providing a sound argument to rebut this:

Then I will entertain you further a little later. A straight out and immediate denial of the facts won't do.

You have not linked to the 'facts' that support your assertion. Show us the data that compares the US on a per capita basis to other first world countries. Show us that we are the worst of the first world countries. That was your assertion. That is what you need to back up.
So TD considers the op is from a leftist source? msn money is a leftist source?

wow, guess we really HAVE taken over the media!

Or maybe it's the USDA, the ones who did the report? huh. Never thought they were leftist.

A U.S. Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service report measures how many households have to limit their food options or even skip meals because they cannot afford enough or healthier food. According to the report, between 2010 and 2012, an average of 20% of Mississippi households had low or very low food security. In that period, an average of one in 12 Arkansas households had at least one family member skip a meal or eat less because of a lack of money.
and by the way -
The report measures how many households have low food security -- defined as being able to eat three square meals a day, but forced to reduce the quality of the food they eat -- and very low food security -- defined as having food intake reduced and eating patterns disrupted because of a lack of affordability.

Just so we get our definitions straight
Show me a country that can match Mississippi's 19.2% from that link and we'll have something to talk about.

A hint: Look at Africa, the continent, not the country, then look at the countries 'in' Africa. You'll find Africa on a map just south of the Mediterranean. And you'll find that just south of Europe. And you'll find Europe on the map just south of the North pole where santa lives.
Well tell me wise one just what kind of diet is "oatmeal, eggs, protein powder, bananas, lettuce" and how is that balanced in the least. Doesn't one need milk for oatmeal and since when is protein powder cheap? And since when can it be purchased with food stamps? I would love for you to live on $200 a month or $50 dollars a week for food which is what a person on food stamps gets in my state. I bet you could eat like a king on that slim amount: filet mignon, fresh Alaskan salmon and veal and lamb. Not to mention at least one rack of prime rib per month! With all your expertise you shouldn't have to eat two breakfasts a day and a head of lettuce. Stretch out, spend a little, eat well. You can do it on half that $200 allotment. The idea that all of this costs money is just a myth!

Do you see somewhere in his post where he said that the examples he gave were an all inclusive list of inexpensive and healthy items? And I would ask you, why should it be our goal to allow somebody who is asking for our help to "eat like a king"?
Show me a country that can match Mississippi's 19.2% from that link and we'll have something to talk about.

A hint: Look at Africa, the continent, not the country, then look at the countries 'in' Africa. You'll find Africa on a map just south of the Mediterranean. And you'll find that just south of Europe. And you'll find Europe on the map just south of the North pole where santa lives.

So, again, you will not back up your assertion with data?
Do you see somewhere in his post where he said that the examples he gave were an all inclusive list of inexpensive and healthy items? And I would ask you, why should it be our goal to allow somebody who is asking for our help to "eat like a king"?

In the first place basic sustenance like health care should not be something anyone has to ask for. This is the greatest damn country in the world. We should be able to feed all the people in it. The rest of your post is basic right wing whine and drivel! Just like the shit that the misogynist posted.
Not sure how big of a can that is, size matters Christie...

So $8 for 3 pounds? A serving is about 1/3 pound? Lets call it a half pound... six servings would be $1.33 per serving. Compare that to a Big Mac... what does that cost in Pitt?

Ok... you are getting reamed on apples... so that is not a good buy for you.

So... how many pounds do you eat at a time? 1/3? Not expensive.

Again, used as she describes and that is still cheap, though obviously fruit is more expensive in Pitt.

All of which are cheap by the serving... Cause I am pretty sure you aren't eating them a pound at a time.

Still cheap, but yes, cost of living will be higher in different areas of the country.

But thanks for proving that even in Pitt you can eat healthy on the cheap.

I'm talking about feeding a family, not an individual. Just going by your chicken example, the 3# would provide dinner for four people on one day and two people on the next. So how many 3# bags do you have to buy if your family eats chicken every day? The prices may not look bad to you because you're only feeding one mouth. And they don't look really bad to me because I'm not poor. But for families scraping by? They have to plan very, very carefully how to spend the food money.
You have not linked to the 'facts' that support your assertion. Show us the data that compares the US on a per capita basis to other first world countries. Show us that we are the worst of the first world countries. That was your assertion. That is what you need to back up.

Read it and weep. We aren't 35th, that honor goes to Romania but we are 34th. So suck on that you misogynist!