states where the most people go hungry

No it's all part of the same subject. The subect being why really well-off, clueless white professionals shouldn't be lecturing the poor, or anyone else, on healthy eating.

Pure nonsense. I was telling someone on THIS board that SHE was wrong. I am not lecturing the poor. I am telling elitist pieces of shit like you that your condescension towards the poor is sad and pathetic. Pretending they can only derive happiness from a big mac and fries because their lives suck so much. But do go on about clueless white professionals such as yourself.
No it's all part of the same subject. The subect being why really well-off, clueless white professionals shouldn't be lecturing the poor, or anyone else, on healthy eating.

if the poor are going to be takers and reach into other peoples wallets, we have the right to be like "ok if you are takers and taking our money, there are some caveats"

if they don't want advice on how to save the taxpayers money in the future before we have to pay for their triple bypass, then they can live on their nickels.
Annatta posted it, and a lot of people write on it. Bittman, I've read a lot at Alternet, and other sites who write about grassroots efforts at community gardening. You should educate yourself before you attempt to "educate them" no?

So you still cannot back up your comment?
But you asked me why I "hate them"? So by "them" you were asking why I hate tekkychic? That was very clumsily phrased on your part then eh? I'll answer; I don't.


I suppose it shouldn't be shocking to find out that yet again you are too ignorant to comprehend what was written.
if the poor are going to be takers and reach into other peoples wallets, we have the right to be like "ok if you are takers and taking our money, there are some caveats"

if they don't want advice on how to save the taxpayers money in the future before we have to pay for their triple bypass, then they can live on their nickels.

Oh, I see, excellent. So then maybe you can explain how Superfreak is advising the poor? Because he couldn't.
Darla's arrogance is amazing, as is her hypocrisy.

How many times has she told SF to 'shut up' on this thread? No attempt to silence anyone there, eh Darla?
But they will suffer all the problems that come with obesity - diabetes, heart issues, etc. So they will die sooner.

They are obese because cheap food is high calorie food in many cases; as the article says

So why do you want poor people to die sooner from low quality food and all the associated problems?

(And PLEASE, Annie - don't weigh in again about how you always made healthy choices on a very low budget and how perfect you and your kids are, ok? Tired of that story. )

except that is nonsense... you can get cheap food that is good for you. Oatmeal, eggs, protein powder, bananas, lettuce... all inexpensive. Yes, some fruits and some veggies are not cheap when fresh.

The myth that you cannot eat well and inexpensively needs to die.

I suggest everyone who thinks otherwise take a look at the above.

God I hate when you start with this stupid shit. You say it over and over. You are such a pompous asshole.

I think that people like you are really amazing. Living a very privileged life, which is fine, but there are people who privilege seems to make immune to empathy. There is no need to congratulate yourself on knowing which healthy foods are inexpensive. I bet you eat plenty of expensive food.

If you were less interested in congratulating yourself on how superior you are, and more interested in understanding others, you might try and envision what it would be like to work two low-paying, back-breaking jobs, or even one long shift as a hotel maid, and then have to stop and buy fresh vegetables or oatmeal and go home and cook it. And how being bone-tired easily induces people to making poor long term choices out of sheer exhaustion.

Further, people like you and I can put off pleasure today for pleasure we expect tomorrow. How easy to forgo a treat today when we know tomorrow we have an event we are looking forward to. A new outfit to buy. A vacation to go on. But when you have very little in the way of daily pleasures, and are exhausted to boot, a fucking big mac and fries is a very understandable choice to make for dinner.

Shorter me: Just shut up, please.

Here is how this all progressed... obviously Darla is full of hate and rage today.
Oh, I see, excellent. So then maybe you can explain how Superfreak is advising the poor? Because he couldn't.

Again, and DO try to pay attention this time...

1) tekky said obesity is because the poor cannot afford good food
2) I corrected her and pointed to an article discussing cheap, HEALTHY foods that people can eat.

Then you went on your rampage.
Since you can't even convince a woman to accompany you to an expensive restaurant, I guess you must have "heard" this from your sister!

Funny how you think an 'expensive restaurant' is somehow important? Pretentious much? Congratulating yourself again?
Again, and DO try to pay attention this time...

1) tekky said obesity is because the poor cannot afford good food
2) I corrected her and pointed to an article discussing cheap, HEALTHY foods that people can eat.

Then you went on your rampage.

So you're not educating or advising the poor? All of your efforts have been aimed at tekkychic?

You really do have a lot of free time at work huh?
No I pretty much always think you're a pretentious prick.

See, I educated poor tekky and you went on your typical 'you arrogant' rage. What was arrogant about correcting her on that stupid myth you love to push forth?

Still cannot back up your claims?