The Official Debate Championship Shit Talking Thread!

Where is the thread i was supposed to debate? I asked this a million times. I don't read about all this stuff. But sure, keep acting like didn't ask where the thread was or what i was supposed to do.

I've always defeated damo on everything. This shouldn't have gone differently.

I never realized, until now, that you and Watermark were brothers!!
damo isn't going to look like a coward because he spent his time debating someone far more intelligent than you are. someone that, you know - was able to find the debate thread and everything without training wheels.

Even if I wanted to give you another shot (which I don't) it's too late for you anyway. Damo already had his debate. I'm about to release the scores. the debate has passed you by.
A day or two ago:

above response was made two posts after asshat's initial inquiry.

Further on in the same thread, I continue to tell asshat to hurry up.
asshat responds:

I respond, again, two posts later, WITH THE LINK AGAIN:

(Asshat continues to post in the thread about 6-7 more times).

In addition to the above, I posted on your wall 3 times, talking about the debate, talking about how I linked you in the thread. Etc. You obviously got those messages. If you were still confused, all it would have taken was a quick 10 second pm to me for additional clarification. You were on the board all day long.

You backed out and now you are trying to save face.

This doesn't even count the time that I gave him a link.
It's not fine, you lying dickwhore. Why don't you lie again.

post the working link right here.

Hey AssWipeZombie; get through your fucking head.
Grind posted you at least three working links and I also left you one.
They worked at the time they were posted; because THE FUCKING DEBATE WAS STILL LIVE.

Now that the debate IS FINISHED, the link is dead.

Why don't you just go blame it on the Jews!! :palm:
Grind = king of the nutless wonder.

Damo. Just set it up and stop letting your pussy underlings act like a group of ignorant cunts.
The debate is never finished.

I have beaten damo to smithereens in our every interaction. I will do so again.

Set it up, damo, unless you suck goat dick.
At least im not a functional retard like you.

You never have a point.

You're mediocre forever. That' the limitation of your paltry intellect god has placed on you. blame god instead of being a perpetual cunt.

Boy did you get that one right!! :good4u:

AHZ stop being a girlie:
