Dixie - In Memoriam
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It's funny that Pete is the most liberal character on the show.
It's funny that Pete is the most liberal character on the show.
god I always feel sorry for pete campell. he's such a complicated character. I don't know why everyone hates on him.
bijou why are you saying don got the upperhand that she's in the commercial? don didn't want her in the commercial at first. Don wanted her home, not to have her career advance. At least that's the way I interpreted it.
Because he's already got one foot out the door. That's how Draper deals with his fear of intimacy: he sabotages it. Remember the scene in the theater with Peggy? He mentioned helping someone succeed, and then they move on....that's when the light went on for him. That's why he was 'alone' at the bar in the final scene, while Megan was shooting the commercial...
Pete described himself perfectly in the scene with Beth when he told her about the 'friend' hew was visiting in the hospital. There's nothing complex about him. He's shallow, always looking outwardly to fulfill what must come from within. Always looking to get, never give.
watch the inside the episode that I linked and tell me if you come away with the same thoughts. I think don's actions here are genuine, it's pretty much implied by every acter and the writer/creator of the show.
Really how so? Is it because he was the only one who understood the civil rights movement and when the other white guys sat around whining "But why are they mad nowwwwwww" Pete answered "they're pissed because Lassie can eat in the cafeteria and they can't"?
So you admit that being a white liberal means viewing minorities as human beings and being a white conservative means viewing minorities as holding less value than a dog?
That's what I call progress Dixie!
How in the world is Pete liberal? I can see Ginsburg as liberal; also Peggy on a good day. I like how Harry fell 100% into the Krishna thing while chanting; that was a liberal sort of moment for him.
But Pete to me is a textbook socially inept, self-centered rightie, lacking in compassion or empathy for others. I feel bad for his character, but that's mainly because I tend to feel bad for everyone.
Hey thanks for posting that. Yes, I think his actions are genuine, too. He can't kid himself about who he loves and who Megan is - but for Don Draper, what goes along with 'letting go' of Megan to succeed? Priming himself for the next fix. As Weiner says in that insider clip, Megan's already gone - and that's why Don's alone and available at the bar.
Pete is actually a Rockerfeller Republican. A Rockerfeller Republican would be considered a left wing dangerous hippie these days. Dixie has a point there.
What does this tell us?
Anytime a 1-hour show goes for 2 hours, I'm always concerned that there will be a lot of filler, but this one kind of rocked. The Betty scenes have always tended more toward filler for me (like the Frodo/Sam scenes in Lord of the Rings), but I enjoyed a lot of what happened on her side this episode, especially her adventure into the village. And that rape "joke" was genuinely creepy; there were a few seconds of "is she being serious?"
This one was really a best of Don and best of Roger, as well - everything that we love to hate & hate to love about those characters in all its glory. Those two remind me so much of my parents' generation - a near constant midlife crisis with attempts to escape in booze, women, etc. I loved how Don's campaign for the hotel turned that kind of escape into a subtle hint of death, as well; like even at its best, life still has you thinking about its end on some level.
Peggy's story was cool, also.
I have to watch it again, on first thought it seems almost obsessed with death. Death or endings. I think this season is really going to be something. Don Draper is fascinating right now, because it seems as if his life is ending, the exciting part of it anyway. The part where he has the world by the balls, in all outwards appearances anyway. I love this show because I an watch every episode two and three times and each time see things I hadn't picked up on or misunderstood.
I don't know if Betty was joking and I am not sure Henry was really horrified, I just couldn't read that whole scene from one viewing.