## The Official Madmen Thread ##

awww yeee madmen sunday

Having Fire Tap pizza, pepporoni with jalepenos.

Watching Mad Men and Game of Thorns, recording Borgias or later. It is raining and my knees suck, but my Margueritas, shaken, scratch is delicious.
rana, we would make very good tv buddies.

is it just me or is borgias not on tonight? I don't see it on my dvr
this episode was awesome.

At the end, I got really worried, because of the alluding to the broken elevator shaft in an earlier episode. I was like NOOOOO Peggy. She's probably fine, but still.

Every important woman in dons life is refusing to be tied down. Megan, peggy. Good parallel with the jaguar project they have going on, something beautiful one is finally able to own.

Peggy: "There is no number"
Megan: "Good, cause I'm not going to fail/If I have to choose you I will, but I will hate you for it"

Joan ended up being bought though :( Super sad scene, especially when it looks like it may not have even been necessary.

I really hope peggy isn't off the show. That would suck. But maybe we'll get to see some cool competition dynamic arise.
this episode was awesome.

At the end, I got really worried, because of the alluding to the broken elevator shaft in an earlier episode. I was like NOOOOO Peggy. She's probably fine, but still.

Every important woman in dons life is refusing to be tied down. Megan, peggy. Good parallel with the jaguar project they have going on, something beautiful one is finally able to own.

Peggy: "There is no number"
Megan: "Good, cause I'm not going to fail/If I have to choose you I will, but I will hate you for it"

Joan ended up being bought though :( Super sad scene, especially when it looks like it may not have even been necessary.

I really hope peggy isn't off the show. That would suck. But maybe we'll get to see some cool competition dynamic arise.

I agree - KILLER episode. And I am stoked for Peggy for standing up for herself, especially after he humiliated her and tossed the cash in her face - what a dick! But look how bewildered her decision left Don - he was convinced he could continue to 'buy' her. They have to find a way to get her back, though. I think she was floored when Draper told her that Joan was given a percentage of the partnership.

I'm sorry Joan caved, too. Pete Campbell makes me sick. Every time he shows up on screen I want to throw something at it. He's the perfect villain.
rana, we would make very good tv buddies.

is it just me or is borgias not on tonight? I don't see it on my dvr

No Borgias! Your dvr was right.

We could be TV buddies. I served my other TV buddies, Pizza and homemade banana ice cream with German chocolate cake.
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this episode was awesome.

At the end, I got really worried, because of the alluding to the broken elevator shaft in an earlier episode. I was like NOOOOO Peggy. She's probably fine, but still.

Every important woman in dons life is refusing to be tied down. Megan, peggy. Good parallel with the jaguar project they have going on, something beautiful one is finally able to own.

Peggy: "There is no number"
Megan: "Good, cause I'm not going to fail/If I have to choose you I will, but I will hate you for it"

Joan ended up being bought though :( Super sad scene, especially when it looks like it may not have even been necessary.

I really hope peggy isn't off the show. That would suck. But maybe we'll get to see some cool competition dynamic arise.

This episode with Joan was a gut twister. She is now a partner and this will guarantee her being able to provide or her son, as a mother, I so got that part. I think she will do great things having a say in the company. She is very savvy.

Peggy stuck to her guns, hope you aren't right about the elevator. Will she become their #1 problem, she is good.

Where are Don and Joan going?

Good take on Don and his women. I just watched the episode and I am still digesting it.

Your man, Pete, has very large balls.
i honestly think this is probably the end of peggy's story arc

in the context of the show, and thematically, it makes sense for this to be sort of her official departure. I'm sure she'll be checked in from time to time, i.e. Betty s5 style, but it would take too much effort and would take too much time to build up enough of a world surrounding the new firm she is at. It's sad, but I think it's just neccesary to have an honest show.

also, if you look at inside the episode:

Elisabeth Moss is interviewed about her final scene with Don - she said that the director told Jon Hamm to hold her hand, and he unexpectedly kissed it. Moss noted that the tears she shed during that scene were very real... this sort of suggests to me that Moss was also processing the emotions of knowing her role with the show was basically ending, and on some personal level was shook/crying about it...
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That would be awful...Peggy is the best!! I hope you're wrong..I think Don had no clue that she was serious about leaving. He thought she was just angling for a raise...he will truly miss her but is such a male chauvinist that he doesn't get it. Peggy looked so pleased with herself as she got on the elevator..I was happy for her. I was really touched the way Joan and Don's interaction was done...with the flashback then brought forward again, it showed both were bothered..she didn't know Don was against it and Don didn't know it was a done deal. I felt that this was carried further into the story during the casting call when they wanted Don's wife to 'turn around'...I've had interviews like that back in the day...demeaning to say the least and I wonder if she will be confronted with a similar scenario ala the casting couch. Just a thought.

Joan is so sharp and capable but the men can't see past her breasts. The cutbacks between the Jaguar pitch and Joan were perfect.
don't put it all on pete, all the partners pretty much sanctioned it

No I do put it on Pete. Pete lied. He specifically set out to lie to each party (the partners being one party, Joan being the other) and misrepresenting what the other had said. In fact Joan shut Pete down. Her "you couldn't afford it" was not her opening negotiations, it was her showing her contempt for him. He goes to the partners and said that Joan was "amendable" to the idea but it would cost a lot. Basically what Pete did was lie and say, I spoke with Joan, she told me she's a whore, now we're just haggling over price.

So we don't really know whether the partners would go along with it because they were not told the truth. If they had been told the truth, that Joan was insulted and filled with contempt at the man who asked her (Pete), what would their reactions have been?

So that is lie number one. The second lie is heart breaking. He tells Joan the partners were discussing it. Joan is immediately horrified and mortified and tells him in no uncertain terms; I didn't even want them to know I was asked. The reason for this is that Joan feels the offer itself degrades her, rather than seeing the truth; it degrades the men who made the offer, Pete and the Jaguar guy. She is embarrassed and humiliated for these men she works so closely with to know that someone took her for a whore. I use the word whore in its purest form; selling your body. Pete then lies and lays the hammer on her by telling her that all of the partners agreed and were discussing price now. Joan is now devestated. She can't believe this and specifically says "Roger Sterling was in this meeting?" (Roger is the father of her child) Pete tells her yes. Joan has always been a sex object to men, however because she has worked with these men for so many years, she believes that Roger, Lane, and Don see her as something more. We saw last week that she and Don share a closeness, and that she feels his respect and his warmth towards her. She looks at Pete, did no one stand for me? And Pete tells her, no, not one of them stood for you.

But this is a lie. Don did stand for her. That fact was everything. And would likely have changed her decision. Because Joan believes that not one of these men who she believed saw her as a human being, as a friend, as someone of worth, really did see her as anything more than a disposable piece of ass, she realizes that whether she fucks this guy or not is irrelevant. She already is a whore to everyone that matters. (except herself of course and this is where she falters, but she is devastated and this is completely understandable). So she decides that if she's going to be a whore, at least she'll be a whore with some power, so she says yes but not for a dollar amount. For a partnership. For power. This may end up working out for her, though I think it unlikely, but the bottom line is Pete used coercion on her and became irredeemable as a character. I truly hope he jumps out that window this year. It can't be soon enough. However I believe it is more likely to be Lane. Lane who is another piece of shit and exposes himself as such when he realizes that if Joan names a number, his criminal activity will be exposed. So he goes to Joan and tells her to do it for a partnership. ANd Joan says to him, I would have thought you would be against this because of your feelings for me. Lane looks at her and says, I do have feelings for you that's why I'm looking out for you over the company. But in fact, Lane is looking out for Lane. When Joan discovers this, and she will, she will understand immediately what he did, and most likely expose him. Which he has coming.

Lane and Roger are pieces of shit and even though Pete lied to them and told them that Joan was amendable to it, their reactions and actions are still horrible. Only Don's were decent, for once. Pete however is a sociopath and a disgusting low life scum and at this point his presence is beginning to weigh on my enjoyment of the show. Time for him to die. NExt week please.
i honestly think this is probably the end of peggy's story arc

in the context of the show, and thematically, it makes sense for this to be sort of her official departure. I'm sure she'll be checked in from time to time, i.e. Betty s5 style, but it would take too much effort and would take too much time to build up enough of a world surrounding the new firm she is at. It's sad, but I think it's just neccesary to have an honest show.

also, if you look at inside the episode:

Elisabeth Moss is interviewed about her final scene with Don - she said that the director told Jon Hamm to hold her hand, and he unexpectedly kissed it. Moss noted that the tears she shed during that scene were very real... this sort of suggests to me that Moss was also processing the emotions of knowing her role with the show was basically ending, and on some personal level was shook/crying about it...

Peggy's leaving was a shock. I always knew she has to leave Don, but I saw that as being at the end of the series. This is too soon. If Peggy is truly gone then that is going to take a lot away from this show for me. However, it will still be a great show. The things he is doing are really very powerful. honestly I don't know if a woman could get away with what he did last night.
Grind I have been thinking about this because I read a review where they mentioned that in Season 3 Don told Peggy that if she left he would spend the rest of his life trying to hire her.

While I don't think Mad Men would do anything obvious like, oh Peggy's unhappy and comes back to Sterling, I don't think she's off the show. I actually think the Peggy/Don relationship is the show's central one, as well as being the central relationship in both their lives, in the big picture. I think Don's marriage to Megan is going the way of his first marriage, and Peggy and Abe won't last. It's not romantic, but it's something very complex and much more lasting. So I think she's still on the show. I hope she is, and this could be wishful thinking, but I don't believe it is.
yeah i never said she's off the show, but I do think she's going to move into the background. I don't think they can thematically have a triumph of peggy going out on her own only for her to come crawling back, it undermines the point of why she left. Remember, there was no number for peggy. (unlike joan :x)
yeah i never said she's off the show, but I do think she's going to move into the background. I don't think they can thematically have a triumph of peggy going out on her own only for her to come crawling back, it undermines the point of why she left. Remember, there was no number for peggy. (unlike joan :x)

I completely agree with you about that. And yeah, that was a very important line.