The Tiki Room.

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Yes. Going to a local show this morning/afternoon (it's a "buddy show") so I don't expect to win anything. No big deal, though.
Hoping to get home to grab a nap before going to a cruise this evening to a town we used to cruise back in my younger days.
We used to get 30-40 cars cruising main street back in those days. A long time friend is coordinating it and holds 2 every year.
Looks like there should be at least that many going tonight according to him (I called him yesterday) so I'm hoping to see a few
I haven't seen in 35 years (if I can recognize or remember them!).
sounds wonderful...have a great time;) Reunions are so much fun!!!
sounds wonderful...have a great time;) Reunions are so much fun!!!

Yeah, should be a good time. The cops stopped the cruising years ago, but are allowing these coordinated ones.
I'll bet many of those from the old days don't have "hot rods" anymore but I'm sure a few still do.
We used to get a long line of some really nice cars cruising, then we'd park and shoot the shit and let our cars cool down.
Damn, to be 20 again! Life was good!
Yeah, should be a good time. The cops stopped the cruising years ago, but are allowing these coordinated ones.
I'll bet many of those from the old days don't have "hot rods" anymore but I'm sure a few still do.
We used to get a long line of some really nice cars cruising, then we'd park and shoot the shit and let our cars cool down.
Damn, to be 20 again! Life was good!
We were lucky...20 year olds today? Wonder what they will have fond memories of 40 year from now...
It's sure different....
We were lucky...20 year olds today? Wonder what they will have fond memories of 40 year from now...
It's sure different....

Yeah, times have really changed. I wouldn't change those memories for anything, I'd do it all over again.
If you have any surplus rain, feel free to send it our way! We have a fire danger warning for today.

The ground around here is so saturated, everything just runs off. The farm fields are all puddles, making it impossible for farm equipment to plow and plant.
I'd send any more rain we get air mail if I could.
Good morning Top. Finally getting buckets of rain. We have really needed it.
Same here! Rained here a bit yesterday and we're supposed to get it this weekend! So glad. The 10 day heatwave we had the past two weeks was the record for the hottest May since 1895. In the high 80s here now....
Hey Grump, if you really want to cut grass, I'll let you come up here and practice on my lawn. It's thick, green and growing like crazy!

Do you remember Casey at the Bat? One line is "There is no joy in Mudville." Well that describes my front and back yards, unless you consider the occasional weed a lawn. LOL I am trying a mixture of seed, fertilizer, and mulch today. Hopefully I will get some grass going.
The ground around here is so saturated, everything just runs off. The farm fields are all puddles, making it impossible for farm equipment to plow and plant.
I'd send any more rain we get air mail if I could.

Thanks. The Midwest is a farming disaster zone this year. Where my girls and I lived in Missouri, the corn should be thigh-high by now. Instead, the fields and farms are under water. The levees failed. I hope things settle down soon so they can get a crop in before it's too late. Do you have flooding there too?
Good for them there is absolutely no reason a kid should have a phone in class.
No Reason..
(Some of the parents are crying as hard as the kids...guess which ones? The ones who kept their kids home from school for 3 days when Hill lost...)
Thanks. The Midwest is a farming disaster zone this year. Where my girls and I lived in Missouri, the corn should be thigh-high by now. Instead, the fields and farms are under water. The levees failed. I hope things settle down soon so they can get a crop in before it's too late. Do you have flooding there too?

We drove from Fostoria to Toledo on a country rd. We didn't see one field planted,most were under water!
Same here! Rained here a bit yesterday and we're supposed to get it this weekend! So glad. The 10 day heatwave we had the past two weeks was the record for the hottest May since 1895. In the high 80s here now....

Wow, imagine back then, no A/C.. Hopefully they had screens & mosquito nets or something..
Do you remember Casey at the Bat? One line is "There is no joy in Mudville." Well that describes my front and back yards, unless you consider the occasional weed a lawn. LOL I am trying a mixture of seed, fertilizer, and mulch today. Hopefully I will get some grass going.

Good luck.. Never did well w/ that, the bird kept thinking I was feeding them......
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