The Tiki Room.

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Thanks. The Midwest is a farming disaster zone this year. Where my girls and I lived in Missouri, the corn should be thigh-high by now. Instead, the fields and farms are under water. The levees failed. I hope things settle down soon so they can get a crop in before it's too late. Do you have flooding there too?

No flooding, just severe rain, hail and wind damage. Lots of downed trees and a car dealership had all it's cars pelted hard by hail, they are selling what they haven't sent to auction pretty cheap.
No flooding, just severe rain, hail and wind damage. Lots of downed trees and a car dealership had all it's cars pelted hard by hail, they are selling what they haven't sent to auction pretty cheap.

Oh geeze. Hope your car babies and property are undamaged.
When,I lived in the city,it never entered my mind,the problems of farmers.
Now when I live in the country,and know farmers,it's a different story.

Yep, I would never do it, it is way to hard, way to many things that can & will go wrong & for not much profit.........
Most farmers work regular jobs too

Yep< & many of their wives do as well for benefits/health insurance etc......... extremely hard lives..

Last night I was bored & did a google earth & checked out where my grandfather was born & lived till about a teen........ Southern Alberta, nothing there....... They get less precipitation that we do(about 19inches) & it is frozen half the year....WTF!!!!

I think they grew wheat or something but you can see why they got the hell out of there & moved to beautiful Vancouver, BC...

He never talked about it much, & I can only remember the story about a frozen solid horse one of them left out...... Prob to late to report that sever child abuse
Yep< & many of their wives do as well for benefits/health insurance etc......... extremely hard lives..
Last night I was bored & did a google earth & checked out where my grandfather was born & lived till about a teen........ Southern Alberta, nothing there....... They get less precipitation that we do(about 19inches) & it is frozen half the year....WTF!!!!
I think they grew wheat or something but you can see why they got the hell out of there & moved to beautiful Vancouver, BC...
He never talked about it much, & I can only remember the story about a frozen solid horse one of them left out...... Prob to late to report that sever child abuse

Ugh. Mr. Owl also grew up on a farm in the middle of Bohunk, Illinois. Absolutely flat terrain, the only trees divided property lines. His h.s. graduating class had <100 kids in it. No library, no shopping other than a tiny and overpriced IGA, no restaurants other than a truck stop where his mom was a cook. Even his school friends were too far to visit by bike. He hated it; didn't even like going back to visit when his mom was still alive. He moved to St. Louis as soon as he graduated from univ. The town is still there but even more impoverished than when he was a kid. But in other news, the elementary school they all went to was turned into a BYOB strip club. :laugh:
Ugh. Mr. Owl also grew up on a farm in the middle of Bohunk, Illinois. Absolutely flat terrain, the only trees divided property lines. His h.s. graduating class had <100 kids in it. No library, no shopping other than a tiny and overpriced IGA, no restaurants other than a truck stop where his mom was a cook. Even his school friends were too far to visit by bike. He hated it; didn't even like going back to visit when his mom was still alive. He moved to St. Louis as soon as he graduated from univ. The town is still there but even more impoverished than when he was a kid. But in other news, the elementary school they all went to was turned into a BYOB strip club. :laugh:

Speaking of strip clubs. When Bitburg AB was closed and was returned to Germany all the buildings were converted into other things by the Germans. The base chapel became a strip club. lol
Ugh. Mr. Owl also grew up on a farm in the middle of Bohunk, Illinois. Absolutely flat terrain, the only trees divided property lines. His h.s. graduating class had <100 kids in it. No library, no shopping other than a tiny and overpriced IGA, no restaurants other than a truck stop where his mom was a cook. Even his school friends were too far to visit by bike. He hated it; didn't even like going back to visit when his mom was still alive. He moved to St. Louis as soon as he graduated from univ. The town is still there but even more impoverished than when he was a kid. But in other news, the elementary school they all went to was turned into a BYOB strip club. :laugh:

My dad grew up in a similar situation there.. Are you sure on that name of the town??
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