Thomas Matthew Crooks

Except that is not what the police report says at all. No need to lie about this. Your side can't hide from the facts.
It doesn't call it an "assassination attempt" either.

It doesn't call it an "assassination attempt" either.

So trump was right to make fun of him getting beat with a hammer?
So trump was right to make fun of him getting beat with a hammer?
That's not what I got listening to that video. I got that Trump is pinging on Nancy Pelosi as one of the reasons San Francisco is the shit hole--literally since the city publishes a "poop map" now--it current is and rife with crime. He points out that that crime has spilled into her own home. There was no "making fun of him getting beat with a hammer" in it.
You (cough) forgot something:

When Crooks was 17 he made a $15 donation to ActBlue, a political action committee that raises money for left-leaning and Democratic politicians, according to a 2021 Federal Election Commission filing. The donation was earmarked for the Progressive Turnout Project, a national group that rallies Democrats to vote. The groups did not immediately respond to a Reuters request for comment.
I forgot nothing.
That's not what I got listening to that video. I got that Trump is pinging on Nancy Pelosi as one of the reasons San Francisco is the shit hole--literally since the city publishes a "poop map" now--it current is and rife with crime. He points out that that crime has spilled into her own home. There was no "making fun of him getting beat with a hammer" in it.

Not sure why you lie so often when you know it's going to be debunked seconds later.

Trump Mocks Hammer Attack On Pelosi’s Husband In Incendiary Speech​

Not sure why you lie so often when you know it's going to be debunked seconds later.

Trump Mocks Hammer Attack On Pelosi’s Husband In Incendiary Speech​

That's the opinion of the article's author, not some factual thing. Read the article.

He said the wall around Pelosi's home--and implied general security--was poor. It obviously was given the ease with which that guy got in.

The author then brings up a non sequitur about Trump saying California's elections are rigged.

Then there's another non sequitur about Trump making claims about what he'll do in office to the DOJ.

That's followed with another non sequitur about Biden

Basically, the title of the article is a canard as the article contains nothing about him mocking Pelosi or her husband.
A voter-registration record showed that Mr. Crooks was registered as a Republican, though federal campaign-finance records show he donated $15 to the Progressive Turnout Project, a liberal voter turnout group, through the Democratic donation platform ActBlue in January 2021.
In fact his donation was done on January 20th

Inauguration Day

Right after the Republicans killed cops at our capital

It’s called guilt
A registered Republican
EVERY member of my family, immediate and extended, were and (most) still are registered democrats. NONE of them have voted democrat since 1976. Most people don't bother officially changing their affiliation unless they want to vote in a closed primary. This little shit wasn't even old enough to have ever voted in a presidential election. This is going to turn out to be a kid with an elevator that doesn't go all the way to the top.
The shooter is much less relevant than is fact that the SS was either third world incompetent or else in on the assassination attempt.

I am 75% confident that this was a Regime hit.
sadly, I agree.

there is footage from india and australian outlets showing the secret service sniper trained on the shooter, but waiting for him to shoot first.
EVERY member of my family, immediate and extended, were and (most) still are registered democrats. NONE of them have voted democrat since 1976. Most people don't bother officially changing their affiliation unless they want to vote in a closed primary. This little shit wasn't even old enough to have ever voted in a presidential election. This is going to turn out to be a kid with an elevator that doesn't go all the way to the top.
You lie all the time