American Man
Verified User
in schools. yes. definitely.
only if they want to be armed tho.
nobody should be FORCED to be armed.
I would rather spend tax dollars on paying a couple of armed guards to protect a school.
in schools. yes. definitely.
only if they want to be armed tho.
nobody should be FORCED to be armed.
I would rather spend tax dollars on paying a couple of armed guards to protect a school.
Agreed. So why vote for those who are actively deceiving or manipulating Americans against their own best interests?
Bunkerizing every school in America is silly. Sure, security is important but the main problem was a nutjob had a gun. The shooter, as were most of the mass shooters making the headlines, was mentally ill and those around him knew he was a mentally disturbed. Why was nothing done?
Why spend billions every year stopping a nutjob when many in the community knew who the nutjobs are and where they live?
Or at least amend it to ban ownership of military assault rifles among non-military persons and greater regulations in order to promote a safer society against maniacs who think they can challenge humanity's existence, and that I am sure was not the intent of how the framers created the 2nd amendment to which the NRA and repukes have corrupted its true meaning to engage in un-American atrocities for blood money making profit that also threatens the stability of democracy at proliferating military type weapons of mass destruction within society. The 2nd amendment was created to allow farmers to protect their property and citizens to protect the colonies from hostile forces, and all they had in those days were muskets. Big difference compared to the weapons of mass destruction that are prevalent now.
Hello Dutch,
There is no perfect politician.
As citizen guardians of a self-governed nation we must choose the candidate which comes closest to what we want. That usually means accepting something we do not favor. We vote for the least undesirable candidate and then we push that person to do what we think is best.
It's not ideal. It's real.
And if we really care about making America safer from needless bloodshed we make gun control laws a priority and vote on that basis.
If that means replacing the 2nd Amendment, then that is what we need to do.
I'm totally down with it. I'm just waiting for the rest of the nation to catch up on what is important.
Hello gemini104104,
Obviously (but the gun nuts will not admit it) the 2nd is outdated.
I would rather spend tax dollars on paying a couple of armed guards to protect a school.
Good point. Republicans and Democrats only think the other is being deceived and manipulated while they are making intelligent, informed opinions and their party is "better." As a result, they continue voting for their party reelecting incumbents 95% of the time.
Stalemate is where we are at. Unfortunately the stalemate eroding our nation from the inside; infrastructure is failing, the rich get richer and influence the powerful to keep the poor and shrinking middle class in their place....all with the voted consent of the latter.
Why do about half of American voters keep voting for them? Why did the Democrats lose the House after 40 years in the 1994 Mid-Terms? Why are the margins between the Democrats and Republicans consistently so close?
The "shrinking middle class" we have heard about for years was actually shrinking because more middle class were moving into higher income categories
Agreed. So why keep playing that game?Hello Dutch,
Stalemate is the goal of the super rich.
Hello Dutch,
The right gets their information from rumors and peer pressure. They think the news is fake.
We live in a country with liberal gun laws. Almost anyone can buy almost anything. It stands to reason that we should guard schools. School buildings need tighter security protocols and armed guards, because that's what kind of shithole America is.
Hello Flash,The "shrinking middle class" we have heard about for years was actually shrinking because more middle class were moving into higher income categories
Some of them are moving into their cars.
The solution is to repeal the 2nd and replace it with something that allows people to have guns but not weapons of war. Have a national registry. Regulate gun ownership. Yes, infringe on the right to own a gun. Make sure irresponsible people don't get them. Yes, do more to help crazy violent anti-social people get a grip on their lives.
All of the above and more, until we end the madness.
that is not a solution, that is a bridge to tyranny and oppression. anyone who believes that we are more free without weapons of war is too stupid to be out in public.
Agreed no one is perfect but voting for an evil agenda is supporting evil.
The problem isn't the person so much as their political party and that party's agenda. Notice how politicians suck up to Trump and Trumpians? No matter how "good" they may be, will they really stand up for good when in office or will they simply kowtow to the Trumpers after the election like they are doing before the election?
Again, this gets back to repeating the same thing over and over again while expecting a different result. Clinton jammed through his gun ban in 1994 and the Columbine shooting followed in 1999. Despite all of the heated rhetoric, what has really changed in the last 28 years?
You are free to advocate repealing the Second Amendment or the entire Constitution, but it is very unlikely to happen. Americans don't support it and Congress certainly doesn't support it so why waste your time on an effort that will never bear fruit? Why not focus on the doable? Why not focus on what we can change?
I like the philosophy of the Serenity Prayer since it does focus on the doable:
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
I don't know if America could ever get to the point that we are ready to modernize the 2nd. But I surely do know that it needs to happen. I don't share your belief in a god. There are lots of wise sayings. One of them is: "You never know what you can do until you try."
If you're so sure that America will never repeal the 2nd then you've got nothing to worry about. It shouldn't be bothersome that someone is advocating for something which can never happen. So perhaps the fact that you find it objectionable that someone would say such a thing represents a bit of doubt. Many things have happened that one would never believe until they do.
Maybe America COULD actually entertain the thought of updating the second.
We certainly don't need well regulated militias for the security of America. We've got our standing army, our navy, our air force, our national guard, our coast guard, and even a space force.
The whole premise of the second is gone. The framers intended that the Constitution be modified as the times changed. Times have changed. It is time to do our national duty and update our defining document.
Make America Safe Again!
That makes a lot more sense than MAGA.