Top Ten Board assholes - VOTE NOW!

Who are the top ten board assholes? VOTE 10 or less CHOICES

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First you gotta stop being moderate, start hating science, and stop talking glowingly about your georgious wife

Or he should simply learn what words mean. This poll was about who is an asshole. Not who is a dumbass. Because both had 'ass' in the name it confused the poor inbred sheep fucker from Ohio.
what is really funny is that Darla 'forgot' to vote for me, so she signed in under one of her aliases to do so. So thoughtful.
I was debating whether or not to vote for DamnYankee since he's banned permanently, but ended up voting for him just in case he somehow comes back.

10 did get the worst of the list for me; but having a few more votes might have been satisfying.

He's not banned permanently...
I know I am an asshole. I don't give a fuck. Especially about two bit assfucks like you. Apparently fucking losers like you think this is high school. That is why you set up your little debate circle jerks.

Very funny stuff.

No...they set up their "little debate circle jerks" to highlight your cowardice and stupidity...and guess what?

It worked!

Apparently you never grew beyond High School as you're still the same petty, infantile asswipe you probably were back in HS.

The only difference is that even though you're "supposedly" an adult by now and presumably grown beyond the need for juvenile name calling, you never learned how.

Rational debate and adult discourse is beyond you.

Juvenile name calling and being an enormous douchebag is all you've got.
Asshole is too subtle/gentle of a term. I'd rather vote for which board member(s) I hope die in house fires/auto accidents/bath salts related cannibalism.
Fuck all you pea wits! Fuck you all to hell.

I've been bloviating sanctimouneous horseshit for 7 god damn years on JPP. SEVEN FUCKING YEARS!!! I've blown so much smoke that I've alienated half the damned country and all of Alabama (and most of New Jersey too!) and this is what I get? Not one fucking vote?

Fuck you all!

But that's not even the worst of it. You've voted for such mouthbreathers a Damned Stankey, I Hate Uhmerika and USFuckup as the biggest assholes?

Fuck you too!!

Ya'll obviously don't know what a real asshole is...well let a real asshole tell you what one is.

A real asshole is somebody that is totally arrogant with absolutely no basis for being arrogant. They are also completely uninformed and utterly insensitive to the thoughts and feelings of others.

Now granted that's the most accurate description of Super Freak but I'lll be god damned if I see that smug bastard walking around with a grin from ear to ear knowing that he's the biggest asshole on JPP.

Fuck that!

To show you what kind of asshole I am I voted for myself instead.

I can't believe that after all these years on JPP this is the kind of thanks I get.

I think you have to actually notice someone before you think of him as an asshole......