Trolling political boards

Wasn't she going to collect and forward a big load of posts that she said were against the rules? Wonder if that ever happened.

Yeah, she promised that several times. I guess someone told her to shove them up her stretched out ass. Now she's "collecting data," whatever that means.

Lately she's been whining via email to Angry Bird about how mean and unfair the mods are, just so biased and partisan and all. Always the victim, always. lol
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Move on Mason..We supported him deleting the thread, just fyi:
You must be disappointed you can't post any of that anymore, though...
That being said, the main cleanup was completed, in a very timely fashion, as a matter of fact. As you know:)
Let me know which moderators "hate my guts".
And I'll PM them and ask why:)

I never posted on RB-60 thread,wasn't here yet,read about it on another forum.
I did hear from Mason,when I got here,haven't seen him post since.
Yeah, she promised that several times. I guess someone told her to shove them up her stretched out ass. Now she's "collecting data," whatever that means.

Now she's been whining via email to Angry Bird about how mean and unfair the mods are, just so biased and partisan and all. Always the victim, always. lol

Hi Owl,why do you think Top thinks I'm Mason?
Just like Amazon,everyone is Mason in her mind.
Is Lily here yet?
The main clean up was competed in a very timely fashion.
And though the thread was deleted with out blessing (and I don't keep "files" like Fowl does) they can't post any other personal info anymore. So. Yes:)

You might let Eagle Eye know this. Apparently he thinks the mods are applying the rules unfairly.
I'll be interested in her answer to this:)

Keep on reading, PruneCunt, and you'll see. When *are* you going to back up your flapping lips and forward all your "data" to the mods? Two months and I still haven't been banned.

You've lost your touch. lol
Hi Owl,why do you think Top thinks I'm Mason?
Just like Amazon,everyone is Mason in her mind.
Is Lily here yet?

She thinks everyone new is a sock, probably yours, maybe mine as well. Must be sad going through life so paranoid and suspicious.
You might let Eagle Eye know this. Apparently he thinks the mods are applying the rules unfairly.
Why? Nothing to do with Eagle Eye...
But thanks for asking. That's an epic meltdown you set off:)
You can ask her to PM you the details of what was "cleaned up":)
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Why? Nothing to do with Eagle Eye...

You will have to ask EE that Top,he was the one crying about it today.
Top could you do me a favor?
Please give EE his balls back?
It's sad he squats to piss when Owl post to him.
I never thought EE would go yellow.
LOL...Your socks are gone and you can't post any of your personal touches any more. That was all that's necessary;)
Why would anyone want to ban your sweet posts?:)
LOL...Poor Fowl:)
Don't have a stroke, now. Stay calm. Deep breaths...
No More PI posting for you!!
Poor Fowl. Yes, it clearly is getting to you:)
I'm going to let you go and rest now...You are very welcome....
Meltdown Toxic!
Go eat some popcorn

I'm ashamed of giving the ugly whore so much attention. It's the only thing that keeps her alive anymore. OTOH, maybe it's a public service to point out what a hypocrisy-draped racist the pathetic prunecunt is. lol

In one of the threads started by that Tommy troll about black people allegedly having lower IQs than other groups, she showed up but refused -- despite her claim to having once been an "inner city teacher" -- to call him out on his insanity. She claims that she doesn't respond to that sort of thing. Uh, so why show up there in the first place then? Her obsession with me? ;~)

Okay, class. All together now! Can we spell T-R-O-L-L?

I sure hope I don't get banned for posting this profile photo I stole off her Facebook. After all, it's only karma after she stole mine, right? lol

hideous troll.jpg
The PMs must be flying behind the scenes, I am a hot topic!

I have periodically wondered....who the eff spends their time gossiping, pm'ing, and trading scurrilous innuendo on the internet, with and about people they don't know and have never met? What kind of person actually does that?

You know what I have concluded?
That is the kind of thing socially inept, repressed losers do!