trump: oblivious moron II


The Republican candidate was mocked for eating KFC with a knife and forkThe plump firebrand, who has admitted to gorging on calorific fast food, would also be the oldest President in the history of the Unites States beating Ronald Reagan who was 69-years-old when he took office in 1980.
Last month, the obese billionaire appeared on the Dr. Oz Show to reveal a two page medical report from his doctors which disclosed he was taking statins to control his cholesterol.
During the TV appearance, Trump insisted that public speaking was his only form of regular exercise.

Saw an interesting comment on this the other day. Think back and you will recall images of trump in a golf cart while other leaders walked, of trump always lagging behind the others. The comment I saw talked about whenever you see trump walking more than ten steps, he always stops and pretends to look about, while he is trying to recover enough energy to take the next ten steps.
trump is currently surfing a good economy Obama handed him, now that unemployment numbers are no longer fake news. Despite this he has record low approvals. Imagine what it's gonna be like when trump and his gang that can't shoot straight inevitably screw up the economy. Consider what "repeal now, replace someday maybe" would do to 1/6 of the nation's economy. Contemplate Mnuchin and Rand Paul and trump dealing with the expiration of the debt limit in September. Think about the last six months of ineptitude, and picture what these people will do with tax "reform."
Oh yeah, in other news ...

Remember trump ranting about the Iran nuclear deal and how he was going to fix that on his very busy "Day one"? Yesterday, trump certified to Congress that Iran is complying with the deal. NYTs reported this happened only after a long trump tantrum before the relatively sane people in his administration were able to calm him down and prevail. trump wanted to blow the deal up, but they wouldn't let him.
And, did I mention that trump opened "Made in America" week by granting 15,000 more temporary visas to non-agricultural foreign workers?
Have they announced yet whether this is the fault of Hillary, Obama, the Democrats, or the deep state? We know they won't blame the Russians.

Definitely the Democrats. Here's one of his tweets today:

The Senate must go to a 51 vote majority instead of current 60 votes. Even parts of full Repeal need 60. 8 Dems control Senate. Crazy!
trump is currently surfing a good economy Obama handed him, now that unemployment numbers are no longer fake news. Despite this he has record low approvals. Imagine what it's gonna be like when trump and his gang that can't shoot straight inevitably screw up the economy. Consider what "repeal now, replace someday maybe" would do to 1/6 of the nation's economy. Contemplate Mnuchin and Rand Paul and trump dealing with the expiration of the debt limit in September. Think about the last six months of ineptitude, and picture what these people will do with tax "reform."

I thought about it. AARGH!
[h=2]California businessman born in former Soviet Union also attended Trump Jr. meeting[/h]David S. Cloud and Joseph Tanfani
Irakly "Ike" Kaveladze, 52, of Huntington Beach, was the eighth individual at the controversial meeting in June 2016, The Times has learned.

It's not a clown car, it's a clown bus.


President Donald Trump and Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, who’s heading the “election integrity” commission. Drew Angerer/Getty Images

The White House just responded to concerns it would release voters’ sensitive personal information by releasing a bunch of voters’ sensitive personal information.
Last month, the White House’s “election integrity” commission sent out requests to every state asking for all voters’ names, party IDs, addresses, and even the last four digits of their Social Security numbers, among other information. The White House then said this information would be made available to the public.

A lot of people did not like the idea, fearing that their personal information could be made public. So some sent emails to the White House, demanding that it rescind the request.
This week, the White House decided to make those emails from concerned citizens public through the commission's new website. But the administration made a big mistake: It didn’t censor any of the personal information — such as names, email addresses, actual addresses, and phone numbers — included in those emails.

In effect, the White House just released the sensitive personal information of a lot of concerned citizens giving feedback to their government. That’s made even worse by the fact that the White House did this when the thing citizens were complaining about was the possibility that their private information would be made public.

As of Friday afternoon, the emails are still uncensored and available on the White House’s website. They include all sorts of feedback, from concerns about privacy to outright insults of the Trump administration. One email just links to an image of the terrifying pornographic meme Goatse. (Do not Google this if you value your eyes.)

“DO NOT RELEASE ANY OF MY VOTER DATA, PERIOD,” said one person whose full name and email address were subsequently released in the collection of emails.
Rickytacky talks about dishonesty while calling me a Nazi.


This is now the third time you've tried this lie. I called you a Nazi-WANNABE, explaining that a gnat like you lacks the stature and menace of an actual Nazi. Because you are such an impotent little insect, you have chosen to ignore that and simply whimper the same lie over and over again. Okay, you also did some even more impotent "groan"s, but that only lowered your stature and menace. I hereby demote you from being a minor annoyance to minor annoyance WANNABE.
Meanwhile, CNN is reporting that Plan Z99 by the trump gang that can't shoot straight - simply repeal - is also dead. Three Regressives have said no on that, already. McConnell insists there is still going to be a vote, taking pains to remind people that there would be a two-year delay that would protect Regressives until AFTER the election. Other Regressives are bleating now the same talking points about Obamacare death spiral, blah blah blah.

Damn Democrats and evil Obamacare! If only the Regressives had a majority in the Senate that would allow them to pass a reconciliation bill.
'Sokay, though. trump has another plan. He's going to help health care get worse, squeal "It's not my fault!" and then convince America the whole thing is the fault of the minority party.

Art of the Deal, doncha know.