trump: oblivious moron II

Why are you so stupid to call me a Nazi because I make you look stupid?

Only retards going around calling people Nazi's for no reason.

Tell you what, since you're mentally challenged, I will give you a chance to redeem yourself. State or cite a single thing I've said that makes me a Nazi.

If you don't, you lose. If you can find something, I will proclaim you the winner.

Go on now, you can do it.

How do you feel about imbeciles calling people "retards"?
Gutter dwellers, flinging about the "substance" they find themselves immersed in day-in, day-out, while bitterly complaining about the stench. How's that for a definition of "irony-challenged"?

I can't decide whether in their minds 'self awareness' is a meaningless phrase or applies only to other people.
8 Minutes After Saying 'I Don't Like Pinocchios,' Donald Trump's Nose Grows

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump paused after falsely claiming Monday that he’s "signed more bills" — and I’m talking about through the legislature — than any president ever.”
“I better say ‘think,’ otherwise they’ll give you a Pinocchio,” Trump said, referring to The Washington Post’s rating system for fact-checking politicians’ statements. “And I don’t like those, I don’t like Pinocchios.”
It took roughly 8.5 minutes for Trump, who has an extensive history of lies, to deliver what appears to be another doozy — taking credit for the creation of tens of thousands of new mining jobs.
“In Pennsylvania, two weeks ago, they opened a mine, the first mine that was opened in decades. Opened a mine!” he said during a speech to kick off the White House’s “Made in America” week, referring to the state’s new coal mine. “And you know all the people that were saying the mining jobs? Well we picked up 45,000 mining jobs in a very short period of time. Everybody was saying, well, you won’t get any mining jobs. We picked up 45,000 mining jobs.”
“And the miners are very happy with Trump and with Pence,” Trump boasted. “And we’re very proud of that.”
While America’s miners may be happy with the administration’s push for increased fossil fuel development, there’s a problem: The number of coal mining jobs has increased by roughly 800 since Trump became president.
In a pair of posts to Twitter, Washington Post Fact Checker columnist Glenn Kessler addressed both Trump’s Pinocchio comment and his claim about mining jobs.
“Well, this is how you end up with Pinocchios!” Kessler wrote, linking to the Post’s fact-check of a similar claim made the head of the Environmental Protection Agency last month.In a series of TV interviews June 4 in which he defended Trump’s decision to withdraw the U.S. from the historic Paris Agreement on climate change, EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt bragged that the administration had added 50,000 jobs.
“Since the fourth quarter of last year until most recently, we’ve added almost 50,000 jobs in the coal sector,” he told NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “In the month of May alone, almost 7,000 jobs.”
However, there are only 50,800 coal mining jobs nationwide, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
In another interview June 4 with Fox News, Pruitt said that since the fourth quarter “we’ve had almost 50,000 jobs created in the mining and coal sector alone,” being careful to not pin the number specifically to coal.
For his claim, Pruitt earned four Pinocchios — the worst kind of falsehood —from the Post. PolitiFact gave Pruitt’s claim a grade of “mostly false.”
The Washington Post noted in its analysis that the increase in all mining and logging jobs since Trump took office was, at the time, around 33,000. Including preliminary figures for June, BLS estimates roughly 47,000 new mining and logging jobs have been added since December.
Trump didn’t mention logging in his remarks Monday.
Seth Meyers is incredulous about what has transpired in the Russia scandal since he was last on the air. I'm mostly interested in this for the full Don Sr. statement about getting hit on the head with 60 lb bags of whatever being flung over his beautiful wall. That statement is the most bizarre to date.

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Interesting. McConnell is trying to save face following yet another failure for trumpcare. He is talking of doing again a bill that Regressives passed under Obama, because they knew he would veto it. Nobody believes they could pass this now, nor any other form of trump's moronic blustering about simply repealing Obamacare now and replacing it at some fantasized future where his party will magically develop an ability to govern. Everybody knows the Regressives are scared to death at what simply repealing Obamacare would do to voters and so their political futures.
Without repeal and replace on Obamacare, Regressives will be unable to cook the books well enough to proceed with their trickle-on tax "reform." So, if you look beyond the trump corruption that has served to distract from Regressive incompetence, what have you got?


Just for the record, that's a '56 Plymouth Fury.
Seth Meyers is incredulous about what has transpired in the Russia scandal since he was last on the air. I'm mostly interested in this for the full Don Sr. statement about getting hit on the head with 60 lb bags of whatever being flung over his beautiful wall. That statement is the most bizarre to date.
I'm having to revisit my belief that a country always gets the government it deserves. After all, what could the US have done to have deserved that?

Well, apart from maintaining an Electoral College.

Ah, right, I see the flaw in my doubt. Ignore the bit previous.
BTW, regarding trump getting caught lying about creating mining jobs, I said here at the time he told that lie that he was lying. No, I did not have the actual statistics at hand. I knew it was a lie, because it came out of trump's mouth.
I'm having to revisit my belief that a country always gets the government it deserves. After all, what could the US done to have deserved that?

Well, apart from maintaining an Electoral College.

Ah, right, I see the flaw in my doubt. Ignore the bit previous.

Socrates Verona NJ

"I don’t know why I stayed so long."

Habit and willful blindness.

While there are many fine Christians in America, much of American Christianity has been reduced to a political cult of spite, ill will, regression and Whites R Us cultism directly hijacked by the Republican Party for the sake of authoritarian power.

America's evangelical Christians have championed the prosperity gospel, a philosophy diametrically opposed to the teachings of Jesus Christ and completely in tune with the teachings of HypoChrisy.

Don't feel bad for leaving a bunch of Anti-Christs who threw their hypocrisy, racism, spite and ill will behind the worst American President in history who cannot finish a sentence without a lie.

America's 'conservative' Christians and white Southern Baptists are Confederates, happy to support a Russian-Republican Orthodox Church that is about good old-fashioned sedition and Making America Hate Again.

When you left the Southern Baptists, you left the Confederacy.

That's freedom....that's a beautiful escape from the Grand Old Plantation...and a jailbreak from a Whites R Us wasteland of organized religious spite.

Welcome to America.

We shall overcome racist Republican religion that helped to elect the racist, deplorable and disgraceful Birther Liar to high crimes and misdemeanors.
Even you couldn't work up a girly giggle for that one.

you're was too people are so predictable......just the same crap we've dealt with from our own lib'ruls for years........does Democrat Underground write the script for all of you?........
I'm having to revisit my belief that a country always gets the government it deserves. After all, what could the US have done to have deserved that?

Well, apart from maintaining an Electoral College.

Ah, right, I see the flaw in my doubt. Ignore the bit previous.

I don't blame the electoral college. We should not have so many people who were suckered by a clumsy con man that the electoral college was able to implement minority rule. I blame two groups of people, in particular. I blame the young who enjoy the fun of protest tantrums but find voting to be boring, man. And, I blame my generation of whiny brats. We grew up under the impression that a high school diploma would get any white male a nice house and two cars and a comfortable retirement. Probably get it even without that diploma. Now, even a college degree is no guarantee of a life of material ease. trump gave them somebody(s) to blame for their inadequacies, a direction for their free-floating anger, and the Deplorable crybabies at it up.

Once again, Pogo was right. We have met the enemy, and he is us.
you're was too people are so predictable......just the same crap we've dealt with from our own lib'ruls for years........does Democrat Underground write the script for all of you?........

Well ... not ... everybody has ... your creativity ... and can combine ... incessant bitchy snottiness ... with casual dishonesty ... to whine about ... how boring ... are the ankles ... he's gnawing at.


The Republican candidate was mocked for eating KFC with a knife and forkThe plump firebrand, who has admitted to gorging on calorific fast food, would also be the oldest President in the history of the Unites States beating Ronald Reagan who was 69-years-old when he took office in 1980.
Last month, the obese billionaire appeared on the Dr. Oz Show to reveal a two page medical report from his doctors which disclosed he was taking statins to control his cholesterol.
During the TV appearance, Trump insisted that public speaking was his only form of regular exercise.