trump: oblivious moron II

lol.....that's the poll that says only 27% of independents believe Trump has done anything illegal..... and Tables_Russia_July 2017.pdf#page=3

Was the girly giggle supposed to camouflage the fact that another 31% believe he has done something unethical, making a majority of independents who think trump has done something wrong ... as opposed to your casual lying that most independents think it's all a waste of time.

It's not nice to treat people as if they are no smarter than you or your herd.
Was the girly giggle supposed to camouflage the fact that another 31% believe he has done something unethical, making a majority of independents who think trump has done something wrong ... as opposed to your casual lying that most independents think it's all a waste of time.

It's not nice to treat people as if they are no smarter than you or your herd.
I didn't say independents thought Trump was a waste of time......they think your lip flapping is a waste of do I......
But, speaking of bored, since it doesn't look like you're going to put any effort into your snotty dishonesty, I'm going to Netflix for some Narcos and ​House of Cards.
"Us"? Now the girly giggler thinks he's the queen.

I can understand, though, how a clumsy liar like you would have been caught so often it could become boring for you.

poor lib'ruls........all they can do when they lose an argument is pretend everyone else is lying......
I didn't say independents thought Trump was a waste of time......they think your lip flapping is a waste of do I......

Or maybe you're not lazy. Maybe, you're just so damn stupid you think this kind of clumsy dishonesty fools anyone. Or, maybe you have so liberated yourself from pride you don't care how such impotent, dishonest snottiness makes you look.
In honor of Made in America Week:

Interesting. McConnell is trying to save face following yet another failure for trumpcare. He is talking of doing again a bill that Regressives passed under Obama, because they knew he would veto it. Nobody believes they could pass this now, nor any other form of trump's moronic blustering about simply repealing Obamacare now and replacing it at some fantasized future where his party will magically develop an ability to govern. Everybody knows the Regressives are scared to death at what simply repealing Obamacare would do to voters and so their political futures.
Without repeal and replace on Obamacare, Regressives will be unable to cook the books well enough to proceed with their trickle-on tax "reform." So, if you look beyond the trump corruption that has served to distract from Regressive incompetence, what have you got?


Even for a gnat, you're a slow learner. I did not say you are a Nazi. That would imply a stature and menace beyond what your gnat-ass could carry. You are, at your most powerful, a minor annoyance. No, I said you are a Nazi-WANNABE. I explained that to you once. I say this because you are constantly squealing about how this place doesn't have enough rules for you to follow; there's nobody telling you what to think and when to think it. Also, you are so desperate in this need that you have been persuaded that a flabby, septuagenarian, pampered brat is your strong man daddy who will protect your sissy ass from Mexicans and Muslims and lions and tigers and bears.

Nazi? Nah, picture Indiana Jones being harassed by a flock of very obedient midges demanding he provide more structure in his search for the lost ark. That's more your style.
This thread serves one purpose at least, we know where all the loonies will be hanging out.



Well said!

as usual, only anonymous posts something intelligent.....

Gutter dwellers, flinging about the "substance" they find themselves immersed in day-in, day-out, while bitterly complaining about the stench. How's that for a definition of "irony-challenged"?