trump: oblivious moron II

Within the last hour, the Russian ambassador said he is almost at a deal to get back the property confiscated from Russia as punishment for its meddling in our election. Insiders say trump is demonstrating his vaunted negotiating skills by demanding the Golden Gate Bridge be added to the Russian offer of the Brooklyn Bridge in exchange for the property.
That's not really relevant, in that there wasn't anything untoward, they don't really fear anything, and wouldn't really need a lawyer. They just do it because, "Everybody does it." In these circles, you can't even show up at a party without your personal lawyer in tow.

Yup. I speculated the Trumpy runs for President to enrich himself starting about a year ago. Didn't really expect him to go after such small potatoes.
Trump himself has stated he will make money off this venture, I guess that is one way he is winning.
The outgoing ethics czar I mentioned earlier was just on CNN. Among other interesting things he had to say was his office was about a week ahead of vetting trump people than they had been with Obama people in his first election, so trump complaints about "deep state" obstructionism is just wrong. He did not point out, but I will, that trump would get more people appointed if he got off his fat lazy ass and found some people to fill the jobs he's leaving vacant. He also pointed out that since trump's swamp-the-drain appointees are so much wealthier than normal, his people were working faster on people whose holdings made their job more complicated. He also said that neither the bush nor Obama administration fought him anywhere nearly so hard in helping his people help trumpies get their ethics issues ironed out.

Oh, if you missed it, this is the guy I posted about earlier who declared trump is making us the "laughingstock of the world" in terms of commenting on ethics and corruption issues in other nations.
I was looking for a cartoon that mocked Coulter for her Delta Airlines rant. It showed her and a broom and someone asking if she'd taken Delta because her broom was in the shop.
A typical day for RickyTacky at JPP:

I heard the term once, but don't remember it.

What is it when someone makes an internet link with: hey check out my girlfriends boobs

And then people watch it and there are no boobs. It has an internet term for it.

Anyway, that is this and his other thread. He uses Trump to get views and then goes off on nothing but his insane rants.
I heard the term once, but don't remember it.

What is it when someone makes an internet link with: hey check out my girlfriends boobs

And then people watch it and there are no boobs. It has an internet term for it.

Anyway, that is this and his other thread. He uses Trump to get views and then goes off on nothing but his insane rants.

Whiny little Nazi-wannabe, aincha? Feel free to stay where people tell you what to think and when to think it, gnat. Or, you could just wait until I play on other threads to gum on my ankles.