trump: oblivious moron II long does it take other sources to cut their prices if they think someone will put off shore PUDs into production.....and how long does it take them to raise prices back up again if they think the demmycrats won't let someone put off shore PUDs into production?.......

You're an should shut up now...
[h=3]Tip Jar[/h] Coral Gables, FL

Article 31 of the Iraqi Constitution, signed into law by George W. Bush and ratified by the Iraqi people:

“First: Every citizen has the right to health care. The State shall maintain public health and provide the means of prevention and treatment by building different types of hospitals and health institutions.

Second: Individuals and entities have the right to build hospitals, clinics, or private health care centers under the supervision of the State, and this shall be regulated by law."

According to Republicans, health care is a right for Iraqis but not for average Americans.

Why the double standard, Republicans?

STILL can't handle that a Democrat delivered your own program to you, even as you kept his hands tied every step of the way?
are you denying that the inflation over Carter's administration was 35.25%?.......we've had posters with difficulties understanding math before......

[h=3]Zatari[/h] anywhere

And while we're heaping blame on Trump and the Republican Congress, let's not forget who is really responsible for this health care disaster:
Trump voters.

They own this. They own all of this. And I won't have the slightest concern for any of them, once they can no longer obtain health insurance, or once they lose their Medicaid coverage. They deserve every ounce of suffering they experience, for their reckless, irresponsible actions this past November.

Health care is only one of the many disasters their votes have wrought. Sixty million selfish, bigoted people have caused more damage to this country in just the past six months than has happened in the past six decades. They should all be ashamed of themselves. Feel concern for their suffering? Are you kidding me?
[h=3]Zatari[/h] anywhere

And while we're heaping blame on Trump and the Republican Congress, let's not forget who is really responsible for this health care disaster:
Trump voters.

They own this. They own all of this. And I won't have the slightest concern for any of them, once they can no longer obtain health insurance, or once they lose their Medicaid coverage. They deserve every ounce of suffering they experience, for their reckless, irresponsible actions this past November.

Health care is only one of the many disasters their votes have wrought. Sixty million selfish, bigoted people have caused more damage to this country in just the past six months than has happened in the past six decades. They should all be ashamed of themselves. Feel concern for their suffering? Are you kidding me?

Trump voters are hit the hardest by all of his lies...
Go figure...
[h=3]thewriterstuff[/h] Planet Earth

It is now obvious that the GOP does not have any ideas on how to 'fix' Obamacare. What is revealed in this fight is that they have no intention of bringing costs down, or covering more people, which a single payer system would do. After a health emergency in the US almost cost me my house, I returned to Canada. I have just undergone major surgery after something was found during a routine physical. The doctor I see works in an office of six doctors with two receptionists, in the US it was 2 doctors and 6 support staff. I have never waited longer than five minutes for any appointment. It was less than a week for an appointment for a complete physical, whereas in NY I waited six weeks. A specialist appointment is arranged in days for most. A swipe of my medical card is all that is needed and my history is available to anyone Dr. I see. I receive most of my lab results on the same day as the tests, sent directly to my email. I was on opioids after my operation and they knew to the pill how many and how long I had been taking them and whether I was abusing them and came up with a plan to get me off them. Medications are less than half what I paid in the US. Yes, my taxes are slightly higher, but the peace of mind is priceless. I also cannot overstate how many times friends in the US have asked me whether I would consider marrying them because they are truly scared of what will happen to them. For my healthcare in Canada, I pay $75 CDN (less than 60 US) per month.
[h=3]thewriterstuff[/h] Planet Earth

It is now obvious that the GOP does not have any ideas on how to 'fix' Obamacare. What is revealed in this fight is that they have no intention of bringing costs down, or covering more people, which a single payer system would do. After a health emergency in the US almost cost me my house, I returned to Canada. I have just undergone major surgery after something was found during a routine physical. The doctor I see works in an office of six doctors with two receptionists, in the US it was 2 doctors and 6 support staff. I have never waited longer than five minutes for any appointment. It was less than a week for an appointment for a complete physical, whereas in NY I waited six weeks. A specialist appointment is arranged in days for most. A swipe of my medical card is all that is needed and my history is available to anyone Dr. I see. I receive most of my lab results on the same day as the tests, sent directly to my email. I was on opioids after my operation and they knew to the pill how many and how long I had been taking them and whether I was abusing them and came up with a plan to get me off them. Medications are less than half what I paid in the US. Yes, my taxes are slightly higher, but the peace of mind is priceless. I also cannot overstate how many times friends in the US have asked me whether I would consider marrying them because they are truly scared of what will happen to them. For my healthcare in Canada, I pay $75 CDN (less than 60 US) per month.

Canada is a civilized country...
Of course, everybody wants to know what came out of the meeting trump had with Putin that he tried to hide. Has he done enough to get the piss tapes burned, and is the pampered buffoon gullible enough to believe it, when Putin said he has?

Nothing came out of it, you fucking retard! Okay?
are you denying that the inflation over Carter's administration was 35.25%?.......we've had posters with difficulties understanding math before......
There was certainly inflation of that order over that period but Carter gets too much of bum rap in my opinion. The quadrupling of oil prices overnight had a profound effect on the economy and inflation. Of course many claim that Paul Volcker was the one that drove inflation down and ascribe that as a victory for Reagan even though it was Carter that appointed him in the first place. There were many other factors as well including the costs from the Vietnam War, successive dollar devaluations to name but two.

"Arthur Burns, the chairman of the Federal Reserve at the time, explained in 1974, the “manipulation of oil prices and supplies by the oil-exporting countries came at a most inopportune time for the United States. In the middle of 1973, wholesale prices of industrial commodities were already rising at an annual rate of more than 10 per cent; our industrial plant was operating at virtually full capacity; and many major industrial materials were in extremely short supply” (Burns 1974). In addition to these cost pressures, the US oil industry had a lack of excess production capacity, which meant it was difficult for the industry to bring more oil to market if needed (Alhajji 2005). Thus, when OAPEC cut oil production, prices had to rise because the American oil industry could not respond by increasing supply. Additionally, non-Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) oil sources were declining as a percentage of the world oil industry, and OPEC was therefore gaining a larger percentage of the world oil market. These market dynamics, matched with the effect of OPEC nations’ greater participation rights in the industry, allowed OPEC to wield a much larger influence over the price setting mechanism in the oil market since their formation in 1960 (Merrill 2007)."
There was certainly inflation of that order over that period but Carter gets too much of bum rap in my opinion. The quadrupling of oil prices overnight had a profound effect on the economy and inflation. Of course many claim that Paul Volcker was the one that drove inflation down and ascribe that as a victory for Reagan even though it was Carter that appointed him in the first place. There were many other factors as well including the costs from the Vietnam War, successive dollar devaluations to name but two.

"Arthur Burns, the chairman of the Federal Reserve at the time, explained in 1974, the “manipulation of oil prices and supplies by the oil-exporting countries came at a most inopportune time for the United States. In the middle of 1973, wholesale prices of industrial commodities were already rising at an annual rate of more than 10 per cent; our industrial plant was operating at virtually full capacity; and many major industrial materials were in extremely short supply” (Burns 1974). In addition to these cost pressures, the US oil industry had a lack of excess production capacity, which meant it was difficult for the industry to bring more oil to market if needed (Alhajji 2005). Thus, when OAPEC cut oil production, prices had to rise because the American oil industry could not respond by increasing supply. Additionally, non-Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) oil sources were declining as a percentage of the world oil industry, and OPEC was therefore gaining a larger percentage of the world oil market. These market dynamics, matched with the effect of OPEC nations’ greater participation rights in the industry, allowed OPEC to wield a much larger influence over the price setting mechanism in the oil market since their formation in 1960 (Merrill 2007)."

Gee, thanks.

Did it hit 20%?

PmP remains a fucking idiot.
FaggyTavy has an obsession with my anus as well. Weird.

After it was revealed that President Trump had an undisclosed conversation with President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia during the G-20 summit meeting, late-night hosts found themselves resorting to a range of similes.

“People think you colluded with the president of a hostile foreign power, then you go out to meet with him again — and you don’t tell anybody? That’s like if O.J. does get on parole, and immediately goes glove shopping.” — STEPHEN COLBERT

“If there’s a perception of you that you’re colluding with Russia, just don’t have a private conversation with the president of Russia. It’s like if there are rumors that you have sex with sheep. Even if they are false, just stay away from sheep for a while. I know some people would be like, ‘That’s not fair man. I can’t go to the petting zoo anymore?’ ‘I’m sorry, no, you can’t.’ ‘So I gotta give away my season tickets?’ ‘Yeah, you do. And by the way, why did you have season tickets to the petting zoo anyway? This is why questions are raised about you, man.’” — TREVOR NOAH

“Is this your idea of playing it cool? You’re like a bank robber who goes out the next day and buys a Ferrari — with a ‘BANKROBBER’ vanity plate.” — SETH MEYERS

Mr. Colbert summed up his level of confidence in the Trump administration’s truthfulness:

“This might actually be a nothing burger. But every time they tell us it’s a nothing burger, it turns out to be a juicy quarter pounder with sleaze.” — STEPHEN COLBERT

There was certainly inflation of that order over that period but Carter gets too much of bum rap in my opinion. The quadrupling of oil prices overnight had a profound effect on the economy and inflation. Of course many claim that Paul Volcker was the one that drove inflation down and ascribe that as a victory for Reagan even though it was Carter that appointed him in the first place. There were many other factors as well including the costs from the Vietnam War, successive dollar devaluations to name but two.

"Arthur Burns, the chairman of the Federal Reserve at the time, explained in 1974, the “manipulation of oil prices and supplies by the oil-exporting countries came at a most inopportune time for the United States. In the middle of 1973, wholesale prices of industrial commodities were already rising at an annual rate of more than 10 per cent; our industrial plant was operating at virtually full capacity; and many major industrial materials were in extremely short supply” (Burns 1974). In addition to these cost pressures, the US oil industry had a lack of excess production capacity, which meant it was difficult for the industry to bring more oil to market if needed (Alhajji 2005). Thus, when OAPEC cut oil production, prices had to rise because the American oil industry could not respond by increasing supply. Additionally, non-Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) oil sources were declining as a percentage of the world oil industry, and OPEC was therefore gaining a larger percentage of the world oil market. These market dynamics, matched with the effect of OPEC nations’ greater participation rights in the industry, allowed OPEC to wield a much larger influence over the price setting mechanism in the oil market since their formation in 1960 (Merrill 2007)."

"There was certainly inflation of that order over that period "

Explain to that idiot, assuming you know, where he went so terribly wrong with his math.