trump: oblivious moron II

Financial records filed last year in the secretive tax haven of Cyprus, where Paul J. Manafort kept bank accounts during his years working in Ukraine and investing with a Russian oligarch, indicate that he had been in debt to pro-Russia interests by as much as $17 million before he joined Donald J. Trump’s presidential campaign in March 2016.
Financial records filed last year in the secretive tax haven of Cyprus, where Paul J. Manafort kept bank accounts during his years working in Ukraine and investing with a Russian oligarch, indicate that he had been in debt to pro-Russia interests by as much as $17 million before he joined Donald J. Trump’s presidential campaign in March 2016.

Looking at excerpts from trump's recent NYTs interview, nothing got him so riled as the notion that Mueller might look at his financial dealings. Bothered him even more than Beauregard recusing himself instead of stifling the Russia investigation. There's a reason trump was willing to lose an election rather than release his tax forms.
Currently, the leaders of the US Department of Justice are answering questions, sorta, how they can continue to do their job under trump's idiot gasbagging.
PostFactProphet has not been seen here since I mocked his silly math - adding the yearly averages of inflation under Carter to support a notion inflation was 35% during that time, and getting snotty about his math ignorance.
EXCL: Paul Manafort’s Daughter and Son-In-Law Sued For $14 Million Over Shady Real Estate Deals

Why did Jessica Manafort and her husband take out $14 million in puzzling real estate loans only to default on all of them at the same time? ?

trump believes that he threw Manafort under the bus early enough to sustain his overall policy of, "That damn buck never stops within a hundred miles of me."
Exxon has been fined $2 million dollars for violating sanctions against Russia while Rex Tillerson was in charge. Financial analysts are concerned this will empty the break room coffee buying jar for the rest of the week.
Gonna go shooting today with my eastern elitist daughter. She likes shooting the .22. After shooting my 12 gauge and my S&W .40, she likes shooting my .22 rifle.
Ywas actually closer to 45%
and yet you balked when I said 20%.......odd.....

And, I majored in History, avoiding Math classes as much as I could.

interesting......I also majored in History (though that was long ago - there was less history then), with a second major in Sociology......I was two courses short of a third major in Philosophy.....all three were good background for my Juris Doctorate......
PostFactProphet has not been seen here since I mocked his silly math - adding the yearly averages of inflation under Carter to support a notion inflation was 35% during that time, and getting snotty about his math ignorance.

ah sorry for going to bed last we are all in agreement that inflation under the idiot demmycrat Carter was the worst in recent does anyone still harbor reservations about calling the Obama deficits also the worst in American history?.......
and yet you balked when I said 20%.......odd.....

Yeah, I preemptively trashed this predictable defense of a predictable dishonesty at the same time I ridiculed your silly Math that was accompanied by snottiness.

interesting......I also majored in History (though that was long ago - there was less history then), with a second major in Sociology......I was two courses short of a third major in Philosophy.....all three were good background for my Juris Doctorate......

Uh huh. Given your unfamiliarity with honesty, stunning ignorance of economic history in terms of which party has given us better economies, and an ability with Math that had you believing you could add yearly averages of inflation and come up with cumulative inflation in the hope it would deflect from your dishonest claims of inflation rates under Carter, I say your "J.D." stands for the certificate of "Just Done" that you got from trump University.

OTOH, I can picture someone as sleazy as you hanging around ERs with blank contracts for confused accident victims.
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Yeah, I preemptively trashed this predictable defense of a predictable dishonesty at the same time I ridiculed your silly Math that was accompanied by snottiness.

Uh huh. Given your unfamiliarity with honesty, stunning ignorance of economic history in terms of which party has given us better economies, and an ability with Math that had you believing you could add yearly averages of inflation in the hope it would deflect from your dishonest claims of inflation rates under Carter, I say your "J.D." stands for the certificate of "Just Done" that you got from trump University.

OTOH, I can picture someone as sleazy as you hanging around ERs with blank contracts for confused accident victims.
He may be an arsehole but you out trump him in the major cunt league.
ah sorry for going to bed last we are all in agreement that inflation under the idiot demmycrat Carter was the worst in recent does anyone still harbor reservations about calling the Obama deficits also the worst in American history?.......

See, somebody who claims to have majored in History would not refer to inflation rates during any time frame as a matter of CUMULATIVE inflation, unless they were relying on the stupidity of a Deplorable herd to swallow a clumsy deflection from you getting caught with your alligator mouth overloading your hummingbird asshole again.

As for your return, I admit that I underestimated your lack of pride. I assumed you had some residual bit somewhere that would have left you nursing your wounds after a day of humiliation. I'm assuming that you are relying on this same lack of pride to allow you to dance unashamedly in defense of your lie/stupidity about Obama deficits being the worst in history.


Missing from the above is St. Raygun, discoverer of the Red Ink Sea, whose free-lunch economics passed on deficits greater than all previous presidents combined.
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