trump: oblivious moron II

Because if there's two things real estate lawyers are known for it is using wildly inaccurate numbers (wanta tell us again how Obama had the worst deficits in history?) and an inability to express themselves while using basic punctuation.

I'm also known for evicting deadbeat tenants.....perhaps we've met.......

wanta tell us again how Obama had the worst deficits in history?
sure.....he had the worst deficits in history........more than all the presidents than preceded him, combined.........are you denying that fact?......
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Wrong again, pretentious twit. Adding yearly averages to come up with inflation of 35% does not become less stupid or dishonest when you repeat it.

I didn't add yearly averages to come up with inflation of 35%.......I cut and pasted the 35% from your post........was the number you stated wrong?.......
You were talking about deficits, dumbass. 'Sokay, nobody expects precise language from somebody claiming to be a real estate lawyer. Of course, your point was to hope you could deflect from your statement that Obama's deficit reduction gave us the worst deficits in history.

yes....we are talking deficits......I did not state that Obama had a deficit reduction........because he didn't have a deficit reduction.......doubling the deficit is not a reduction.........
... followed by PostFactProphet showing off again his lack of pride by borrowing I-know-you-are from YoYo the gnat.

you aren't very good at actually debating things are you........would you mind explaining why you think Obama decreased the national debt when he doubled it?......
I'm also know for evicting deadbeat tenants.....perhaps we've met.......

Right. I can just picture a pencil-necked geezer evicting angry poor people. You may have hired a lawyer to get a cop to do it.

sure.....he had the worst deficits in history........more than all the presidents than preceded him, combined.........are you denying that fact?......

Your clumsy lies are not facts, and I already showed and cited how Obama reduced bush's deficits, while you continue to believe repeating a lie somehow validates it.

Any chance you will get around to explaining how you came up inflation under Carter being 35%, after you changed from the 20% idiocy, or are you just hoping that if you hiss and spit fast enough people will forget your previous lies and stupidity? Bit of advice in that regard. You might want to stop adding to your list of stupidities and dishonesties, until you've completely buried your old ones.
Or, why a real estate lawyer can't do simple math or handle basic grammar. You need to come up with something to back up your claim that you are a sleazeball lawyer besides your demonstrated willingness to lie blatantly.
Okay, lunch time. And, then I'm gonna go shooting. You fleas are gonna have to find some other ankles to feed on for awhile.
Right. I can just picture a pencil-necked geezer evicting angry poor people.

why were you should have paid your rent....

Your clumsy lies are not facts, and I already showed and cited how Obama reduced bush's deficits, while you continue to believe repeating a lie somehow validates it.
Obama's deficits totaled the highest of any president in the history of the fact, doubling all presidents that preceded him COMBINED, including Bush's deficits.....
Any chance you will get around to explaining how you came up inflation under Carter being 35%
sure......I copied it from your post.....