trump: oblivious moron II

He had a standing offer in his signature line. PM me and I'll give you Person X's contact info. And it was a credible threat. So he was booted. Then, because he's such a worthless miserable asshole he mouthed off to the mod and turned it into a permanent ban.

This is true? Is his sig still showing at USMB? I want proof of this.

That is a huge accusation to make.
Must be nice to know you have found asses to kiss that are gullible enough to believe your lies. Too bad that sucking up to SPRAYIT and company does not sate your need to be a lickspittle, and waving your tiny dicky in front of that crowd has lost its kick, twitch. Oh, speaking of which, you might want to look up a poster here calling himself "Anonymous." Save you from having to spend money on the DeviantTwitch section at eHarmony.

You should get an MRI. Only thing that can account for this kind if ignorant stupidity and mindless hate is a brain tumor. Prolly the size of a cantaloupe.
I only have a minute, but looking back, I see I underestimated PostFactProphet's ignorance. I thought him constantly interchanging "debt" and "deficit" was just more of the sloppiness that goes with his inability to handle basic punctuation. I mean, it's not like lawyers are used to being precise in their language, right? Looking back, I was confused about him talking about $10T in deficits. I thought maybe he was stupidly adding up yearly budget deficits to think that made some kind of significant number, but then I remembered he also kept talking about $10T in debt one time and then $10 trillion in deficit the next, along with all the rest of his bouncing between the terms.

I realize now our math challenged holder of a law degree doesn't even know the difference between the two terms. Take a look back and tell me I'm wrong.
Big fucking deal you worthless cunt, so he mixed up deficit and debt. I am truly surprised that none of your students didn't try to stick a knife between your ribs.
He had a standing offer in his signature line. PM me and I'll give you Person X's contact info. And it was a credible threat. So he was booted. Then, because he's such a worthless miserable asshole he mouthed off to the mod and turned it into a permanent ban.

No...that is NOT what the sig line offered.....THERE WAS NO THREAT. As the author of the quote in question was NOT identified, it was his HANDLE - NOT HIS PERSONAL INFO, which was offered.

There was no threat of sanction until I told your mod pal to stuff his face saving deal....

Unless flacal shared the actual correspondence with you, you are talking completely out of your hat....

The real question is, why did you lie about "balckmailing" and why have all you sniveling little snitches been running over here spreading your bullshit and rank idiocy?

Are you lonely?
To be clear, it was RickyTacky who had this in his sig?

No. It was blackvegetable. Over there he went by Iceberg Slim. That's why I call him the Pimp.

Ricky is his main suckup. Or rather, they suck each other. So he and the rest of the dumb animals came over here out of sympathy for their lost Pimp.
Big fucking deal you worthless cunt, so he mixed up deficit and debt. I am truly surprised that none of your students didn't try to stick a knife between your ribs.

You think that trivial?

You're as fucking stupid as he is, Millie......why don't you go staple your leaking pissflaps shut....
No...that is NOT what the sig line offered.....THERE WAS NO THREAT. As the author of the quote in question was NOT identified, it was his HANDLE - NOT HIS PERSONAL INFO, which was offered.

There was no threat of sanction until I told your mod pal to stuff his face saving deal....

Unless flacal shared the actual correspondence with you, you are talking completely out of your hat....

The real question is, why did you lie about "balckmailing" and why have all you sniveling little snitches been running over here spreading your bullshit and rank idiocy?

Are you lonely?

You shouldn't be allowed to post on any forum in the universe, asshole. So shut the fuck up.
No. It was blackvegetable. Over there he went by Iceberg Slim. That's why I call him the Pimp.

Ricky is his main suckup. Or rather, they suck each other. So he and the rest of the dumb animals came over here out of sympathy for their lost Pimp.

Ah, I thought Rickity was the leader. They all seem to suck up to him and follow his orders.

If rottenvegetable is so concerned about people's personal information, that just shows how insecure he is and how short he will last here. Other than rule 12b, nothing will you banned here faster than dishing personal info.
Yes it's true. But Mod deleted it immediately.

You are stupid lying asshole......that signature line had been up for WEEKS.......and until I humiliated you and your Li'l Pard, Otis, no one (other than a couple of the people who have joined us here) said "boo" about it. There's even an exchange with another poster where I make clear the deliberate ambiguity, and another in which a poster inquires - and is told "Otis".

Fla was in a snit because he has been recruited by numerous Deplorables to protect them from my callous disregard for their self esteem - and he was getting mauled trying.....I believe the permanent ban was in the service of a coverup.....cause Fla made a couple of incriminating statements which I bet he would prefer not be aired.

I, however, have nothing to hide - and would have no objection to having the mods go through my PM files.
Big fucking deal you worthless cunt, so he mixed up deficit and debt. I am truly surprised that none of your students didn't try to stick a knife between your ribs.

Yeah, what's the big deal between debt and deficit, especially coming from someone simpering constantly about those pointing at his ignorance don't know what they're talking about? You might remove your ass from PostFactProphet's ass long enough to explain his stupidity to him, and save him from further humiliation.

Oh, I did have a student try to stick me with a knife once. It was when I was working at a boarding school. Kid had been on a three day meth binge and was hallucinating. You looking for somebody to come to face me for you, since the Arizona boy you fondled wouldn't do it?