Trump says Jewish voters would be to blame if he loses

Agreed that Trump's rhetoric supports antisemitism and will result in an increase in antisemitic violence.

Also agreed that @Joe is a ticking time bomb who is likely to commit violence against Americans.....given he's in America and not Brazil, Iran or other anti-American country.
You people are fucking ridiculous. The only way I'm getting violent is if you arrive at my home to defile it or my family. You liberal cunts here are no more than entertainment for me. Like shooting rats at the dump.
Exhibit A. A low information, frightened, hateful angry Trump supporter to whom his cult leader has given targets. People need to wake up. This isn’t about when Trump loses. It is going to happen during this election and most certainly afterwards.
Your stupidity makes me nappy
You are now doubling down on your bogus position assignment. I made no mention of the Constitution.

Try rephrasing your objection using We the People to mean We the People. Let's reserve the word "Constitution" for when we are discussing the Constitution.

Very good. You're making progress. Remember, baby steps.

Donald Trump is only one of the set We the People, he is not the entire set We the People.

Did you happen to notice the absence of the word "Constitution"? If you did, great!

Incorrect. We the People identify the enemies of We the People.
You are the one that introduced the Constitution to try to defend your used of the word "we." Now it appears you want to run away from your attempted defense.
I wonder when Into the Night is going to show up to accuse you of trying to speak for everyone by using "we."
If one person is a subset of "we" then it appears you are disingenuous when you attack anyone else that uses the word we.
It seems it isn't me with the bogus position.
Fuck Jews
“It’s a free world; you don’t have to like Jews, but if you don’t, I suggest that you boycott certain Jewish products, like the Wasserman test for syphilis; digitalis, discovered by a Dr. Nuslin; insulin, discovered by Dr. Minofsky; chloral hydrate for convulsions, discovered by Dr. Lifreich; the Schick test for diptheria; vitamins, discovered by Dr. Funk; steptomycin, discovered by Dr. Z. Woronan, the polio pill by Dr. A. Sabin and the polio vaccine by Dr. Jonas Salk.

“Go on, boycott! Humanitarian consistency requires that my people offer all these gifts to all people of the world. Fanatic consistency requires that all bigots accept syphilis, diabetes, convulsions, malnutrition, infantile paralysis and turberculosis as a matter of principle.

“You want to be mad? Be mad! But I’m telling you, you ain’t going to feel so good!”

“It’s a free world; you don’t have to like Jews, but if you don’t, I suggest that you boycott certain Jewish products, like the Wasserman test for syphilis; digitalis, discovered by a Dr. Nuslin; insulin, discovered by Dr. Minofsky; chloral hydrate for convulsions, discovered by Dr. Lifreich; the Schick test for diptheria; vitamins, discovered by Dr. Funk; steptomycin, discovered by Dr. Z. Woronan, the polio pill by Dr. A. Sabin and the polio vaccine by Dr. Jonas Salk.

“Go on, boycott! Humanitarian consistency requires that my people offer all these gifts to all people of the world. Fanatic consistency requires that all bigots accept syphilis, diabetes, convulsions, malnutrition, infantile paralysis and turberculosis as a matter of principle.

“You want to be mad? Be mad! But I’m telling you, you ain’t going to feel so good!”

Piss off Jew
You are the one that introduced the Constitution to try to defend your used of the word "we."
You introduced the word "Constitution." I had merely made an observation about the group We the People, nothing more. I was pointing out your error of misperception.

And there you are again, being disingenuous by claiming to speak for all people as you claim there is an enemies list.
Your English comprehension sucks. I'm making an observation about We the People, not speaking for We the People. Apparently the word "we" in the name renders you unable to process information.

I wonder when Into the Night is going to show up to accuse you of trying to speak for everyone by using "we."
I'm fairly certain Into the Night can distinguish an observation from a spokesperson.

If one person is a subset of "we" then it appears you are disingenuous
When it appears that way to someone who cannot read, it is easier to simply correct your error.

when you attack anyone else that uses the word we.
If you'll notice, I'm not using the Marxist "we," ... I am referring to We the People, just as you refer to Into the Night, i.e. a name comprised of more than one word.

It seems it isn't me with the bogus position.
It seems that way to the person who is greatly confused.
does the jewish vote matter?
There are so many ways Jews matter more than their tiny slice of the population... But in the 2024 US presidential election, their votes do not matter. They are a tiny number of votes clustered in states that are not the least battleground states. Even if there is some sort of upset involving the Jewish votes (unlikely), the Jewish votes will not be the tipping point.

The only reason trump blames Jewish voters is the same reason he holds rallies in New York and New Jersey. trump hates his supporters, and the places they come from. he loves people in places like NYC, and wishes he was popular there. he is a bit antisemitic, and so blames the Jews of New York for his failure in New York.
Those figures are provided by Hamas themselves.
The figures are provided specifically by the Palestinian Health Ministry. I haven't seen any filtering by Hamas or any doctoring of figures whatsoever, nor has the US government; hence the US government uses those same figures with a high level of confidence. The process simply involves the counting of the dead as they work to identify the bodies. They have to bury the dead so as to avoid creating a disease hazard.

How many of the 42k were Hamas fighters,

people providing logistical support to Hamas,

civilians killed by Hamas friendly fire,

or people dying due to starvation because Hamas refused to use their vast network of tunnels to preemptively store food for their own civilians or provide them shelter?
Zero. The starvation is a deliberate war crime on the part of the IDF. The blockade violates the 4th Geneva Convention and the Convention Against Genocide; it is completely illegal. In any event, the IDF owns the resulting starvation.

42K is a tragedy. But let's get the words right. It's not a genocide,
42K is a tragedy, and let's make sure to get it right. This is a genocide according to the Geneva Conventions and the Convention Against Genocide.

especially when you subtract out of that number the Hamas fighters and mercenaries killed plus civilians killed by Hamas themselves.
Which is zero. The IDF entered Gaza and began slaughtering the Arabs they HATE, all of whom were civilian noncombatants. Those the IDF labelled as "Hamas fighters" were so labelled simply because they were present when the IDF arrived. Many from the IDF have testified to this, i.e. that their orders were to presume that anyone still present when they arrive must obviously be either a Hamas fighter or a Hamas supporter, and that they were to simply be killed, even if they were obviously women or children.

There were never any Hamas fighters in Gaza. The Al Qassam Brigades who attacked Israel on Oct 7th had already departed. All the IDF killed were innocent civilian noncombatants, too many of whom were children.
Thanks for proving you are not in the US. It makes it easier for the CIA to observe your network and neutralize a terrorist organization just like it did with al-Qaeda.

Sayonara, asshole.
You'll never know my location, pimp. Why don't you provide yours, chicken-legs ?

Haw, haw..................................haw.
“It’s a free world; you don’t have to like Jews, but if you don’t, I suggest that you boycott certain Jewish products, like the Wasserman test for syphilis; digitalis, discovered by a Dr. Nuslin; insulin, discovered by Dr. Minofsky; chloral hydrate for convulsions, discovered by Dr. Lifreich; the Schick test for diptheria; vitamins, discovered by Dr. Funk; steptomycin, discovered by Dr. Z. Woronan, the polio pill by Dr. A. Sabin and the polio vaccine by Dr. Jonas Salk.

“Go on, boycott! Humanitarian consistency requires that my people offer all these gifts to all people of the world. Fanatic consistency requires that all bigots accept syphilis, diabetes, convulsions, malnutrition, infantile paralysis and turberculosis as a matter of principle.

“You want to be mad? Be mad! But I’m telling you, you ain’t going to feel so good!”

The Democrats’ useful idiot speaks.
You are the one that introduced the Constitution to try to defend your used of the word "we." Now it appears you want to run away from your attempted defense.
I wonder when Into the Night is going to show up to accuse you of trying to speak for everyone by using "we."
If one person is a subset of "we" then it appears you are disingenuous when you attack anyone else that uses the word we.
It seems it isn't me with the bogus position.
Just an FYI -- Into the Night and IBdaman are the same person with different accounts. There's another sock that belongs to him too. GFM something.