Virginia woman killed in 'grisly mauling' by her dogs, cops say

Originally Posted by ThatOwlWoman View Post
"Yes, because it's so easy to teach an infant to respect and don't touch the pit bull.
WTF is wrong with ppl like you? Blame the victims, always."

What a ignorant comment and completely disrespectful and thoughtless considering what's been shared here. That's why I have her on ignore, and I'm not always happy to see quotes.
Shame on her.

You have me on ignore like I have Sean Connery on speed-dial.

You seem to think that dogs with killer instincts can somehow be "tamed" and "trained" to not attack people. Then you back-pedaled by claiming that children should be taught respect for dogs. WTF. Of course children should be taught respect for *all* lifeforms, not just your pits. What a nasty thing to say after a person here revealed the tragic incident with his own baby. I wonder how that made him feel? Blame the victim. That's what you do.
Let me guess. Still ignorant and shameful remarks because she has personal issues with me. Am I wrong?
Everyone do us all a favor and don't quote her. At least not here:(
Resized_20160524_160635.jpgView attachment 5365 Brutus (the thumbnail pic) at 8 weeks...already much bigger than your guy:)
He's the one pushing 160 now...Brother Duke, a tad smaller;)


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There are always exceptions. Maybe you're ok with a dog who could turn on you. That just ain't the dog for me.

You know, if adults want to adopt a dangerous animal -- whether it's a 15-foot python, a pitbull, a terrarium full of scorpions -- fine. But if these creatures will come in contact with children, other people who could be harmed, and so on, there needs to be some common sense. Since common sense isn't common, that's why laws are enacted.

A couple of years ago, before we left STL, there was an incident where a two-year-old was torn apart by the family's pitbull. They *knew* it was dangerous and kept it locked in a room. It had already bitten another child.

I'm glad that there are people who advocate for dogs, cats, and other animals who have been mistreated, abandoned, abused, and who can be healthy happy creatures in the right environment. But how anyone with a conscience can "rescue" a pit bull, foster it, then release it into a home with vulnerable people and/or other pets is beyond me.

Maybe the answer is sanctuaries for these animals, where the only possible attack victims are either other pit bulls, or the staff (who hopefully are well-trained).
Many many many stories of dogs rescued and rehomed successfully when they have been previously mistreated. Neglected, abused, or simply misunderstood. That's what rescues do. If you need additional information or have questions, please feel free to PM me...
A great article, from one of our finest advocates!
Love all the pics. I don't post personal pics myself, but this about sums it up

I love those, love all Danes, all animals for that matter. My pup thinks she is a lap dog, the most gentle creature you could imagine.
Me too:) There's another poster here with Danes...I hope he sees this and chimes in... The big ones always think they're lap dogs, don't they?...(the pups I pictured are St.Bernard/Standard poodle/Newfoundland and most likely blue heeler.?..will be two in April. They have their own )
Me too:) There's another poster here with Danes...I hope he sees this and chimes in... The big ones always think they're lap dogs, don't they?...(the pups I pictured are St.Bernard/Standard poodle/Newfoundland and most likely blue heeler.?..will be two in April. They have their own )

I am very fond of St.Bernard type/large dogs. They are such gentle creatures. I was dog sitting some little guys for my Mom at times, and I can tell you for a fact that the little yappers are far more work and need by far more attention than the big guys.
We have a standard poodle in the neighborhood, one of the smartest dogs I've ever met. Sits down when he sees me, doesn't expect a treat, only wants to be recognized.
I am very fond of St.Bernard type/large dogs. They are such gentle creatures. I was dog sitting some little guys for my Mom at times, and I can tell you for a fact that the little yappers are far more work and need by far more attention than the big guys.
We have a standard poodle in the neighborhood, one of the smartest dogs I've ever met. Sits down when he sees me, doesn't expect a treat, only wants to be recognized.
We have big and small....We love them all:) Have a good night. We've got some walking to do:)
He's so cute...and so little. Our most recent puppies are now 138 and Hopefully, done "growing";)
She's a she and she has only two redeeming qualities. She's absolutely fearless and she likes me better than the misses. Which is special because she's the only one that likes me better than the misses.
You know, if adults want to adopt a dangerous animal -- whether it's a 15-foot python, a pitbull, a terrarium full of scorpions -- fine. But if these creatures will come in contact with children, other people who could be harmed, and so on, there needs to be some common sense. Since common sense isn't common, that's why laws are enacted.

A couple of years ago, before we left STL, there was an incident where a two-year-old was torn apart by the family's pitbull. They *knew* it was dangerous and kept it locked in a room. It had already bitten another child.

I'm glad that there are people who advocate for dogs, cats, and other animals who have been mistreated, abandoned, abused, and who can be healthy happy creatures in the right environment. But how anyone with a conscience can "rescue" a pit bull, foster it, then release it into a home with vulnerable people and/or other pets is beyond me.

Maybe the answer is sanctuaries for these animals, where the only possible attack victims are either other pit bulls, or the staff (who hopefully are well-trained).
Ah yes...common favorite oxymoron. There's nothing common about sense.
He's so cute...and so little. Our most recent puppies are now 138 and Hopefully, done "growing";)
Something interesting about dogs. With male dogs size means absolutely nothing about which dog is an alpha male or not. When I was a kid my brother and I found a feral dog. It was a mutt but probably a small Lhasa Apso mix that weight about 8 lb's soaking wet. Damned if he wasn't an Alpha male. Owned probably a half dozen dogs or more in the last 30+ years and this dog always stud out. Just a dink little toy dog barely larger than a Chihauha. Personality too. There were people in our neighborhood who knew our dog by name that didn't know his owners name. I mean this dog was a real character.

Lot's of stories about him. First when we found him he had gone feral. Meaning he was an awesome little rat killer. He'd kill rats or squirrels by running them to ground then leave them at the foot of my bed. I think he was trying to tell me something. I watched the little shit run down a rabbit one time and he'd kept up with the rabbit, move for move. Killed the rabbit too. He was a great rabbit dog you had to be careful you didn't blow his head off when you shot the rabbit. Wasn't bad as a bird dog either.

One story about him is the neighbor had an Irish Wolf Hound. Those things are huge. They're like 3' high at the shoulders and 6' long. The Irish Wolfhound got lose one day and made it over to our yard. Our dog, Scratch (he had fleas when we found him) just trotted up to him and sniffed noses with him acting real submissive. He then bolted underneath the Wolfhound and attacked his nether regions. That Woulfound jumped about four feet into the air and bolted. I laughed so hard I though my ribs would break.

Another good story a neighbors Irish Setter was in heat. She was about 60 lbs. Scratch...about 8 lbs on a good day. I was sitting on my porch with a friend and not paying to much attention to this scraggly old feral mutt that weighed about 8lbs chasing this blue blooded Irish Setter. After a short while I saw the Irish Setter running across the parking lot and Old Scratch was hanging off the back end of her for dear life. Crazy dog but 100% alpha male.
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