Virginia woman killed in 'grisly mauling' by her dogs, cops say

FUCK YOU and the FAUX POUTRAGE horse you rode in on, DOUCHEBAG.

You right wing fuck bags have wished death upon and cheered and jeered over the misfortunes of your political opponents more times than can be counted. Now, when it's convenient, you act all morally offended.

I repeat.... FUCK YOU.

Couple of points....

1) I'm not a progressive. I don't like progressivism. To me, it's the equivalent of the tea party, just the opposite end of the spectrum.

2) I was born, raised and still live in the south. So don't spew your dumbass vomit at me about what I think of Southerners. I've known them all my life and like any other group, there are good ones and stupid trashy ones. IMO, the ones who go around showing off the Confederate flag tend to be cut from pretty much the same cloth. Ignorant, simple-narrow minded, self-centered, don't give a fuck about others outside themselves and their immediate Klan, etc, etc.

And speaking of "Klans", the Klan was created by SOCIAL CONSERVATIVES. The same mentality that created the Klan, is the mentality that put Dumpster Donnie the pussy grabbing Russian puppet into office. The political right of today is the modern equivalent of the originators of the Klan.

You can spin your dumbilly bullshit all you want, but you're fooling nobody but yourself.

The "true" morality of a true social warrior on display in all its historical STARS and BARS glory. :laugh:

The true "symbolism" of historical hate and bigotry in the United States of America. THE POLITICAL JACK ASS ON DISPLAY

WHITE TRASH that thinks he's ELITE but actually lives in a DNC trailer park.....his snowflake SAFE PLACE. Hiding behind a supposed anonymity of NET NEUTRALITY. The "keyboard" SOCIAL WARRIOR in action. (: The attempt to be a cyber BULLY in a projected virtual reality but in the REAL WORLD rolls up his windows and locks his doors while driving through one the modern DNC generated plantations....the projects in the hood.

Go get'm WARRIOR....giv'em a good ole fashion cyber ass wooph'n.


I simply luv winding a liberal up by placing him/her in a corner of their own words....and watch the entertaining show as they come out cuss'n and swearing their allegiance to their true master.....the lord of this world, SATAN. Enjoy the show....I am. To early for popcorn but a good ole fashioned cup of hot chocolate with the little marsh mellows sounds good. :clink:
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The "true" morality of a true social warrior on display in all its historical STARS and BARS glory. :laugh:

The true "symbolism" of historical hate and bigotry in the United States of America. THE POLITICAL JACK ASS ON DISPLAY

WHITE TRASH that thinks he's ELITE but actually lives in a DNC trailer park.....his snowflake SAFE PLACE. Hiding behind a supposed anonymity of NET NEUTRALITY. The "keyboard" SOCIAL WARRIOR in action. (: The attempt to be a cyber BULLY in a projected virtual reality but in the REAL WORLD rolls up his windows and locks his doors while driving through one the modern DNC generated plantations....the projects in the hood.

Go get'm WARRIOR....giv'em a good ole fashion cyber ass wooph'n.


I simply luv winding a liberal up by placing him/her in a corner of their own words....and watch the entertaining show as they come out cuss'n and swearing their allegiance to their true master.....the lord of this world, SATAN. Enjoy the show....I am. To early for popcorn but a good ole fashioned cup of hot chocolate with the little marsh mellows sounds good. :clink:

It's never too early for popcorn:)
The "true" morality of a true social warrior on display in all its historical STARS and BARS glory. :laugh:

The true "symbolism" of historical hate and bigotry in the United States of America. THE POLITICAL JACK ASS ON DISPLAY

WHITE TRASH that thinks he's ELITE but actually lives in a DNC trailer park.....his snowflake SAFE PLACE. Hiding behind a supposed anonymity of NET NEUTRALITY. The "keyboard" SOCIAL WARRIOR in action. (: The attempt to be a cyber BULLY in a projected virtual reality but in the REAL WORLD rolls up his windows and locks his doors while driving through one the modern DNC generated plantations....the projects in the hood.

Go get'm WARRIOR....giv'em a good ole fashion cyber ass wooph'n.


I simply luv winding a liberal up by placing him/her in a corner of their own words....and watch the entertaining show as they come out cuss'n and swearing their allegiance to their true master.....the lord of this world, SATAN. Enjoy the show....I am. To early for popcorn but a good ole fashioned cup of hot chocolate with the little marsh mellows sounds good. :clink:

Good thing for blabbering idiots like you that you're so impressed with yourselves.

Because nobody else ever is.

"Semi literate and low education" are the terms that come to mind while reading your barely decipherable drool.
The real evil? Any "asshole" that would attempt to use such to demonstrate their bigotry toward another human being. But then we discover the source. Progressive compassion.....and the propagation of being a SOCIAL WARRIOR. Got any crippled children to wheel out? Never allow a good crisis to go to waste. The evil of socialism on display. was the evil symbolism of southern heritage that trained the dog to attack its own master.... Now ALL pit bulls are dangerous and must be put down because "one" turned on its master.....proving the point that (false premise) that EVERYONE from the south is stupid, ignorant, bigoted, racists....THEY MUST BE I SAW the stars and bars flying in the background.

SNOWFLAKE 101. Being evil without even realizing YOU ARE EVIL. The same tactics were taught by the south to HITLER in the 30s (as Hitler studied the work of the DEMOCRAT PARTY in the US during that time period).

The real history of the south? Southern democrats invented...the KKK...JIM CROW, SEGREGATION, the support of SLAVERY...and were historically against...the civil rights of WOMEN to vote and own property and blacks.

Yep the political party behind that evil ass stars and bars flag and the inspiration for the Nazi flag? THE DEMOCRAT PARTY.
True but you conveniently excluded the fact that Southern White conservatives switched in mass to the Republican Party after the civil rights of minorities were protected and enforced.

Your deliberate ignorance of your rant is laughable.
FUCK YOU and the FAUX POUTRAGE horse you rode in on, DOUCHEBAG.

You right wing fuck bags have wished death upon and cheered and jeered over the misfortunes of your political opponents more times than can be counted. Now, when it's convenient, you act all morally offended.

I repeat.... FUCK YOU.

Couple of points....

1) I'm not a progressive. I don't like progressivism. To me, it's the equivalent of the tea party, just the opposite end of the spectrum.

2) I was born, raised and still live in the south. So don't spew your dumbass vomit at me about what I think of Southerners. I've known them all my life and like any other group, there are good ones and stupid trashy ones. IMO, the ones who go around showing off the Confederate flag tend to be cut from pretty much the same cloth. Ignorant, simple-narrow minded, self-centered, don't give a fuck about others outside themselves and their immediate Klan, etc, etc.

And speaking of "Klans", the Klan was created by SOCIAL CONSERVATIVES. The same mentality that created the Klan, is the mentality that put Dumpster Donnie the pussy grabbing Russian puppet into office. The political right of today is the modern equivalent of the originators of the Klan.

You can spin your dumbilly bullshit all you want, but you're fooling nobody but yourself.
...and the evangelical Christocapitalist are their inheritors. Many southern evangelical leaders Fathers and Grandfathers were leading figures in the Klan up until the 1950’s.
The "true" morality of a true social warrior on display in all its historical STARS and BARS glory. :laugh:

The true "symbolism" of historical hate and bigotry in the United States of America. THE POLITICAL JACK ASS ON DISPLAY

WHITE TRASH that thinks he's ELITE but actually lives in a DNC trailer park.....his snowflake SAFE PLACE. Hiding behind a supposed anonymity of NET NEUTRALITY. The "keyboard" SOCIAL WARRIOR in action. (: The attempt to be a cyber BULLY in a projected virtual reality but in the REAL WORLD rolls up his windows and locks his doors while driving through one the modern DNC generated plantations....the projects in the hood.

Go get'm WARRIOR....giv'em a good ole fashion cyber ass wooph'n.


I simply luv winding a liberal up by placing him/her in a corner of their own words....and watch the entertaining show as they come out cuss'n and swearing their allegiance to their true master.....the lord of this world, SATAN. Enjoy the show....I am. To early for popcorn but a good ole fashioned cup of hot chocolate with the little marsh mellows sounds good. :clink:
That works both ways. We love employing you wingnuts for minimum wage.
True but you conveniently excluded the fact that Southern White conservatives switched in mass to the Republican Party after the civil rights of minorities were protected and enforced.
Talk about laughable. We are to believe that a group of people whose ancestors fought the bloodiest war in American history just up and joined the party of their ancestors bitter enemy. And of course, not soon after their own struggle against civil rights. Then there's the necessary corollary, that their enemies switched to their old party at the same time!

...and the evangelical Christocapitalist are their inheritors. Many southern evangelical leaders Fathers and Grandfathers were leading figures in the Klan up until the 1950’s.

The Democrats continued electing one of those leading Klan figures up into the 2000s.
Talk about laughable. We are to believe that a group of people whose ancestors fought the bloodiest war in American history just up and joined the party of their ancestors bitter enemy. And of course, not soon after their own struggle against civil rights. Then there's the necessary corollary, that their enemies switched to their old party at the same time!


It happened over a century. You're bigoted, evil parents switches to the Republican party because the democrats stopped being racist and they couldn't get the bigotry and evil or of their hearts. It took until Trump for the evil George Wallace types to truly take control of the Republican party though.
Talk about laughable. We are to believe that a group of people whose ancestors fought the bloodiest war in American history just up and joined the party of their ancestors bitter enemy. And of course, not soon after their own struggle against civil rights. Then there's the necessary corollary, that their enemies switched to their old party at the same time!

Yup...that's exactly what they did....and no they didn't. Other wise Democrats would still be in charge of the government. Go read your history.
giant schnauzer mix and a Labrador retriever mix
recently rescued golden retriever mauled him to death and dismembered him
Chihuahuas were reported as the most aggressive, especially toward bigger dogs they have not seen before.
The American Pit Bull Terrier—a breed often portrayed as highly aggressive—consistently ranked as one of the least aggressive dogs, with the exception being toward new dogs, where it was still below Miniature Schnauzers.
a newborn baby killed by their pet Jack Russell
Animal Control reported the family’s German Shepherd acting “submissive” when they responded to the home.
