Virginia woman killed in 'grisly mauling' by her dogs, cops say

The weak, lame-brained response ^^^ of a true Trumptard knuckle-dragger in all its historical STARS and BARS glory. :laugh:

Go get'm Super Social Warrior.....with a display of equality, compassion, and social justice that is "claimed" by all socialists....a display toward everyone except those who have more than you because they have EARNED IT instead of having it "redistributed" to them via the sweat of their NEIGHBOR'S BROW.

As the Christ pointed out, "But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever (infidel)." -- 1 Tim. 5:8

How is any religious person who believes in God supposed to make a living from the earth from which they were taken? Are they to depend upon a "redistribution" of wealth from their neighbor taken by force/threat by Government fiat...i.e., social communism? Or are they to, "...Cursed is the ground for your sake (mankind) in TOIL (work) you shall eat of it all the days of your life. Both thorns and bristles it shall bring forth to you (making a living is cursed to be HARD INDIVIDUAL WORK) and you shall eat the herb of the field. IN THE SWEAT OF YOUR FACE (your own face....not your neighbors) you shall eat bread until you return to the ground, out of it were you taken; For dust you are and dust you shall return...." -- Genesis 3:17-19

All charity comes from a willing heart......nothing TAKEN from you via force of some Government fiat is charity.....its a from of legalized theft.

Morality cannot be legislated. All any law does is reflect the morality or the lack thereof of any social group. Moral people make moral laws Socialists make IMMORAL LAWS. Example; Abortion; Income redistribution; Social warfare...based upon race, skin color, religion, gender, even geographical location and especially EARNED WEALTH, hell you hate those who have earned wealth worse than you do those who STEAL IT....all these social tactics do nothing but DIVIDE and SEGREGATE....and promote EQUALITY....HOW?
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20 people died in 10 years from Pit Bull bites? How many people died in that time period from humans? It is remarkable that so many dogs kill so few when humans kill so many. Dogs are angels, humans are garbage.
Yup...that's exactly what they did....and no they didn't. Other wise Democrats would still be in charge of the government. Go read your history.

I have read history, both the fake stuff taught in public schools, and the real stuff. The fake version doesn't pass the stink test.
There are a million things which kill a thousand time more Americans than that, yet you sit around all day and just think up ways to kill innocent dogs because you're a worthless scaredy cat Nazi.
Go get'm Super Social Warrior.....with a display of equality, compassion, and social justice that is "claimed" by all socialists....a display toward everyone except those who have more than you because they have EARNED IT instead of having it "redistributed" to them via the sweat of their NEIGHBOR'S BROW.

As the Christ pointed out, "But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever (infidel)." -- 1 Tim. 5:8

How is any religious person who believes in God supposed to make a living from the earth from which they were taken? Are they to depend upon a "redistribution" of wealth from their neighbor taken by force/threat by Government fiat...i.e., social communism? Or are they to, "...Cursed is the ground for your sake (mankind) in TOIL (work) you shall eat of it all the days of your life. Both thorns and bristles it shall bring forth to you (making a living is cursed to be HARD INDIVIDUAL WORK) and you shall eat the herb of the field. IN THE SWEAT OF YOUR FACE (your own face....not your neighbors) you shall eat bread until you return to the ground, out of it were you taken; For dust you are and dust you shall return...." -- Genesis 3:17-19

All charity comes from a willing heart......nothing TAKEN from you via force of some Government fiat is charity.....its a from of legalized theft.

Morality cannot be legislated. All any law does is reflect the morality or the lack thereof of any social group. Moral people make moral laws Socialists make IMMORAL LAWS. Example; Abortion; Income redistribution; Social warfare...based upon race, skin color, religion, gender, even geographical location and especially EARNED WEALTH, hell you hate those who have earned wealth worse than you do those who STEAL IT....all these social tactics do nothing but DIVIDE and SEGREGATE....and promote EQUALITY....HOW?


Not a word of it. I doubt anyone else did either.

So that means you wasted half your afternoon tapping out that drooling screed.

I have read history, both the fake stuff taught in public schools, and the real stuff. The fake version doesn't pass the stink test.

That stink is you, son.

You're so fucking dumb you think the so-called "history" you get from white supremacist websites is real.

Gawd, you're dumb.
They are banned in the UK under the Dangerous Dogs Act, and rightly so.

Sent from my Lenovo K8 using Tapatalk

Another reason to not want to copy the UK. No offense but I like you all the way that you are and I like us (pretty much) the way that we are.
In my opinion, there are no problem dogs, there are only problem people.

I have never liked sad, disturbing, or disappointing animal stories.... so here is my mediocre contribution to restore our faith in our furry buddies.

^ Me either. When I hear about people mistreating animals I could kill them with my bare hands. :mad:
Really? Where in your records or anywhere else did I say I excuse Muslims for mistreating animals? Feel free to quote.

You're excusing them right now, Christiecrite, by turning a blind eye to their systemic mistreatment of dogs. Sin of omission.

All it takes for evil to flourish is for hypocrites to do nothing and claim they didn't know what was going on.

Are you going to pretend you are unaware of these practices now?
You're excusing them right now, Christiecrite, by turning a blind eye to their systemic mistreatment of dogs. Sin of omission.

All it takes for evil to flourish is for hypocrites to do nothing and claim they didn't know what was going on.

Are you going to pretend you are unaware of these practices now?

What would you like me to do? And why single out Muslims, there's plenty of Americans who mistreat animals also. What are you doing about it?
What would you like me to do? And why single out Muslims, there's plenty of Americans who mistreat animals also. What are you doing about it?

Mind if I reply in GBA's stead? He'll continue to suck up to the only person here who wants to do him in the cyber sense -- Toxic Top. He doesn't give a shit about dogs, cats, birds, humans... he just wants a friend who's stupid enough to think he's sincere.