Virginia woman killed in 'grisly mauling' by her dogs, cops say

She's a she and she has only two redeeming qualities. She's absolutely fearless and she likes me better than the misses. Which is special because she's the only one that likes me better than the misses.

Sounds like our Quaker parrot, Dash. Tolerates me but mostly I'm disgusting and need to be bitten. And bleeding... there must be blood! Small birds are a lot like small dogs! He LOVES my husband. BTW, husband also captured the love of Koko, our African Grey. Damn him. lol

Sounds like our Quaker parrot, Dash. Tolerates me but mostly I'm disgusting and need to be bitten. And bleeding... there must be blood! Small birds are a lot like small dogs! He LOVES my husband. BTW, husband also captured the love of Koko, our African Grey. Damn him. lol


I know there are probably plenty of good pits,but why risk it,with the track history!
Besides I have always been a cat person.
1. I don't let my dogs bite anyone,
2. I trust my dogs more than I trust people,
3. if my dog bites someone, that person is not to be trusted,
4. so if you fuck with my dogs, I will fuck you up. you can test how 'little' i am at your convenience, you weaselly assed cock sucker.
I understand exactly where you're coming from. I had a black lab who had proven instincts. If he bit you, you had more of a problem them just my dog cause my dog wouldn't bite a garden variety asshole. Absolutely awesome with kids too but he had uncanny ability to pick out people of questionable character and brining it to my attention. I mean he was never wrong. I trusted him implicitly. If I brought a new acquaintance home and he showed he didn't like them I never brought them back and when I learned more about that person it only verified the dogs judgement. So I trusted him.
Sounds like our Quaker parrot, Dash. Tolerates me but mostly I'm disgusting and need to be bitten. And bleeding... there must be blood! Small birds are a lot like small dogs! He LOVES my husband. BTW, husband also captured the love of Koko, our African Grey. Damn him. lol


The bird shat on his shirt.
One story about him is the neighbor had an Irish Wolf Hound. Those things are huge. They're like 3' high at the shoulders and 6' long. The Irish Wolfhound got lose one day and made it over to our yard. Our dog, Scratch (he had fleas when we found him) just trotted up to him and sniffed noses with him acting real submissive. He then bolted underneath the Wolfhound and attacked his nether regions. That Woulfound jumped about four feet into the air and bolted. I laughed so hard I though my ribs would break.

When I was 15, back in the early 70's, there was this big 6'6" tall hippie dude from Tulsa who rented a house in our neighborhood. Worked nights as a waiter and made & sold jewelry. Had this giant female Irish Wolf Hound named Claudia who used to go in the bathroom and lap up water out of the toilet.

He always left his front door unlocked and his weed sitting out on the coffee table so I and a couple of buddies could go in and smoke a little.

Until Claudia got into it one day and ate it all.

After that he kept it in a closed container high up enough where she couldn't get to it.
that's pretty damned moronic. I've seen the gentlest of dogs endure torment at the hands of a child pulling it's ears, tail, and anything else the kid can get it's hands on, but if the dog has enough of the torment and bites, is it the dogs fault or the parents?
The owner's. The owner should know the dog's temperament enough to keep it away from small children.
You know, if adults want to adopt a dangerous animal -- whether it's a 15-foot python, a pitbull, a terrarium full of scorpions -- fine. But if these creatures will come in contact with children, other people who could be harmed, and so on, there needs to be some common sense. Since common sense isn't common, that's why laws are enacted.

A couple of years ago, before we left STL, there was an incident where a two-year-old was torn apart by the family's pitbull. They *knew* it was dangerous and kept it locked in a room. It had already bitten another child.

I'm glad that there are people who advocate for dogs, cats, and other animals who have been mistreated, abandoned, abused, and who can be healthy happy creatures in the right environment. But how anyone with a conscience can "rescue" a pit bull, foster it, then release it into a home with vulnerable people and/or other pets is beyond me.

Maybe the answer is sanctuaries for these animals, where the only possible attack victims are either other pit bulls, or the staff (who hopefully are well-trained).
I agree 100%.
In my opinion, there are no problem dogs, there are only problem people.

I have never liked sad, disturbing, or disappointing animal stories.... so here is my mediocre contribution to restore our faith in our furry buddies.
In my opinion, there are no problem dogs, there are only problem people.

I have never liked sad, disturbing, or disappointing animal stories.... so here is my mediocre contribution to restore our faith in our furry buddies.

I love that video. :awesome:
She's a she and she has only two redeeming qualities. She's absolutely fearless and she likes me better than the misses. Which is special because she's the only one that likes me better than the misses.
Oops my bad..nothing wrong with being a daddy's girl;)
Does she need a little brother or a sister to love your misses?;) All joking aside, if you ever know of anyone who's thinking about adopting or fostering, please let me know...
I mentioned the dire situation around town to a neighbor around noon yesterday, and by 8, one of our little girls was safe in her new foster home. Freedom rides are just one of the best things ever...
I love those, love all Danes, all animals for that matter. My pup thinks she is a lap dog, the most gentle creature you could imagine.

Danes are known as the gentle giants. Ours likes to get in the brides recliner next to her. We call him the Velcro Dane.
"A man broke into a house one night, his goal was to take something small and valuable.
While he was searching through the stuff he heard a small voice "Jesus is watching you."
He stopped for a moment and said to himself "This must be a voice from my old sunday school."
So he continued searching, about 5 minutes later he heard the voice again "Jesus is watching you."
He turned his flashlight to the direction and he saw a parrot.
He said to the parrot "What is your name?"
The parrot replied "Moses"
The robber then said "What kind of silly people would name their parrot Moses?"
The parrot looked up and said "The same people who named the Pitbull Jesus!""
1. I don't let my dogs bite anyone,
2. I trust my dogs more than I trust people,
3. if my dog bites someone, that person is not to be trusted,
4. so if you fuck with my dogs, I will fuck you up. you can test how 'little' i am at your convenience, you weaselly assed cock sucker.

Keeps you dogs in order or they'll be gumming grits. FACT.
I began to read this article and my first thought was "What a tragic waste of the life of such an attractive young girl".

My next thought was about what kind of dogs she was walking that would have done such a thing to their owner.

After I finished the article then clicked on the accompanying link to her Facebook page and saw pics of her, heavily tattooed, decked out in a Confederate flag bikini & giving the middle finger to the camera in one, literally wrapped in the Confederate flag in another and shooting a shotgun in another, my level of sympathy began to wane a bit.

Looks like she maybe was a "white pride," type. The dogs were pit bulls that were possibly trained to be aggressive, possibly for fighting. Makes me assume certain things about her lifestyle.

" took at least eight hours for investigators to collect over 60 pieces of evidence."

I'm thinking ".....sixty pieces of evidence" is just a polite way of saying "....60 uneaten chunks of flesh".

She apparently liked that kind of lifestyle. Guns, killer dogs, Confederate southern pride...

Bethany Stephens' Facebook page

I'm guessing she was likely a Trump supporter too. Probably went to a rally or two.

After my initial sympathy, all I now come away from this with is, that if you breed and train large, powerful and dangerous animals to fight and kill, or you hang around with people who do, you've got nobody to blame but yourself if/when someday they turn on you. Same with guns.

I won't even broach the subject of the possiblity of animal cruelty.

May she rest in peace anyway.

The real evil? Any "asshole" that would attempt to use such to demonstrate their bigotry toward another human being. But then we discover the source. Progressive compassion.....and the propagation of being a SOCIAL WARRIOR. Got any crippled children to wheel out? Never allow a good crisis to go to waste. The evil of socialism on display. was the evil symbolism of southern heritage that trained the dog to attack its own master.... Now ALL pit bulls are dangerous and must be put down because "one" turned on its master.....proving the point that (false premise) that EVERYONE from the south is stupid, ignorant, bigoted, racists....THEY MUST BE I SAW the stars and bars flying in the background.

SNOWFLAKE 101. Being evil without even realizing YOU ARE EVIL. The same tactics were taught by the south to HITLER in the 30s (as Hitler studied the work of the DEMOCRAT PARTY in the US during that time period).

The real history of the south? Southern democrats invented...the KKK...JIM CROW, SEGREGATION, the support of SLAVERY...and were historically against...the civil rights of WOMEN to vote and own property and blacks.

Yep the political party behind that evil ass stars and bars flag and the inspiration for the Nazi flag? THE DEMOCRAT PARTY.
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"A man broke into a house one night, his goal was to take something small and valuable.
While he was searching through the stuff he heard a small voice "Jesus is watching you."
He stopped for a moment and said to himself "This must be a voice from my old sunday school."
So he continued searching, about 5 minutes later he heard the voice again "Jesus is watching you."
He turned his flashlight to the direction and he saw a parrot.
He said to the parrot "What is your name?"
The parrot replied "Moses"
The robber then said "What kind of silly people would name their parrot Moses?"
The parrot looked up and said "The same people who named the Pitbull Jesus!""

In the original version of the joke, the dog is a Doberman.
The real evil? Any "asshole" that would attempt to use such to demonstrate their bigotry toward another human being. But then we discover the source. Progressive compassion.....and the propagation of being a SOCIAL WARRIOR. Got any crippled children to wheel out? Never allow a good crisis to go to waste. The evil of socialism on display. was the evil symbolism of southern heritage that trained the dog to attack its own master.... Now ALL pit bulls are dangerous and must be put down because "one" turned on its master.....proving the point that (false premise) that EVERYONE from the south is stupid, ignorant, bigoted, racists....THEY MUST BE I SAW the stars and bars flying in the background.

SNOWFLAKE 101. Being evil without even realizing YOU ARE EVIL. The same tactics were taught by the south to HITLER in the 30s (as Hitler studied the work of the DEMOCRAT PARTY in the US during that time period).

The real history of the south? Southern democrats invented...the KKK...JIM CROW, SEGREGATION, the support of SLAVERY...and were historically against...the civil rights of WOMEN to vote and own property and blacks.

Yep the political party behind that evil ass stars and bars flag and the inspiration for the Nazi flag? THE DEMOCRAT PARTY.

FUCK YOU and the FAUX POUTRAGE horse you rode in on, DOUCHEBAG.

You right wing fuck bags have wished death upon and cheered and jeered over the misfortunes of your political opponents more times than can be counted. Now, when it's convenient, you act all morally offended.

I repeat.... FUCK YOU.

Couple of points....

1) I'm not a progressive. I don't like progressivism. To me, it's the equivalent of the tea party, just the opposite end of the spectrum.

2) I was born, raised and still live in the south. So don't spew your dumbass vomit at me about what I think of Southerners. I've known them all my life and like any other group, there are good ones and stupid trashy ones. IMO, the ones who go around showing off the Confederate flag tend to be cut from pretty much the same cloth. Ignorant, simple-narrow minded, self-centered, don't give a fuck about others outside themselves and their immediate Klan, etc, etc.

And speaking of "Klans", the Klan was created by SOCIAL CONSERVATIVES. The same mentality that created the Klan, is the mentality that put Dumpster Donnie the pussy grabbing Russian puppet into office. The political right of today is the modern equivalent of the originators of the Klan.

You can spin your dumbilly bullshit all you want, but you're fooling nobody but yourself.