Virginia woman killed in 'grisly mauling' by her dogs, cops say

Where do you find the "genetic" information on this type of dog that says it can never be trusted and would be capable of attack at any time?
That being said, poor behavior that is learned can be changed...
The breeds encompassing the pit bull come from an array of dogs bred to fight. Those traits are innate.

The behavior can be changed on the surface, with the possibility of the aggressiveness re-emerging at any given time.
Google "Dog fighting ring arrests" and look at images.

Look at the dead woman's Facebook page and check out the pictures of her.

Like water is wet, it is what it is. Believe it or don't believe it, matters little to me.

Find someone else to chase their tail.

So it's ok for you to make assumptions about which ethnic group engages in dog fighting based on Google images, but when I make assumptions about an individual based on pictures she posted of herself on her Facebook page, you pee yourself.

TSB. (Typical Snowflake Behavior)
Sometimes it can be reversed, sometimes not. It isn't all about how they've been raised. Someone could neglect and beat a retriever within an inch of it's life and it wouldn't as much growl at someone. Pit bulls have been docile, alleged 'family dogs' and mauled children to death out the blue, with no provocation. a retriever never bites, even when it's beaten with an inch of it's life. There's the "method behind your madness". I should have known...
And it is very much how they are raised. You can mutter that's it doesn't matter all day long and it still won't matter...
Continue your irrational fear. You'll meet a pittie someday, they'll smell your fear, and ignore you. Dogs don't have time for that....
We'll continue to ignore persons such as yourself...that's easy to do...

Fatalities reported in 1887[edit]
Category of Dog
Victim's name
Victim's age
January 30
Rabid Lap dog
Jane McElhenney (Ada Clare)
39 years
Attacked by her friend's lap dog in her theatrical agent's office in New York City. Her face was badly mutilated but she recovered and returned to the stage; one month later, after suffering greatly, she succumbed to the later stages of rabies and died on March 4.[10][11]

Fatalities reported in 1891[edit]
Category of Dog
Victim's name
Victim's age
September 7
Mastiff-type dog (6)
Edward Gillis
9 years
Attacked by six Mastiffs after he teased them in their kennel.[12]

Fatalities reported in 1896[edit]
Category of Dog
Victim's name
Victim's age
September 30
Saint Bernard
Laura Barmann and an unnamed infant
7 years; unknown
Two other children were also bitten. The infant was inside the owner's home at the time of the attack.[13]

Fatalities reported in 1901[edit]
Category of Dog
Victim's name
Victim's age
March 17
Fox terrier
Carrie Cobus
38 years
The dog attacked its owner while she was having an epileptic seizure. A neighbor tried to beat the dog away with a poker. It then attacked him and Carrie Cobus's mother.[14]

Fatalities reported in 1904[edit]
Category of Dog
Victim's name
Victim's age
February 10
William Huston
57 years
The dog had been poisoned by someone, so the man decided to shoot it to put it out of its misery. As he prepared to shoot, the dog bit him on the hand. He died several months later of rabies.[15]

Fatalities reported in 1912[edit]
Category of Dog
Victim's name
Victim's age
March 29
Anna de Calve
3 years
The girl was killed after attempting to play with the dog while it was eating a bone.[16]
September 9
Mastiff-type dog
Mary Pisdarek
7 years
No further details.[17]

Fatalities reported in 1934[edit]
Category of Dog
Victim's name
Victim's age
March 21
Boston Terrier (2)
Eunice Dean
4 years
Mauled by two Boston Terriers while walking to her house.[18]

Fatalities reported in 1936[edit]
Category of Dog
Victim's name
Victim's age
July 4
Maxwell Breeze
14 years
The dog dragged him under water and killed him by drowning.[19][20]

Fatalities reported in 1937[edit]
Category of Dog
Victim's name
Victim's age
August 31
Chow Chow
Charlotte Parker
65 years
The victim was described as a "cripple" who was killed by her pet Chow Chow.[21]

Fatalities reported in 1939[edit]
Category of Dog
Victim's name
Victim's age
May 14
Raymond Gene Smith
4 years
The boy was torturing a small dog by wrapping a sack around its head while it yelped and struggled to escape. The larger dog, a lifelong companion of the boy, reportedly attacked while coming to the aid of the smaller dog.[22]

Fatalities reported in 1942[edit]
Category of Dog
Victim's name
Victim's age
February 9
Mrs. Albert McBain
60 years
Found in a pool of blood beside the crouching, growling dog with severe lacerations to the neck, arms, and shoulders. She died before arriving at the hospital. Investigators concluded she had fallen down some steps before the dog killed her. The SPCA killed the dog.[23]
August 27
Dorothy Whipka
21 years
A large black dog known as Blackie[24] ran into Whipka as she walked to work. The dog, which had a history of chasing cars, was described as having "crashed" into Whipka, sending her flying so hard that when she landed, her head hit the pavement and she suffered a fractured skull. She died three hours later from the injury.[24][25]

Fatalities reported in 1943[edit]
Category of Dog
Victim's name
Victim's age
Doberman Pinscher
May Jane Lund
2 years
Killed by the family's pet dog.[26]

Fatalities reported in 1945[edit]
Category of Dog
Victim's name
Victim's age
February 13
Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Marguerite Derdenger
21 months
A female[27] family pit bull, Woof, attacked its family's infant child, biting through the base of her skull and crushing her spine.[28] The pit bull was surrendered to the city animal shelter for euthanization by the owners. A retired sailor and bar owner named Grady Terry attempted to block the euthanization, complaining that the pit bull had not received a trial. Superior Judge Charles McKay granted several reprieves before Superior Judge Emmet H. Wilson finally voided a restraining order on the procedure, allowing the shelter to euthanize the dog. The shelter's superintendent, Bert Morse, opined that the pit bull's reason for attacking was jealousy, a theory the newspapers and police seemed to adopt as an explanation, without any real proof.[29][30]
May 16
American Pit Bull Terrier (9)
Doretta Zinke
39 years
Zinke was mauled to death by a neighbor's pit bulls, which attacked her as she walked one evening, ripping off her clothes and shredding her body; she was found still alive, able to respond "The dogs" when asked what happened to her. Joseph E. Munn, 43, was convicted of manslaughter in the death of Zinke, and sentenced to 5 years in prison. His pit bulls were well known in the area for attacks on people and livestock.[31][32]

Fatalities reported in 1947[edit]
Category of Dog
Victim's name
Victim's age
January 31
Glen Howard Brace
5 years
Mauled by six dogs.[33]
February 7
German Shepherd
Walter Momer Jr.
4 years
The boy was killed while sledding. The dog reportedly had been in an incident the day before where it had attacked four children.[34] An article reported that the Philadelphia boy was "torn and mangled".[35]

Fatalities reported in 1948[edit]
Category of Dog
Victim's name
Victim's age
January 1
German Shepherd
Surname: May
1 months
The girl was dragged from her bassinet and killed. The girl's father said that the dog had never been vicious, but was jealous of his other child, 18-month old Lawrence May.[36]

Fatalities reported in 1950[edit]
Category of Dog
Victim's name
Victim's age
n/a, female
3 years
Killeen, Texas. In an article about another attack, briefly mentioned along with several other recent fatal dog attacks in Canada and the US.[37]
Siberian Husky
Donald A. Boucher
5 years
The dog was chained at the time of the attack.[38]

Fatalities reported in 1955[edit]
Category of Dog
Victim's name
Victim's age
August 11
Pack of dogs
Danny Betz
21 months
The attack occurred in Anchorage, Alaska.[39]

Fatalities reported in 1958[edit]
Category of Dog
Victim's name
Victim's age
November 24
German Shepherd
Michael Kaminski
3 years
The dog was 6 months old and had been acquired by the boy's family two weeks prior to the attack. The family said the dog had not shown any previous aggression. A veterinarian suggested that Michael may have made a sudden movement interpreted by the dog as a threatening gesture.[40]

Fatalities reported in 1959[edit]
Category of Dog
Victim's name
Victim's age
March 24
Siberian Husky
Billy Stillions
5 years
Attacked when the boy crawled into a shed where the dog was chained.[41]
April 5
Pack of stray dogs
Unknown woman
58 years
She was knocked down and mauled by a pack of dogs. No other details available.[42]
May 23
A Pack of 7-10 stray dogs (one was "kind of like an Airedale" and another was "like a Collie")
Mark Draper
2.5 years
A neighbor found the pack attacking the child. Afterwards, a group of 100–150 people armed with guns and clubs searched the area and killed 15 dogs and wounded or captured 3 more. The pack was a known nuisance in the area and they may have attacked the boy for food, as they were found eating his body.[43][44]

Fatalities reported in 1960[edit]
Category of Dog
Victim's name
Victim's age
March 19
Doberman Pinscher
Frances Tetreault
50 years
The dog was a full-grown male and prize-winning show dog. The victim was the owner of some local dog kennels, and there were no witnesses to the attack. Officers arriving found the dog in "a state of uncrontrollable wildness". The dog had lived alone with Frances since her husband's death six months earlier. The house was found in complete dissaray, with furnishings overturned and torn.[45]

Fatalities reported in 1963[edit]
Category of Dog
Victim's name
Victim's age
October 23
German Shepherd
Shari Nicoletti
2 years
The girl was visiting a neighbor when their 1-year-old female dog jumped into the dining room through a window and killed the girl.[46]
November 18
Alaskan Malamute
James Henderson
4 months
Mauled by an Alaskan Malamute when he was left alone on a car seat with the dog. The five-year-old dog had been purchased a month prior as a watchdog.[47]

Fatalities reported in 1965[edit]
Category of Dog
Victim's name
Victim's age
March 17
American Pit Bull Terrier/Airedale Terrier mix
Vincent Scardina
22 months
The dog had been recently acquired for the purpose of hunting wild hogs. It had been severely mistreated at some point in the past, showing obvious signs of fear and stressed eating habits. The boy had wandered to the area of the yard where the dog was usually kept, chained, and the attack happened silently. The owner said that he'd had dogs all his life, but that this one "was a screwball".[48][49]
April 23
Siberian Husky
Marla Perry
4 years
The girl was attacked by the family's chained Siberian Husky. The county coroner ordered a rabies test to be performed, believing that the dog had been scratched or bitten by other dogs.[50]
Louis Rasmussen
60 years
The dog had attacked the woman twice prior to the fatal attack. One month before the fatal attack, another attack had required 2 weeks of hospitalization.[51]

Fatalities reported in 1966[edit]
Category of Dog
Victim's name
Victim's age
Johnny Sunshine
3 years
Bitten by dog in neighbor's back yard.[52]
August 3
Sharon K. Sparks
5 years
During the attack, a 6-year-old boy was also seriously injured. The dogs had escaped from their kennel two days before.[53]

Fatalities reported in 1967[edit]
Category of Dog
Victim's name
Victim's age
December 17
A pack of four dogs: German Shepherds (2) and Mongrels (2)
Gene Anthony Goodman and Kenneth Goodman
5 years and 4 years
When the attack happened the boys were playing in a nearby creek. The dogs were owned by a neighbor who often kept them penned up but let them loose to work on his house. They had recently been accused of killing pets in the area, but had never shown any animosity towards children, and had even played with the boys on several occasions.[54]
December 23
Great Dane
Darla Anne Harper
4 years
Mauled by her family's dog in the front yard of her home in Lookout Mountain, GA. According to the sheriff, the dog "killed the girl accidentally, during a playful romp" and that it "didn't appear vicious". She bled to death from wounds inflicted by the dog.[55]

Fatalities reported in 1969[edit]
Category of Dog
Victim's name
Victim's age
March 6
German Shepherd
Susan Babiarz
1 month
The 3-year-old dog jumped into the girl's crib and clawed her to death.[56]

Fatalities reported in 1971[edit]
Category of Dog
Victim's name
Victim's age
March 3
Labrador Retriever
Karrie Fritz
3 years
Killed by a neighbor's black lab.[57]
September 19
German Shepherd
Heidi Sufficool
21 months
The child's parents left her in a pen with the dog, which was owned by a friend. They returned 15 minutes later and found the baby bleeding from multiple bites. The baby died two hours later at the hospital.[58]

Fatalities reported in 1972[edit]
Category of Dog
Victim's name
Victim's age
March 5
Saint Bernard
Dawn Quintal
8 years
The girl was attacked by the dog that neighbors said she had thrown rocks at and punched in the past. The attack occurred while she was watching nearby construction work and the owner said the dog had "always been gentle before".[59]
August 14
German Shepherd
Abel Valdivia
2 years
Killed by the 4-year-old pedigreed dog that belonged to his family and had known the boy all his life. The boy was following his mother around when the apparently unprovoked attack took place, and afterwards the dog roamed the house growling and barking.[60]

Fatalities reported in 1974[edit]
Category of Dog
Victim's name
Victim's age
Saint Bernard
David Scott Little
3 years
Killed by the 1-year-old, 200-lb dog.[61]
Saint Bernard
Lawrence Calemmo
6 years
The boy was attacked in a neighbor's back yard by the stray Saint Bernard.[62]
May 14
Golden Retriever
Toni Lynn Edgeworth
5 years
The girl was bitten by her neighbor's dog, with which she had played with before. The attack was reported to have been unprovoked.[63]
Saint Bernard
Walter Schell
70 years
The man was working in his backyard when the dog ran in and attacked.[64]
Labrador retriever and two Collies
Brent Cryder
5 years
Killed by the neighbor's dogs while playing in a back yard.[65]

Fatalities reported in 1975[edit]
Category of Dog
Victim's name
Victim's age
Basenji[66] or Basenji mix
Tracy Wax
5 months
The baby was attacked while asleep on the living room floor.[67]
Fern Atchley
75 years
The husband said they were sitting in the living room when the 7-year-old dog, which they had had since it was a puppy, latched onto the woman's throat and she died within minutes.[68]
German Shepherd
Johnny Patterson, Jr
2 years.
The dog was usually kept on a chain, but the chain was broken and the dog was being kept with just a rope. The dog broke the rope, broke through a screen door and killed the boy before being shot dead with a .22 by the boy's father. The father said the dog had always been gentle when he was on the chain.[69]
Husky type
Heidi Foust
3 years
Attacked by a dog that was chained up outside a welding shop.[70]
German Shepherd-Labrador retriever mix (7 dogs)
Michael Yount
5 years
The boy was killed after entering a fenced-in yard where the 7 dogs, all 5 months old, were kept.[71]

Fatalities reported in 1976[edit]
Category of Dog
Victim's name
Victim's age
May 15
American Pit Bull Terrier
Misty Lee
6 years
Mauled by a pit bull that was chained in a neighbor's yard.[72]
German Shepherd
Vincent Buffoleno
14 days
The 90-lb dog tipped over the baby's bassinet while the mother was sleeping and then bit and tossed the baby around.[73]
St. Bernard
Christopher Steven Simpson
4 years
The dog bit and broke the boy's neck.[74]
German Shepherd
Carra Bashold
5 days
Killed after the mother left her alone for 1.5 hours with the starving, 4-month-old, 15-pound, female dog. Mother was charged with negligent homicide, however the charges were later dropped.[75]
Cur dog "bred for hunting"
Josh Gatlin
4 years
The boy was playing with the dog and had a stick in his hand, when the dog apparently "became angry." The 7-year-old dog was said to have "never even growled at anyone."[76]

Fatalities reported in 1977[edit]
Category of Dog
Victim's name
Victim's age
January 3
Alaskan Malemute
Darrell Enneking
6 years
Attacked by a large dog while walking home from school.[77]
Saint Bernard and Labrador Retriever-Shepherd mix and third dog (puppy)
Tamara Rhae Newton
6 years
Few details available.[78]
Saint Bernard
Matthew Weck
5 years
Killed when he tried to pet the tied-up dog.[79]
May 17
Mathew Cochran
The baby was killed by a pet bulldog inside the family's home.[80]
Great Dane
Jeremy Tomkinson
3 months
Skull crushed by his grandparents' dog.[81]
Elkhound-German Shepherd mix
Robert Boyd
7 months
The boy was killed after being left alone for a few minutes by his deaf babysitter. The 11-month-old dog entered the boy's playpen and the babysitter said the dog was "only playing with the child."[82]
German Shepherd and possibly Irish Setter
Jon Setzer, Jr.
3 years
The German Shepherd had attacked at least 3 other people prior to this incident. The Irish Setter was also suspected, but no human remains were found in its stomach.[83]

Fatalities reported in 1978[edit]
Category of Dog
Victim's name
Victim's age
German Shepherd
Danielle Nicole Russell
3 weeks
Killed in her crib while the baby's 14-year-old mother talked to friends.[84]
German Shepherd
Jennifer Schafner
3 years
The girl was playing in the backyard with the dog, which was owned by a friend of her father.[85]

Fatalities reported in 1979[edit]
Category of Dog
Victim's name
Victim's age
October 30
Christopher Johnson
2 weeks
The boy died after the 6-year-old dog chewed off his legs while the mother slept in a nearby room. The dog was described as well-behaved by neighbors and friends.[86]

Fatalities reported in 1980[edit]
Category of Dog
Victim's name
Victim's age
January 4
Alaskan malamute
William Travis Crews
2 years
Killed by his family's 120-pound, 14-month-old dog when he opened a door to let it inside.[87]
February 10
Siberian husky
James Gradecki
1 month
Killed by his grandmother's dog.[88]
Siberian husky
Shannon Marie Hicok
27 days
Killed by her parents' friends' dog after being left in a room with the dog.[89]
Great Dane
Nicole Klingenbeck
4 weeks
The dog had been given to the family a week before the girl was born. It was always kept outside, but managed to open the door and enter the house before turning over the bassinet and biting the baby on the head.[90]
April 27
Alaskan Malamute
Tonia Chester
3 years
Attacked by her grandfather's dog while playing in the back yard.[91]
December 29
Three Great Danes and a Great Dane-St. Bernard (dog) mix
Kevin Zook
14 years
The dogs chased the boy through a field and bit him until he died.[92]

Fatalities reported in 1981[edit]
Category of Dog
Victim's name
Victim's age
October 25
Doberman pinscher (2)
Ronald Messer
4 years
Killed after he climbed over a fence into a yard where the dogs were kept in a kennel.[93]
Mary Logan
81 years
She was killed by several of the dogs she kept in her house in Northern Liberties, a neighborhood in Philadelphia.[94]
Pit bull
Truston Heart Liddle
6 years
In Kaimuki, Hawaii[95]
December 8
Chow chow
Daniel Thornton
The 45-lb dog bit the sleeping infant.[96]

Fatalities reported in 1982[edit]
Category of Dog
Victim's name
Victim's age
St. Bernard (dog) mix
Kerry Wezensky
5 years
Few details available.[97]
mixed-breed guard dog, "mostly German shepherd"
Roy Emmanuel Hamilton Jr
7 weeks
The dog broke through a window, still attached to his 20-foot chain, and attacked the baby.[98]
Coon hound
Paul Zechman
5 years
Killed by the dog while playing unsupervised in his uncle's back yard.[99]
October 17
Pit bull
Crystal Rose White
The baby was attacked by a pit bull, which was then shot to death by police officers.[100]

Fatalities reported in 1983[edit]
Category of Dog
Victim's name
Victim's age
Toby Daniel Brown
3 years
Family had owned the dog 2 weeks. Mother described the incident as "a freak thing that happened."[101]
Unknown girl
~1 week
Killed by family's dog.[102]
July 7
American Pit Bull Terrier
Sara Delance
5 years
Attacked by the family's pit bull terrier while the babysitter watched helplessly.[103]
October 22
American Pit Bull Terrier guard dog and American Pit Bull Terrier puppy[104]
Grace Parsons
67 years
The woman had long been afraid of her neighbor's dogs in the trailer park where they lived. The dogs were usually kept chained to a post, but the day they attacked they were loose and killed the woman when she bent to pick up a newspaper. The adult dog had been trained as an attack and guard dog.[105]
Stephen Stanley
3 years
Killed after he wandered into his grandparents' basement where the 100-lb dog was kept.[106]

Fatalities reported in 1984[edit]
Category of Dog
Victim's name
Victim's age
March 3
Siberian husky
Rachel Hernandez
4 years
She was attacked in her front yard by a neighborhood dog that had broken free from its rope.[107]
German Shepherd Dog
Daniel Briggs
The victim was a burglary suspect and was killed by a single bite to the throat by a police dog.[108]
October 14
Pit bull
Coral Robinson
The baby was mauled to death while she was in her crib.[109]
December 11
Pit bull
Daniel Smith
The infant was attacked by a pit bull inside a bedroom.[110]
December 19
English Sheepdog
Gertrude Monroe
87 years
The woman was killed after she fell on the 8-year-old, intact, male dog. The dog, named King Boots, was a prize-winning show dog and rated top dog of his breed by the American Kennel Club.[111]

Fatalities reported in 1985[edit]
Category of Dog
Victim's name
Victim's age
June 27, 1985
"family dog"
Melissa O'Rourke
3 years
The girl was killed, and her grandmother injured when attacked by the family dog.[112]

Fatalities reported in 1986[edit]
Look at the dead woman's Facebook page and check out the pictures of her.
I did. Didn't see any strung up dogs or dog fighting images.

So it's ok for you to make assumptions about which ethnic group engages in dog fighting based on Google images, but when I make assumptions about an individual based on pictures she posted of herself on her Facebook page, you pee yourself.

TSB. (Typical Snowflake Behavior)
Not just Google images. News stories. Nine times out of ten the busted dog fighting rings are comprised of blacks.
Sometimes it can be reversed, sometimes not. It isn't all about how they've been raised. Someone could neglect and beat a retriever within an inch of it's life and it wouldn't as much growl at someone. Pit bulls have been docile, alleged 'family dogs' and mauled children to death out the blue, with no provocation. a retriever never bites, even when it's beaten with an inch of it's life. There's the "method behind your madness". I should have known...
And it is very much how they are raised. You can mutter that's it doesn't matter all day long and it still won't matter...
Continue your irrational fear. You'll meet a pittie someday, they'll smell your fear, and ignore you. Dogs don't have time for that....
We'll continue to ignore persons such as yourself...that's easy to do...

There you have it proof positive pits are unpredictable, drug dealer dogs
I did. Didn't see any strung up dogs or dog fighting images.

Not just Google images. News stories. Nine times out of ten the busted dog fighting rings are comprised of blacks.

Don't you see that making statements like that is the equivalent to what Nomad does?

If you can cite statistics, fine. Otherwise, don't state assumptions or opinions as fact.
The breeds encompassing the pit bull come from an array of dogs bred to fight. Those traits are innate.

The behavior can be changed on the surface, with the possibility of the aggressiveness re-emerging at any given time.
Those traits are not "innate"...but I'm sure you have a link saying that those terrier breeds can never be trusted because they are innate...Can you post that? Please...or are you just reading "bully breed"
There's always a possibility of a dog reacting negatively. Any dog.
Look at the aggressive dog list. Do you live in fear of chis?
You claimed that I rejoiced over the woman's death. That is a lie, the stink of which is probably only eclipsed by the stink of your breath.

Tell the forum what you edited out of your posts after I pointed out your obvious glee at the death of a "likely Trump supporter", Soymad.
I did. Didn't see any strung up dogs or dog fighting images..

Show me where I made the claim that she trained the dogs to fight or engaged in dog fighting herself.

Work on your reading comprehension.

Not just Google images. News stories. Nine times out of ten the busted dog fighting rings are comprised of blacks.

Nine times out of ten people who pose with Confederate flags or wear Confederate flag clothing or wrap themselves in full sized Confederate flags are right-wing conservative Repugnant Trumptards.
I began to read this article and my first thought was "What a tragic waste of the life of such an attractive young girl".

My next thought was about what kind of dogs she was walking that would have done such a thing to their owner.

After I finished the article then clicked on the accompanying link to her Facebook page and saw pics of her, heavily tattooed, decked out in a Confederate flag bikini & giving the middle finger to the camera in one, literally wrapped in the Confederate flag in another and shooting a shotgun in another, my level of sympathy began to wane a bit.

Looks like she maybe was a "white pride," type. The dogs were pit bulls that were possibly trained to be aggressive, possibly for fighting. Makes me assume certain things about her lifestyle.

" took at least eight hours for investigators to collect over 60 pieces of evidence."

I'm thinking ".....sixty pieces of evidence" is just a polite way of saying "....60 uneaten chunks of flesh".

She apparently liked that kind of lifestyle. Guns, killer dogs, Confederate southern pride...

Bethany Stephens' Facebook page

I'm guessing she was likely a Trump supporter too. Probably went to a rally or two.

After my initial sympathy, all I now come away from this with is, that if you breed and train large, powerful and dangerous animals to fight and kill, or you hang around with people who do, you've got nobody to blame but yourself if/when someday they turn on you. Same with guns.

I won't even broach the subject of the possiblity of animal cruelty.

May she rest in peace anyway.

Yeah, her fault for being southern and conservative. Would never happen to this guy, ey?

What the hell is wrong with you?
I agree, dogs need a responsible owner, but sha, don'tcha know.
Oh and btw, how exactly goes a gun turn on its owner? Tell me. It just comes to life, decides to go off?
Tell the forum what you edited out of your posts after I pointed out your obvious glee at the death of a "likely Trump supporter", Soymad.

I didn't edit anything out of any of my posts in this thread.

The only edits I made were for the purposes of correcting spelling/grammatical errors or adding more wording to it.

But you go ahead and spout whatever slimy lies about it that you want to.
You claimed that I rejoiced over the woman's death.

That is a lie, the stink of which is probably only eclipsed by the stink of your breath.
What does "one less Trump supporter" mean...isn't that what you said? If that's not rejoicing, I don't know what is...
Yeah, her fault for being southern and conservative. Would never happen to this guy, ey?

What the hell is wrong with you?
I agree, dogs need a responsible owner, but sha, don'tcha know.
Oh and btw, how exactly goes a gun turn on its owner? Tell me. It just comes to life, decides to go off?

Of course the same thing could happen to that guy and if it did, it would be his own fault.

And though I never claimed it would, a gun will "turn on its owner" (your words not mine) when someone else gets ahold of it, like a criminal or even a small child, who then points it at the owner or some other innocent person and pulls the trigger.

Or, when the owner accidentally drops the gun and it goes off, shooting them.

Etc, etc.