Virginia woman killed in 'grisly mauling' by her dogs, cops say

What does "one less Trump supporter" mean...isn't that what you said? If that's not rejoicing, I don't know what is...

Then you should educate yourself on the difference between making an observation and rejoicing.

Of course the same thing could happen to that guy and if it did, it would be his own fault.

And though I never claimed it would, a gun will "turn on its owner" (your words not mine) when someone else gets ahold of it, like a criminal or even a small child, who then points it at the owner or some other innocent person and pulls the trigger.

Or, when the owner accidentally drops the gun and it goes off, shooting them.

Etc, etc.

Bad choice of words then?'ve got nobody to blame but yourself if/when someday they turn on you. Same with guns.
I didn't edit anything out of any of my posts in this thread. The only edits I made were for the purposes of correcting spelling/grammatical errors or adding more wording to it. But you go ahead and spout whatever slimy lies about it that you want to.

So you say, Soymad.

You rejoiced in the death of a "likely Trump supporter". I know it, you know it. Quit pretending. Embrace your hate.
Then you should educate yourself on the difference between making an observation and rejoicing. Einstooge.

Hilarious. What a moral coward you are, Soymad. Why pretend? You are happy she's dead because you think she's a "likely Trump supporter", and you rejoiced.

Own up to your hate.
Then you should educate yourself on the difference between making an observation and rejoicing.

That was rejoicing or you wouldn't have mentioned Trump supporter. Or what led up to you saying that she was...
Isn't that why you started the thread?
Bad choice of words then?


My above explanation applies to what I said.

You like to own guns, you have nothing to complain about if/when you eventually get shot with it, for whatever reason.

Statistics bear it out, that gun owners are several times more likely to die if a gunshot than non-gun owners.

Common sense.
So you say, Soymad.

You rejoiced in the death of a "likely Trump supporter". I know it, you know it. Quit pretending. Embrace your hate.

Hilarious. What a moral coward you are, Soymad. Why pretend? You are happy she's dead because you think she's a "likely Trump supporter", and you rejoiced.

Own up to your hate.

Spew your lies, believe what you want. Nobody cares.

Is that a fact, Soymad, or just your prejudiced opinion?

Yeah, her fault for being southern and conservative. Would never happen to this guy, ey?

What the hell is wrong with you?
I agree, dogs need a responsible owner, but sha, don'tcha know.
Oh and btw, how exactly goes a gun turn on its owner? Tell me. It just comes to life, decides to go off?

Beautiful dog

why do you see it as a problem?
The ppl who think pitbulls are great animal companions are fucked up. The ppl who think that pitbulls are totally awesome animal companions and just like having a huge bunch of guns so you can walk around saying FUCK YOU to people with impunity are even more fucked up.

Poor woman. And poor dumb animals who were probably (hopefully) euthanized.

another even bigger craptastic load of bullshit.
If you're really dog lovers, and you have an ounce or more of brains in your head (questionable re: Trumptards) you'd be pissed off over the thought of people breeding these poor creatures to fight, maul and kill each other.

Not to mention the smaller, defenseless dogs these assholes sacrifice to teach their fighter dogs to love the taste of blood.

Guess none of that ever occurred to you though, did it?

us very real animal lovers, also pit bull lovers, abhor dog fighting and if i ever come across one in my area, they will found out that I am very effective with my handgun. so pull your ignorant head out of your ass.