Unless the vigilante has someway of knowing who the wolves are, he's as much a threat to the villagers as he is to the wolves
The village runs as much of a chance as the wolves do, of having the vigilante wiping them out

we are talking about after a few seer peeks. it's the tandem that makes for a devastating effect.
how much did nigel being a good player also factor into your decision?

It was a straight up Seer Hunt. I looked for the odd post, that "sounded" odd and I thought could contain code. I was directly looking for a "hint" inside a post. That all of DH's posts were like this didn't help him out. In retrospect I should have suspected Mott a ton earlier the previous game, those silly poems would scream "Seer" to a wolfpack... that he wasn't killed was absolutely a large sign of Wolf.

Had he posted normally, strong player or not I would have hit at somebody else whose post seemed to include Seer hint.
And Billy had huge huevos to pull that Vigilante kill that night. I thought he was going to go for Yurt though, and Grind had said that if the Wolves and the Vigilante kill were directly against each other the Wolves would win and the Vigilante would be unsuccessful. So, instead of blocking him we went to kill him. That he went after Mott instead was a stroke of pure luck for us. I was hoping we'd get the Vigilante, it was just bonus that he got off a shot at a villager first.

Had he been right, and Mott was a wolf though, it would have been epic. The Vigilante shot still wouldn't have gone. We were almost positive he was the Vigilante due to the posts at the end just before his shot. "Which of these are most wolf"...

Mott was the only logical answer, for us, but I knew he suspected Yurt too... We didn't block him, we blocked our secondary "Vigilante" which was Christie.

With two kills we got both the power roles, and got an extra villager to boot.

It could easily have gone a different direction though, had he been right, and had we not suspected him so heavily, it would have been a game changer.
we are talking about after a few seer peeks. it's the tandem that makes for a devastating effect.

But since the Seer doesn't know who the Vigilante is and the Vigilante doesn't know who the Seer is, they're both guessing; as opposed to the wolves who get to communicate via PM.
The Vigilante is more then likely going to make a mistake who they think the Seer is and is probably going to shoot the wrong person.
It was a straight up Seer Hunt. I looked for the odd post, that "sounded" odd and I thought could contain code. I was directly looking for a "hint" inside a post. That all of DH's posts were like this didn't help him out. In retrospect I should have suspected Mott a ton earlier the previous game, those silly poems would scream "Seer" to a wolfpack... that he wasn't killed was absolutely a large sign of Wolf.

Had he posted normally, strong player or not I would have hit at somebody else whose post seemed to include Seer hint.

And Billy had huge huevos to pull that Vigilante kill that night. I thought he was going to go for Yurt though, and Grind had said that if the Wolves and the Vigilante kill were directly against each other the Wolves would win and the Vigilante would be unsuccessful. So, instead of blocking him we went to kill him. That he went after Mott instead was a stroke of pure luck for us. I was hoping we'd get the Vigilante, it was just bonus that he got off a shot at a villager first.

Had he been right, and Mott was a wolf though, it would have been epic. The Vigilante shot still wouldn't have gone. We were almost positive he was the Vigilante due to the posts at the end just before his shot. "Which of these are most wolf"...

Mott was the only logical answer, for us, but I knew he suspected Yurt too... We didn't block him, we blocked our secondary "Vigilante" which was Christie.

With two kills we got both the power roles, and got an extra villager to boot.

It could easily have gone a different direction though, had he been right, and had we not suspected him so heavily, it would have been a game changer.

I have a question now; because your post seems to go against what Darla said, unless you never bothered to tell her what you were going to do!! :dunno:

Mott was the only logical answer, for us, but I knew he suspected Yurt too... We didn't block him, we blocked our secondary "Vigilante" which was Christie.

Just to be clear; we swept and we never used one power.
I have a question now; because your post seems to go against what Darla said, unless you never bothered to tell her what you were going to do!! :dunno:

Blocking Christie was worthless, she had no power. Basically, it was a moot block. It would be like jumping up on an otherwise empty football field and saying you were blocking a field goal.
Blocking Christie was worthless, she had no power. Basically, it was a moot block. It would be like jumping up on an otherwise empty football field and saying you were blocking a field goal.

I'm not questioning who you blocked, or didn't; but instead the difference in Darla saying your team never used any of the powers and your comment of blocking Chrisite.
Just seemed to be at odds with each other.
I'm not questioning who you blocked, or didn't; but instead the difference in Darla saying your team never used any of the powers and your comment of blocking Chrisite.
Just seemed to be at odds with each other.

You focus on minutiae. None of our powers came to any fruition. It wasn't the powers that gave us any edge. Which is what Darla was saying.

It's bogus to try to play "gotcha" with that. I also "watched" somebody on night one, even though we were pretty sure we were killing the Seer. What if we were wrong? It came to nothing, because we were right.

Basically, all Darla was saying is that any Wolf "power" never gave us any advantage at all.
You focus on minutiae. None of our powers came to any fruition. It wasn't the powers that gave us any edge. Which is what Darla was saying.

It's bogus to try to play "gotcha" with that. I also "watched" somebody on night one, even though we were pretty sure we were killing the Seer. What if we were wrong? It came to nothing, because we were right.

Basically, all Darla was saying is that any Wolf "power" never gave us any advantage at all.

I can understand that; it just seemed what she was saying, went against what you had said.

I guess you know what she meant, better then she did. :)

This all came about; because I originally felt and still do that Grind gave the wolf pack a little bit of an unbalance advantage.

Since I'm sure the question of who should be able to do what, will come up again; I thought it would be good to resolve it before it occured, rather then later. :D
You focus on minutiae. None of our powers came to any fruition. It wasn't the powers that gave us any edge. Which is what Darla was saying.

It's bogus to try to play "gotcha" with that. I also "watched" somebody on night one, even though we were pretty sure we were killing the Seer. What if we were wrong? It came to nothing, because we were right.

Basically, all Darla was saying is that any Wolf "power" never gave us any advantage at all.

exactly. and once again WW has made friends of those who are not otherwise friends. darla and myself. i enjoyed playing with her as wolves. and was surprised at how much we think alike. it is a pity we get so personal on this board, i am not innocent of that, but it would be nice if we could put all the warring parties together as wolves for a game of WW.

just to clarify....i'm not sure we're friends....i meant we were cordial in the game and i don't think we are the enemies we were before the game.
For future reference, I think if the Vigilante is going to be over ruled by the Wolves, then he shouldn't be allowed to shoot anyone if the Wolves kill him, be they Wolves, the Seer, Masons, the Angel, or ordinary Villagers.

Also, I just realized that Billy didn't shoot himself, which he used to joke about doing... :cool:
For future reference, I think if the Vigilante is going to be over ruled by the Wolves, then he shouldn't be allowed to shoot anyone if the Wolves kill him, be they Wolves, the Seer, Masons, the Angel, or ordinary Villagers.

Also, I just realized that Billy didn't shoot himself, which he used to joke about doing... :cool:

I would have shot myself actually, if I didn't pretty much know I was going to be eaten.
I have a question now; because your post seems to go against what Darla said, unless you never bothered to tell her what you were going to do!! :dunno:

You've kind of sussed out something I was hoping no one would notice. Damo never did bother to tell me anything he was going to do. He basically sent me one PM when we first got our roles consisting of : Darla you stfu and don't do anything, and I don't want to hear from you again throughout this thing, the one thing that could ruin werewolf for me is having to talk to you, so just keep your mouth zipped.

You are very intuitive and cool as a cucumber, never jumping to any conclusions. It's really surprising you got lynched on the first day.
You focus on minutiae. None of our powers came to any fruition. It wasn't the powers that gave us any edge. Which is what Darla was saying.

It's bogus to try to play "gotcha" with that. I also "watched" somebody on night one, even though we were pretty sure we were killing the Seer. What if we were wrong? It came to nothing, because we were right.

Basically, all Darla was saying is that any Wolf "power" never gave us any advantage at all.

Darla's a big liar and looks like she got caught in another whopper by USF. You are a gentleman as always for covering for her Damo. I just hope she doesn't burn you eventually. You know how she is...