I had fun. :)

Me too. Some of the best parts of the game for me are the interactions between you and superfreak. It's hysterical. SF needs to watch that though. You get him so wound up Mott, and I know you love it, but it really I think distracts him from what might really be going on. In fact, you may be SF's werewolf Kryptonite!
Darla's a big liar and looks like she got caught in another whopper by USF. You are a gentleman as always for covering for her Damo. I just hope she doesn't burn you eventually. You know how she is...

We worked well together, it was a bunch of fun. I'm glad I finally got the opportunity to play as a wolf. Even if we had lost that would be fun, but victory makes it even sweeter.
We worked well together, it was a bunch of fun. I'm glad I finally got the opportunity to play as a wolf. Even if we had lost that would be fun, but victory makes it even sweeter.

Well, little Red Riding Rana picked up your scent pretty quickly.
Me too. Some of the best parts of the game for me are the interactions between you and superfreak. It's hysterical. SF needs to watch that though. You get him so wound up Mott, and I know you love it, but it really I think distracts him from what might really be going on. In fact, you may be SF's werewolf Kryptonite!

LOL You got that right Lois Lane!! I love given the Freak a case of the Jimmy Olsen Blues! :)

We worked well together, it was a bunch of fun. I'm glad I finally got the opportunity to play as a wolf. Even if we had lost that would be fun, but victory makes it even sweeter.
It was my worst fear that you'd finally be a wolf. I knew the village would be in deep shit if that happened cause alls you'd have to do is play your usual wishy washy middle of the road self. Fair warning though. From now on if you do that I'm voting to lynch your ass! No more of this "Well I don't know.....There's not enough information......I'll wait till later tonight." You'd better not try that again!! LOL
yeah I think I started to have it in for damo in a game or two ago. I don't like letting damo getting away with that shit, going to hold his feet to the fire O_O
You've kind of sussed out something I was hoping no one would notice. Damo never did bother to tell me anything he was going to do. He basically sent me one PM when we first got our roles consisting of : Darla you stfu and don't do anything, and I don't want to hear from you again throughout this thing, the one thing that could ruin werewolf for me is having to talk to you, so just keep your mouth zipped.

You are very intuitive and cool as a cucumber, never jumping to any conclusions. It's really surprising you got lynched on the first day.

But it wasn't surprising at all. :)
yeah I think I started to have it in for damo in a game or two ago. I don't like letting damo getting away with that shit, going to hold his feet to the fire O_O

LOL. Actually I was trying to set it up so when I finally became a wolf I would be able to fake it easier. It isn't hard to hold back and not "auto-lynch" somebody, etc.

I'm pretty sure it won't work any more though.
LOL. Actually I was trying to set it up so when I finally became a wolf I would be able to fake it easier. It isn't hard to hold back and not "auto-lynch" somebody, etc.

I'm pretty sure it won't work any more though.

You were awesome though. Who knows what will happen next time since we exposed ourselves as two really sneaky bastards this time around, but hey, it was fun!