The previous game of Werewolf, You, I and Skidmark were the Werewolves. You didn't show up so you were killed then Skidmark committed suicide. Pretty much left me hanging bare ass to the wind.

i don't remember it exactly like that. i do remember the fact i busy and didn't have time to play hurt you guys.....
Oh yeah Damo, your last post where you decided to lynch me... couldn't have been more obvious you were a wolf. But the guys already had their minds made up.

That one was Darla's idea... She believed I'd be able to convince another villager that your exchange with Yurt being "personal" etc. sounded "wolfy", mostly because it did. LOL She was on that like a heart attack on fat old people.
No it wasn't. Think about it. You're making the assumption that Granule was a 'player" (statistical measure 1). With out a "Mod Kill" rule, that would have been correct. But with a "Mod Kill" rule the player to be mod killed would have a statistical value of "0" since they are to be automatically killed. That the calculation should have been as if Granule had never been part of the game or existed to begin with. Try studying some statistics or do they teach that at the JC you went to? To make a calculation based on granule being part of the roster was absurd as I and Watermark tried to explain to you. Since he was being automatically killed he should have been looked as never having been part of the game roster to begin with.

You truly are a fucking moron.
Congratulations to the younguns too. Billy, 3D and Skidmark handed victory to the wolves!

No moron... YOU did. Tell us genius... how did your 'proof' work out? Did you not say that if you died, it would be because either Billy or I or both were wolves? Is this not the second game you played where you said something stupid like that and were proven wrong?
BTW we had zero wolf kills.

We swept.

So show a little f'ing respect Mott...we sure made short work of you!

Hats off to the three of you. Well played.

Damo was tweaking wolf to me, but as you stated, the better we know someone the harder it is to hide because it was more gut than anything.

Darla I kept going back and forth on... the dynamic was either Rana/Christie wolves Darla villager or the other way around. Darla pointed out a couple of suspicious posts of the other two and I bit. Hook, line and sinker.

A double tip of the hat to Yurt... your apology post 'I will try harder...' had me convinced you were villager. I wrote off the rest to the bad news you got. That was well done.

Mutt... you are easily the worst player to ever play this game. For you to be lecturing people on game play is absurd. YOUR play cost the village. YOUR play got you shot. YOUR 'logic' was once again proven 100% false and moronic.
Well yea I do do it to aggravate freak (I wonder why?) but as for what I"m saying it's a fundamental principle of statistics. They were making a decision on Granule based on statistics. Statistics measurse correalations between populations and samples of populations. Once it was determined that Granules was to be removed from the population (in this case literally) via the mod kill. Those statistical calculations became null because he was no longer part of that population. In other words he should have counted as nothing towards their calculation. It's for this reason I'm not fond of "Mod Killing" (no Grind, that's not a criticism) though to be honest I have no better alternative on to how to handle players who don't participate in the game.

In reality, the two villagers who didn't participate by far did more to hurt the village then anything any of the villagers did. Not that I'm taking anything away from the wolves but if Granule and Watermark had not been mod killed for inactivity/non-voting there would have been one more day to go at least and probably more.

Seriously, please stop pretending you understand what was going on. The above shows you to be a complete fucking fool. Again moron... look at the WORST case scenario for the village. The worst case could ONLY have occurred if we had NOT lynched Granule. You fucking idiot.
Granule wasn't mod killed, he was lynched.

And as far as water's "inactivity/modkill" I am not even going to go into that, because it would be pointless. I think one or two people will be clever enough to read everything and figure out what happened, or was being attempted I should say, but I will never comment on it.

Think what you want. Water was fucking irrelevant.

Mutt is just looking for someone else to blame for the villages loss. He knows it was his stupid play that cost the village dearly. That coupled with a well played game by the wolves led to our complete decimation.

That said... also tipping the hat to Rana. She played a great game. I fucked up in reading the exchange between her and Darla. But Rana had two of you pegged.
It had far more potential gain too. It would have forced the wolves out of cover and would have provided more valuable information and it would have increased the odds of killing an active wolf. It had a far greater "Best Case Sencario" consequences. Don't you see this or no? If wolves were equal to villagers you're argument would be valid but wolve have a 3 to 1 value over villagers.

With out the Mod Kill rule though you'd be absolutely correct. Lynching Granule would have been the only way to go.

LMAO... you fucking retard.