Excuse me. I stand correct. Granule was mod killed, regardless his inactivity and Watermarks non-vote really hurt the village was my point.

Granule was LYNCHED you fucking idiot.... and NOTHING... NOTHING... hurt the village more than your stupid play. You once again made the village think you were a wolf. You once again gave COVER to the wolves by continually focusing the discussion on 'lynch me and it will prove billy and/or freak are wolves'... Just HOW did THAT turn out for the village MORON?
He convinced me, plus Darla was avoiding him, another clue. Their exchanges are usually hilarious. The feminist and the conservative man. It could be a series.

I honestly think my friendship with her is what helped flip the exchange between the two of you in her favor. You and Christie seemed to be on the same team (hey at least I got it partially correct ;) ) and I was pretty certain Christie was the second wolf. Which made me lump you in with her. :)

It was also friendship with Damo that tweaked me to him early in the game.

You really played well... especially for a druggie ;)
I honestly think my friendship with her is what helped flip the exchange between the two of you in her favor. You and Christie seemed to be on the same team (hey at least I got it partially correct ;) ) and I was pretty certain Christie was the second wolf. Which made me lump you in with her. :)

It was also friendship with Damo that tweaked me to him early in the game.

You really played well... especially for a druggie ;)

I felt really guilty using that. If it makes you feel better when it came down to killing you or Billy on the first night I said I wouldn't vote for you unless there was very strong evidence you were the seer. :)
LOL Oh man I really had to walk a tightrope with superfreak. Not only did I not want to talk to him too much, i wanted to leave little clues, that after my possible lynching, would make it look like SF was a second wolf. That's why I was so "sure" he was a villager. Christie was the only one who picked up on that. The way I got around SF picking up on it was by appealing to his male ego without him realizing it. By saying he was the poster whose posts had been the most informative and helpful to me.

And that's how he totally missed what I did but christie didn't. LOL

I don't think it was 'ego' as much as it was I wasn't expecting that from someone in her second game. That and the 'clues' you stated about Christie and Rana made sense to me. THAT should have been the tip off for me. You saying something that made sense. ;)

Seriously though, well played. I felt like I was walking through a blizzard in this game. Flashes of wolves appeared with one person, then vanishing and moving on to another. The only thing clear was the big flashing neon light above Mutt screaming 'DANGER, MORON HERE, AVOID AT ALL COSTS'.
because the wolves already KNOW who the other Wolves are???

It was comments like that which led me to you being a wolf.

The name of the game is deception. You shouldn't take any comments, behaviours, actions by anyone at face value. As House says: Everybody lies.

And as I said before, I was still thinking of yurt as a villager when I wrote the comment.
Derp, derp....I'm Freak....Derp, derp....I never studied statistics, Derp, derp....I don't know the difference between 1 and 0, derp, derp. :)

You might want to brush the dust off your statistics books. But do go on... why is it that you think you should change granule to a 'zero'?
I don't think it was 'ego' as much as it was I wasn't expecting that from someone in her second game. That and the 'clues' you stated about Christie and Rana made sense to me. THAT should have been the tip off for me. You saying something that made sense. ;)

Seriously though, well played. I felt like I was walking through a blizzard in this game. Flashes of wolves appeared with one person, then vanishing and moving on to another. The only thing clear was the big flashing neon light above Mutt screaming 'DANGER, MORON HERE, AVOID AT ALL COSTS'.


Thank you. I had a lot of fun!
I felt really guilty using that. If it makes you feel better when it came down to killing you or Billy on the first night I said I wouldn't vote for you unless there was very strong evidence you were the seer. :)

No need to feel guilty. The object for most of us is to win. It is a game, yes... but one in which we all want to win.
Billy thought it was you and I, Freak. :D

Anyway, between the three of us, we both had a wolf pegged: I hard Yurt, Billy had Damo, and you mostly had Darla. That's at least something...
Lesson of the game: That which people cannot understand, they will kill.

Apologies to the villagers for getting eaten on the fucking first night. Who the hell would have thought that an innocuous nonsensical post about the weather would be a hint that I was the goddamned seer? (It was pretty funny reading people's different interpretations of it, complete with links to other posts where I use "ain't" and links to various Agatha Christie novels). I tried to play it straight the rest of the day to no avail. By the way, I peeked Damocles night 1. Had I lived to tell about it, maybe things would have gone down a little differently.

Oh well. Again, great game played the wolves.
The name of the game is deception. You shouldn't take any comments, behaviours, actions by anyone at face value. As House says: Everybody lies.

And as I said before, I was still thinking of yurt as a villager when I wrote the comment.

I know... but comments in the game like (CERTAIN villager) and your comments on the SEER during the game seem very wolfish. Every villager is 'certain' that they are a villager, but none of the others (save the SEER who might happen to peek you) would know. So coming out and saying it like that seems a bit over the top.

That said, you played a better game than I did this round. Fool me once... as Darla did, shame on her... fool me twice... shame on her again, because I am a man and that shit ain't funny.
Lesson of the game: That which people cannot understand, they will kill.

Apologies to the villagers for getting eaten on the fucking first night. Who the hell would have thought that an innocuous nonsensical post about the weather would be a hint that I was the goddamned seer? (It was pretty funny reading people's different interpretations of it, complete with links to other posts where I use "ain't" and links to various Agatha Christie novels). I tried to play it straight the rest of the day to no avail. By the way, I peeked Damocles night 1. Had I lived to tell about it, maybe things would have gone down a little differently.

Oh well. Again, great game played the wolves.

The funny part is, I had a nice elaborate explanation for why you were SEER too, then I thought, NAH... he wouldn't be that obvious. It actually made me put you in the possible wolf category. Trying to set yourself up for a false SEER proclamation.
Lesson of the game: That which people cannot understand, they will kill.

Apologies to the villagers for getting eaten on the fucking first night. Who the hell would have thought that an innocuous nonsensical post about the weather would be a hint that I was the goddamned seer? (It was pretty funny reading people's different interpretations of it, complete with links to other posts where I use "ain't" and links to various Agatha Christie novels). I tried to play it straight the rest of the day to no avail. By the way, I peeked Damocles night 1. Had I lived to tell about it, maybe things would have gone down a little differently.

Oh well. Again, great game played the wolves.

I honestly didn't think you were the seer, and I had a hard time sending that vote to Grind. I wanted to change it but I knew Damo would kill me, and it's a good thing I didn't. (I was the one who was sending our votes to Grind at the end of the night). I really didn't want to kill you because if we were just going to kill some villager, I'd rather do it to someone annoying and I didn't buy any of that stuff about your weather post.

Oh you peeked Damo on night 1! Good call. This definitely could have easily gone very differently.
From here on out, Mutt the sheep fucker gets one role... BAIT. He has proven quite useless in every other role. So one of you 'creative' sorts give the role of 'bait' some tweaking. Make it 'fun' for Mutt, while giving him a purpose in the game that he can't fuck up. I know this last part is a tall order... but you creative types should be able to come up with something.
The funny part is, I had a nice elaborate explanation for why you were SEER too, then I thought, NAH... he wouldn't be that obvious. It actually made me put you in the possible wolf category. Trying to set yourself up for a false SEER proclamation.

wolves and the seer often give off the same exact vibe to the village.

1) both wolves and seers are (usually) more deliberate in their posts. The seer doesn't want to go off and make it impossible for peeks to be found. So what they say is more carefully chosen as they don't want to say the wrong thing and throw the village off.

2) Both wolves and the seer are desperate to not stand out at first. For obvious reasons.

3) Both give off the "I REALLLLY don't wanna die today" vibe. Obviously villagers don't want to die either, but if they do.. "meh." A seer or a wolf dying is a major game changer, and both parties try to avoid this at all costs.

4) Seers, like wolves, can do about faces on a day by day basis. Wolves are happy to go along with the crowd and vote for whoever may look like are going to die, the Seer may say someone is a villager one day, then do an about face after they've peeked them and learned they are a wolf. Both come off as inconsistencies and seem to have malleable opinions during the game.
