ok. lots of things to talk about today.
I have briefly skimmed some peoples posts and I am glad to see a lot of villager lists are looking pretty solid.
There are a few things we need to discuss though, namely among them is the clem kill. Cause I have to tell you, I find it really odd. Especially since it was given so relatively quick. Once serendipity is dead, you think the wolves would really take their time. Given that it was only 90 minutes from end of day until watermark posted the kill, it implies to me they had a very strong confident idea in killing clem, or a short list throughout the day of who they wanted dead.
anyway, here are a list of things I intend to go over today (hopefully within the hour if I am quick about it)
1. The main motives of wolf night kills. Many of you already know the main reasons, but this round we have a lot of new players between I love america, dion, essence, jarod, and I think maybe one other, so I think it's good to just do a brief rehash.
2. Next thing is to go over ALL of clams posts and see if there are any conclusions we can draw from them or why the wolves might have killed him
3. We need to go over all of serendipity's posts to see if he spewed anybody village or a wolf in how he interacted with people
4.We need to look at bandwagons at the end of the day, especially in the last hour or so. Who was on which wagon? Who jumped and when? Who was off the serendipity wagon? who was on it at good valuable times where we can draw inferences?
5. Then I will start reading everyone's responses in thread
6. After all that, we propose a strategy for today going forward.