## WEREWOLF: RED EDITION (Start date: 11/14)

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Sponge, Vlad has mostly thought of you as a Villager because you seem to be a good detective, you voted to lynch last nights Wolf and seem to help the village... but you cast aspersions against people who seem to be villagers and without much justification. That concerns me, but still I can also see that it might also be a healthy thing.

Ivan still concerns me most.

Ivan was attempting to casually steer us away from Serendipity and focus blame on Cornelius and me.

I contend that Cornelius and I are the ones who have demonstrated ourselves most likely to be villagers. That was not an accident on Ivan's part.

Unless you believe that last nights wolf was intentionally given up by the other two wolves.
ok. lots of things to talk about today.

I have briefly skimmed some peoples posts and I am glad to see a lot of villager lists are looking pretty solid.

There are a few things we need to discuss though, namely among them is the clem kill. Cause I have to tell you, I find it really odd. Especially since it was given so relatively quick. Once serendipity is dead, you think the wolves would really take their time. Given that it was only 90 minutes from end of day until watermark posted the kill, it implies to me they had a very strong confident idea in killing clem, or a short list throughout the day of who they wanted dead.

anyway, here are a list of things I intend to go over today (hopefully within the hour if I am quick about it)

1. The main motives of wolf night kills. Many of you already know the main reasons, but this round we have a lot of new players between I love america, dion, essence, jarod, and I think maybe one other, so I think it's good to just do a brief rehash.

2. Next thing is to go over ALL of clams posts and see if there are any conclusions we can draw from them or why the wolves might have killed him

3. We need to go over all of serendipity's posts to see if he spewed anybody village or a wolf in how he interacted with people

4.We need to look at bandwagons at the end of the day, especially in the last hour or so. Who was on which wagon? Who jumped and when? Who was off the serendipity wagon? who was on it at good valuable times where we can draw inferences?

5. Then I will start reading everyone's responses in thread :p

6. After all that, we propose a strategy for today going forward.
Ivan was attempting to casually steer us away from Serendipity and focus blame on Cornelius and me.

I contend that Cornelius and I are the ones who have demonstrated ourselves most likely to be villagers. That was not an accident on Ivan's part.

Unless you believe that last nights wolf was intentionally given up by the other two wolves.

I am up in the air about Ivan, a wolf would have been more likely to steer people towards Bob since he was the other leading vote getter. Unless the wolf just decided to sacrifice Serendipity and create more than two wagons to make it harder to identify the wolves. His list of what he thinks on each of the other players was villagery... he is certainly one I am more uncertain about at this time.
Sponge, Vlad has mostly thought of you as a Villager because you seem to be a good detective, you voted to lynch last nights Wolf and seem to help the village... but you cast aspersions against people who seem to be villagers and without much justification. That concerns me, but still I can also see that it might also be a healthy thing.

Ivan still concerns me most.

The first day that happens as we are all trying to feel each other out and elicit responses. As the game progresses we should expect from each other more justification and clarification of our positions. If we force everyone to do so, then the wolves are more likely to trip up and expose themselves. If we let people remain silent, we are in trouble as a village.
[tr=center][th]Player[/th][th]Count[/th][th]Voted For[/th][th]Post No.[/th][/tr][tr=center][td]Bob the Brawny Blacksmith[/td][td]0[/td][td]....[/td][/tr][tr=center][td]Cornelius[/td][td]0[/td][td]....[/td][td]....[/td][/tr][tr=center][td]Earl Buttz[/td][td]0[/td][td]....[/td][td]....[/td][/tr][tr=center][td]Ivan Chesnokov[/td][td]1[/td][td]....[/td][td]....[/td][/tr][tr=center][td]Msanna[/td][td]1[/td][td]....[/td][td]....[/td][/tr][tr=center][td]Village Idiot[/td][td]0[/td][td]Wear Wolves[/td][td]346[/td][/tr][tr=center][td]Vlad the Impaler[/td][td]0[/td][td]Ivan[/td][td]354[/td][/tr][tr=center][td]Wear Wolves[/td][td]1[/td][td]....[/td][td]....[/td][/tr][tr=center][td]Sponge Bob[/td][td]0[/td][td]Msanna[/td][td]383[/td][/tr][/tr][tr=center][td]clem[/td][/tr][tr=center][td]Serendipity[/td][/tr][/table]
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(For the n00bs) - Why wolf night kills are so important in stripping out information:

I have modded many games of werewolf and played a few of them myself where after I was dead, I would pull my hair in frustration over people basically ignoring nightkills and what they mean. Analyzing night kills is one of the most important things to do in the game and it needs to be done EVERY SINGLE DAY.

So here are the reasons wolves make their kills:

1) Seer hunts. A seer is a wolves greatest enemy. (duh). Each night the seer gathers new intel on the players in the game and if the seer is able to live 2-3 days they are going to have a list of names to provide to the village. Wolves do not want seers alive and want them dead as soon as possible. If a seer can help clear 2-3 villagers or point out a wolf it really is going to make winning an uphill battle for them.

2) Strong player/clear player kills. Sometimes, wolves may simply have no clue who the seer is, and may instead default to either taking out a player that is doing a good job helping the village along, or they will simply kill someone that the village views as a clear player. If you are a wolf and you are looking at a player that is never going to get any heat, then you obviously would rather take that person out over someone that you may be able to generate a mislynch against the next day. Wolves will leave in the more suspicious players, and take out the less suspicious players.

3) Psychological/Deception kills. Sometimes wolves like to mix things up and kill someone out of left field. It confuses the village, it may throw people off their path. Maybe they try to fake a seer hunt and thus everyone thinks someone was killed because X reason when really it was just to sow discord.

4) sometimes wolves just make kills that don't make any sense and are weird and there isn't much more to say about it. it happens.
Read through all of Clems posts... pretty adamant about Ivan and Bob being wolves. The first half of his posts were hammering Ivan. the second half Bob. Last minute he voted for Serendipity to help the village. But he was clear his opinions on Bob had not changed.

Both Bob and Ivan are tougher reads. Bob has done nothing but spew nonsense on the board and does not appear interested in helping the village.
Many of us know an idiot from past games who has done that time and again and ended up being a villager. That past experience is what is holding me back from voting for Bob to be lynched. Ivan did seem to be wolfy yesterday, more village today. So could be a wolf trying to cover his tracks and steer us towards killing a villager. Or it could be that he simply was playing his 'Ivan' persona harder yesterday and realized he better start playing to help the village today. Yes, I keep going back and forth on them. Hopefully they start posting more today so we can get a better read.

As for Msanna... call it gut, but he is still the one tweaking me the most as a wolf right now. Post 356 specifically set the radar off even more.
Vlad sees that there are two schools of thought about last night.

1) We got lucky and found a wolf right away. He was fleshed out by how sensitive he was at being suspected, or Cornelius was simply able to see it.


2) The wolves are playing a trick and sacrificed last nights kill.

Vlad thinks that we got lucky, because after having gone over it there was no push by any single person to kill that particular wolf. I would have suspected Clem for having jumped on once the outcome was clear, but Clem has been proven to be a villager.

So if my theory is true, then we look at who did not vote with the group last night and suspect them.

That leaves three, and of those three I have suspected Ivan from the beginning.

If the other theory is true, that we were set up... everyone is still a suspect, how can we narrow it down?
[tr=center][th]Player[/th][th]Count[/th][th]Voted For[/th][/tr][tr=center][td]Bob the Brawny Blacksmith[/td][td]0[/td][td]....[/td][/tr][tr=center][td]Cornelius[/td][td]0[/td][td]....[/td][/tr][tr=center][td]Earl Buttz[/td][td]0[/td][td]....[/td][/tr][tr=center][td]Ivan Chesnokov[/td][td]1[/td][td]....[/td][/tr][tr=center][td]Msanna[/td][td]1[/td][td]....[/td][/tr][tr=center][td]Village Idiot[/td][td]0[/td][td]Wear Wolves (Post #346)[/td][/tr][tr=center][td]Vlad the Impaler[/td][td]0[/td][td] Ivan (post #354)[/td][/tr][tr=center][td]Wear Wolves[/td][td]1[/td][td]....[/td][/tr][tr=center][td]Sponge Bob[/td][td]0[/td][td]Msanna (#383)[/td][/tr][/tr][tr=center][td]clem[/td][/tr][tr=center][td]Serendipity[/td][/tr][/table]
mayb i am thinking to much to it, but i and voting to lynch earl buttz mayhap it shall change if convinced later
Clem had a total of 17 posts throughout the day. Here are the first 5 (will be posting in 5 post chunks so the posts don't get unwieldily:

ah was buzy workin' in tha wheat fields an' ah saw wolf tracks thet led back ta Ivans

Y'all be good now ya hear

I's knowd Ivan was no good last year when the Missus caught him taking a leak in ma wheat fields. Be wary of Ivan. He is slicker than a harpooned hippo on a banana tree.

yeeeee haw

I'm haven more fun than a tornada in a trailer park

Clem don't knows nuttin bout no band wagons. I's just knows that dang varmint Ivan done pissed in ma wheat fields and me an da Missus ain't forgot. I was madder than a bobcat caught in a piss fire.

awww shucks, Clem is mighty flattered that Bob is worried about the missus, but she is at her maw's right now so she isn't in the village.

you are beginnin to sweat like a whore in church

and seem to be tryin to stir up sum shit. kinda wolfish behavior if you ask Clem.

Nows I gots to gets back to the fields. Thanksgiving is comin up and the village is relyin on ole Clem to make sure we have a proper feast

1. first post is saying wolf tracks to ivan
2. second post, "be wary of ivan"
3. talking about tornados. in trailer parks. k.
4. ivan pissed in his wheat fields
5. bob is sweating like a whore in church and is being wolfy
Vlad sees that there are two schools of thought about last night.

1) We got lucky and found a wolf right away. He was fleshed out by how sensitive he was at being suspected, or Cornelius was simply able to see it.


2) The wolves are playing a trick and sacrificed last nights kill.

Vlad thinks that we got lucky, because after having gone over it there was no push by any single person to kill that particular wolf. I would have suspected Clem for having jumped on once the outcome was clear, but Clem has been proven to be a villager.

So if my theory is true, then we look at who did not vote with the group last night and suspect them.

That leaves three, and of those three I have suspected Ivan from the beginning.

If the other theory is true, that we were set up... everyone is still a suspect, how can we narrow it down?

i have been thinking about clem and why he would die
i have nothing i havent said

his suspects were ivan, bob, serendi
Read through all of Clems posts... pretty adamant about Ivan and Bob being wolves. The first half of his posts were hammering Ivan. the second half Bob. Last minute he voted for Serendipity to help the village. But he was clear his opinions on Bob had not changed.

Both Bob and Ivan are tougher reads. Bob has done nothing but spew nonsense on the board and does not appear interested in helping the village.
Many of us know an idiot from past games who has done that time and again and ended up being a villager. That past experience is what is holding me back from voting for Bob to be lynched. Ivan did seem to be wolfy yesterday, more village today. So could be a wolf trying to cover his tracks and steer us towards killing a villager. Or it could be that he simply was playing his 'Ivan' persona harder yesterday and realized he better start playing to help the village today. Yes, I keep going back and forth on them. Hopefully they start posting more today so we can get a better read.

As for Msanna... call it gut, but he is still the one tweaking me the most as a wolf right now. Post 356 specifically set the radar off even more.

What do you see different about Ivan's posts today vs. yesterday?
Read through all of Clems posts... pretty adamant about Ivan and Bob being wolves. The first half of his posts were hammering Ivan. the second half Bob. Last minute he voted for Serendipity to help the village. But he was clear his opinions on Bob had not changed.

Both Bob and Ivan are tougher reads. Bob has done nothing but spew nonsense on the board and does not appear interested in helping the village.
Many of us know an idiot from past games who has done that time and again and ended up being a villager. That past experience is what is holding me back from voting for Bob to be lynched. Ivan did seem to be wolfy yesterday, more village today. So could be a wolf trying to cover his tracks and steer us towards killing a villager. Or it could be that he simply was playing his 'Ivan' persona harder yesterday and realized he better start playing to help the village today. Yes, I keep going back and forth on them. Hopefully they start posting more today so we can get a better read.

As for Msanna... call it gut, but he is still the one tweaking me the most as a wolf right now. Post 356 specifically set the radar off even more.
If I had to cast of vote to lynch it would be between Ivan and msanna.

Ivan is tweaking me cause of his stunt yesterday of opening post with a lynch vote followed with complete silence till the day was about over than popping in at the last minute to create havok. He's not straying from that to far today either.

Ivan's my number 1 wolf suspect at the moment. msanna worries me too.
[tr=center][th]Player[/th][th]Count[/th][th]Voted For[/th][th]Post No.[/th][/tr][tr=center][td]Bob the Brawny Blacksmith[/td][td]0[/td][td]....[/td][td]....[/td][/tr][tr=center][td]Cornelius[/td][td]0[/td][td]....[/td][td]....[/td][/tr][tr=center][td]Earl Buttz[/td][td]1[/td][td]....[/td][td]....[/td][/tr][tr=center][td]Ivan Chesnokov[/td][td]1[/td][td]....[/td][td]....[/td][/tr][tr=center][td]Msanna[/td][td]1[/td][td]Earl Butz[/td][td]356[/td][/tr][tr=center][td]Village Idiot[/td][td]0[/td][td]Wear Wolves[/td][td]346[/td][/tr][tr=center][td]Vlad the Impaler[/td][td]0[/td][td]Ivan[/td][td]354[/td][/tr][tr=center][td]Wear Wolves[/td][td]1[/td][td]....[/td][td]....[/td][/tr][tr=center][td]Sponge Bob[/td][td]0[/td][td]Msanna[/td][td]383[/td][/tr][tr=center][td]clem[/td][/tr][tr=center][td]Serendipity[/td][/tr][/table]
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next 5.

Does a one legged duck swim in a circle?

well butter ma butt and call me a biscuit

well clem ain't gots nonna dat book learnin


ma gut tells me Ivan and the Blacksmith are wolves

Lynch Bob the Brawny Blacksmith

I think Bob the Blacksmith has been purposefully vague and obtuse from the beginning trying to create confusion among the village.

I stand by my position to lynch Bob the Blacksmith.

His only reasoning for lynching Ivan and myself is that we doubt his veracity.

So we both agree on Ivan. I also agree that Seren's absence is suspicious but given that the wolves know who they are and can PM each other don't you think they wouldn't allow each other to stay so quiet?

I think Ivan is a wolf and Bob is a wolf trying to act like a crazy villager

Remember lots of noobs in this game. My bet is that watermark would not put more than one noob as a wolf.

So I am betting that there are two veterans as wolves especially since we are anonymous. Therefore they would not allow so many wolves to try to hide in public.

Serendipity may be a wolf but I am still sure about Bob and Ivan. My vote stands.

6. some throw away post when I asked if everyone was going to act like dopes all day long
7. he says "butter my butt and call me a biscuit (?)" when msanna says earl may be a wolf.
8. he calls ivan and blacksmith wolves, he then lynches blacksmith
9. here is where it gets weird. he now starts tunneling bob because bob floated clems name, and also because bob was doubting ivan. while at the same time, clem has said ivan was wolfy in the past.
10. "so we both agree on ivan", "i think ivan is a wolf and bob is a wolf trying to act like a crazy villager"
What do you see different about Ivan's posts today vs. yesterday?

He hasn't posted much, but he did post the long list of who he thought were the biggest 'threats'... that is helpful to a village... again, by no means does this alleviate all previous suspicions of him, but it did give me pause.
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