## WEREWOLF: RED EDITION (Start date: 11/14)

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Only problem with that Bob is that only wolves with clabber for brains would try that gambit in the first round. The fact that you keep repeatin that is only pingin my wolfdar.

I think that is your moron alert going off rather than wolfdar... though I could be mistaken.
Wasn't that almost exactly what you asked about Serendipity as the wagon filled on him?

Bob is oddly quiet today, especially after yesterdays 40+ posts of nonsense.

Werewolf has yet to make an appearance.

Idiot and Ivan are also very quiet today.

It looks Sponge Bob has reading problem or he would have seen that Bob said he had to take family member, in next village, to have leaches used.
One theory on Ivan is that he is in real life away from computer access during the working hours, he posts in the morning and then again in the evening. I feel he is a wolf, but that would explain his absence yesterday and today.

Vlad has been kind to Bob and Bob would like to point out that it looks like Sponge Bob and Cornelius are trying to take the role of leadership and tell everyone else what they should do.
Sponge Bob keeps asking for what others think; but he fails to make his own lists.
you think there is one or both wolves in that list? Based on the fact that we are posting the most? Interesting.

I am pretty certain that unless Cornelius is the most skilled wolf player ever, he is a villager. Dissecting Clem and Serendipity's posts is very helpful to the village.

Your words could also be seen as you making attempt to throw attention off of Cornelius and yourself; because you are both night wolves.
Vlad has been kind to Bob and Bob would like to point out that it looks like Sponge Bob and Cornelius are trying to take the role of leadership and tell everyone else what they should do.
Sponge Bob keeps asking for what others think; but he fails to make his own lists.

You seriously think a wolf would try to lead the village through an analysis of the posts of the two people killed? To encourage the village to look hard at them?

What better way to throw suspicion off of main trail, so villagers follow false trail.
Very night wolf behavior.

Your total defense of him makes me believe that you both are night wolves.

Vlad has been kind to Bob and Bob would like to point out that it looks like Sponge Bob and Cornelius are trying to take the role of leadership and tell everyone else what they should do.
Sponge Bob keeps asking for what others think; but he fails to make his own lists.

Again... the above type of crap makes you look like a wolf, when in reality you are probably just a dumbass villager. The last time you accused me of 'not posting a list', I responded and included my list YET AGAIN. So why is it that you continue to lie about this Bob? Why might that be? Is it because everyone thinks you are an idiot and your feelings are hurt? or is it that you are a wolf trying to deceive the village? All the signs currently point toward the former...
Bob is back from helping family member have leaches put on arms and legs.
Bob has noticed the Sponge Bob is always asking who other villagers think are the night wolves; but he rarely speaks of who he is suspecting.
This seems odd to Bob and now Cornelius is once again missing.

Then you are indeed our village idiot. I have posted numerous times who I think is a villager and a wolf... and cornelius has been here more than you and actually helping the village.

Again... I think Cornelius is the closest to sure villager that we have at this point. Village idiot I believe is a villager as well, though I would like to see him post more. Earl and Vlad same thing, likely village, but less sure on these two. More posting would help. You I think are the true village idiot, but I do think you are a villager who is spazzy and doesn't know how to play this game.

Wolves... Msanna is my current vote to lynch. After Cornelius's analysis of Serendipity, I fell stronger in this conviction. I encourage you to read post #356 of his to get your reaction to it. Ivan is number two on my list at this point. While he did post a list of what he thought, he is beginning to tweak wolf again today as his list of people who posted the most he thinks has a wolf or two in it.

Vlad has been kind to Bob and Bob would like to point out that it looks like Sponge Bob and Cornelius are trying to take the role of leadership and tell everyone else what they should do.
Sponge Bob keeps asking for what others think; but he fails to make his own lists.

So why do you lie Bob? Mine is post #446... just a couple minutes after you last accusation. Quit hurting the village bob.
Only problem with that Bob is that only wolves with clabber for brains would try that gambit in the first round. The fact that you keep repeatin that is only pingin my wolfdar.

Not if other two night wolves are older and more experienced.
They could convince weaker night wolf to sacrifice itself; because if one night wolf survives, then all night wolves win.
Bob is villager, as all will know; if night wolves convince village to hang Bob or Bob is killed by night wolves, because they are scared that Bob will help village to win.
Not if other two night wolves are older and more experienced.
They could convince weaker night wolf to sacrifice itself; because if one night wolf survives, then all night wolves win.
Bob is villager, as all will know; if night wolves convince village to hang Bob or Bob is killed by night wolves, because they are scared that Bob will help village to win.

tell us Bob... WHO is it that has suggested you are a wolf? or suggested we lynch you tonight?
yes, he is skilled... but skilled enough to know that would be a really stupid play on his part.

Explain why this would be stupid move.
Cornelius convinces weaker night wolf to sacrifice itself and then Cornelius spends the rest of the time accusing others and explaining how he was the one who wanted the night wolf hanged.
You seem to be only one that is sure that Cornelius is not a night wolf and are defending Cornelius, which is exactly what two stronger more experienced night wolves would do.
Bob is very sure that you and Cornelius are last two night wolves.
Well as you know Ivan and msanna are my top two wolfs on my list. msanna tweeked me yesterday. However I do have a strong urge to hang that stupid sheep fucker from Ohio to prevent him from killing the danged village agin.

Default position is to lynch Wear Wolves. He's as worthless as lips on a Woodpecker. The sad part is that the Sheep Shager and Woodpecker lips are probably villagers.

we have better options today than just hoping with otherwise zero info that wear wolves just ended up being an inactive wolf and hasn't been pestered by their teammate relentlessly to start posting.
To the village: Should I happen to get killed by wolves tonight, keep in mind that Bob is an idiot... that does not make him a wolf. His stupidity makes it seem that way. His constant attempts to hurt the village make it seem that way. But he is an idiot. So keep that in mind.
The good news is that I don't think the wolves have a clue who the seer is... which is why it is crucial for everyone to continue posting their thoughts. It allows the seer to continue to reveal hints while gathering a new pick each night the wolves screw up.

I think the way this game is going, the likelihood of a skilled wolf in this game is minimal. a skilled wolf would have given a newbie like serendipity a heads up on how to play the game. He was too easily exposed. I think the greater likelihood is that we have three relative newbies or a combination of newbies and players that suck as the wolves. I could be wrong, but if I were seer, I would certainly be checking out you and Msanna as wolves if that hasn't already happened.

Again you say idea is not possible and by this you defend Cornelius.
Bob finds it strange that you two spend so much time defending each other and trying to get villagers to follow the trail that you want them to.
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