## WEREWOLF: RED EDITION (Start date: 11/14)

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[tr=center][th]Player[/th][th]Count[/th][th]Voted For[/th][th]Post No.[/th][/tr][tr=center][td]Bob the Brawny Blacksmith[/td][td]0[/td][td]Vlad[/td][td]525[/td][/tr][tr=center][td]Cornelius[/td][td]0[/td][td]....[/td][td]....[/td][/tr][tr=center][td]Earl Buttz[/td][td]0[/td][td]Ivan[/td][td]522[/td][/tr][tr=center][td]Ivan Chesnokov[/td][td]5[/td][td]Village Idiot[/td][td]520[/td][/tr][tr=center][td]Msanna[/td][td]0[/td][td]Ivan[/td][td]356[/td][/tr][tr=center][td]Village Idiot[/td][td]1[/td][td]Ivan[/td][td]346[/td][/tr][tr=center][td]Vlad the Impaler[/td][td]1[/td][td]Ivan[/td][td]354[/td][/tr][tr=center][td]Wear Wolves[/td][td]0[/td][td]....[/td][td]....[/td][/tr][tr=center][td]Sponge Bob[/td][td]0[/td][td]Ivan[/td][td]491[/td][/tr][tr=center][td]clem[/td][/tr][tr=center][td]Serendipity[/td][/tr][/table]
let me ask you this.

clem said you and ivan were wolves.

clem was killed.

if you believe ivan is not a wolf, then why do you believe clem was killed?

Go read post #501 again, and tell me how you can possibly come up with a better option than ivan today.

Bob has heard that night wolves will kill, just for the fun of it; because it throws the rest of the village into panic.
Cornelius said that he had been in many situations with night wolves and yet he asks questions like he has no knowledge of how night wolves act.
This still leads Bob to think that Cornelius is night wolf.
Ivan found himself cornered in a room, and horrible things were done, things not done to him since his days in Siberia. What thoughts were going through that cold mind, which has been through so much horror, as he was finally surrounded on that cold, cold night, by forces which were finally able to do what Germans and Chechans before him could not? The world shall never know. But, I myself like to think that it was relief that went through his mind, as he was released from the chains of his mortal shell, released from all the lies he had to make, and had to tell himself, to continue on? Finally, he was released to rest. A great man falls today, a man like none that shall ever come again.

Are you happy, village? Truly? Who is really the monster here?

Ivan was a wolf

Wolf, send me your night kill, Seer, send me your pick.
In an ironic twist, Vlad the impaler found himself impaled on the wolf's fangs.

He was a villager

Bob the Brawny Blacksmith
Earl Buttz
Ivan Chesnokov
Village Idiot
Vlad the Impaler
Wear Wolves
Sponge Bob

1:1 ratio = really bad/really good. Will this be our last day, comrades?
You know what I hate? You know what makes me so angry I could French kiss a gila monster?

It's skeptic. It's them folks as gots to wait till after the fact to admits yuse was right.

I saids that there Bad Vlad was a villager but ya'll said...naw lets wait ter see. Well he's a villager aright. A dead one.

Be that as it may that thar wolf didn't get the Seer. Which is bad news for them.

So here be the deal as ole Earls sees it.

The two most likely wolf peeples is gotta be msanna and Big Bob.

Now I'd says thars a good posserbility the Seer done looked at those two goobers and if so's all he gots ta do is let us knowed which one is the wolf.
Yeah, unless the Seer has managed to look only at players who have been killed off, I'd say that strategy is becoming less of a concern to me.

Once again, I will default my lynch vote to the inactive Wear Wolves for now...
I'd say that msanna's switchin her vote and sealing that durned commies fate twer purty suspicius to me.

Same with Big Bob not being too hepful.

Tough dercision. Do I vote to hang an oversized galoot with metal fume fever or hang that wolf in sheepsdog clothen?
Yeah, unless the Seer has managed to look only at players who have been killed off, I'd say that strategy is becoming less of a concern to me.

Once again, I will default my lynch vote to the inactive Wear Wolves for now...

At this point, that is unlikely. Unless WW is as green as Serendipity and Ivan and none of them knew that would be a bad idea. More likely that WW is a horrible villager.
I'd say that msanna's switchin her vote and sealing that durned commies fate twer purty suspicius to me.

Same with Big Bob not being too hepful.

Tough dercision. Do I vote to hang an oversized galoot with metal fume fever or hang that wolf in sheepsdog clothen?

At this point, Msanna is the most likely wolf. Pretty sure Bob is just the village idiot... no offense to Village Idiot.
lynch Spongebob

Cmon mott, Grind, ila, lets put the last wolfie away. Early.

Thanks for proving my point. Over reaction at its finest.

If you actually think the bulk of the village thinks I am a wolf right now, then you really need to brush up on your game.

What does everyone else think? Is Msanna a spazzy villager or the final wolf?

Lets keep the discussion going for a while, a quick lynch is not necessary.
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