What is forum stalking?

That wasn't the worst. I went back to an account I hadn't used in quite some time, and it had been banned as well. How I got banned doing nothing, is still a mystery today.

I think it was because Amazon started flushing all the non-Prime ppl. My husband never did reviews, but was a Prime customer for years. He dropped it for a couple of years. During that time he tried to review some product he got that was substandard, and was told that he didn't have "posting privileges." That was miraculously fixed once he renewed his Prime membership. I know a lot of other ppl grumbled about that as well.
LOL @ evil laughter. Like this?

Yeah, I started in 2010 as well. The Mina thing was still ongoing but not as bad, apparently, as it had been. Tomcat, Chuck Norris, ET, Toxic et al had entire threads dedicated to bashing her mercilessly.

LOL! Yes, laughter just like that! That bird is adorable!

Yes, I do believe that you and I came over around the same time. I remember those threads. They would get to 10,000, and then a new one would be opened up immediately. They were all very angry with each other.
LOL! Yes, laughter just like that! That bird is adorable!

Yes, I do believe that you and I came over around the same time. I remember those threads. They would get to 10,000, and then a new one would be opened up immediately. They were all very angry with each other.

Those "And the Winner Is...." threads I started were a lot of fun but they also pissed off certain ppl no end. Remember the copycat ones that went no where? lol
Those "And the Winner Is...." threads I started were a lot of fun but they also pissed off certain ppl no end. Remember the copycat ones that went no where? lol

LOL! I do remember those threads! There ended up being quite a few, too. Do you remember RightThinking having an absolute fit about those threads? He came to all of the chat threads and would act all superior. His nickname to me was the Church Lady. :laugh: I had a hard time responding to him because all I could think about was Dana Carvey!
LOL! I do remember those threads! There ended up being quite a few, too. Do you remember RightThinking having an absolute fit about those threads? He came to all of the chat threads and would act all superior. His nickname to me was the Church Lady. :laugh: I had a hard time responding to him because all I could think about was Dana Carvey!

Hahahaha -- Yeah, for an uptight self-righteous WeShouldAllGoBackToThe1950s conservative prig -- him calling you that was something else. I think he was there to provoke ppl and you refused to be provoked. He was also almost always in the top 10 of posters in the daily stats reviews on those Winner threads. We ended up with nine of them before the forum was shut down. No wonder he hated that thread, as well as the Sheila "nice thread" where everyone used to just chat and get along. He used to stalk you there sometimes, remember that?
And you got the message saying PMs are turned off, because I didn't get anything from you.

Quelle surprise, eh?

Glad you came back to post a bit more tonight. Please refresh me again though, on which one of us is the minion of the other. It's hard to decide which frock to put on.
Hahahaha -- Yeah, for an uptight self-righteous WeShouldAllGoBackToThe1950s conservative prig -- him calling you that was something else. I think he was there to provoke ppl and you refused to be provoked. He was also almost always in the top 10 of posters in the daily stats reviews on those Winner threads. We ended up with nine of them before the forum was shut down. No wonder he hated that thread, as well as the Sheila "nice thread" where everyone used to just chat and get along. He used to stalk you there sometimes, remember that?

LOL! Yes, I think what most people don't realize is that I can be extremely stubborn. My thoughts were, "Oh, yeah, Church Lady? You think you can provoke me? Heh heh heh! Think again!"

He was quite the prolific poster in spite of his protestations that he wasn't. He did pester me a LOT, and that was half the reason I stopped using my real name. He was very odd.
LOL! Yes, I think what most people don't realize is that I can be extremely stubborn. My thoughts were, "Oh, yeah, Church Lady? You think you can provoke me? Heh heh heh! Think again!"
He was quite the prolific poster in spite of his protestations that he wasn't. He did pester me a LOT, and that was half the reason I stopped using my real name. He was very odd.

That's putting it nicely! He didn't want us to know that he averaged over 100 posts/day because he worked for the government and was supposed to be.... working. Instead of posting. But yeah, anyone who ever got food stamps, help with utility bills, Medicaid, or "welfare" was a no-good leech. Remember the conservative evangelistic home-schooling mother of five kids under 10 years old who also often posted over 100 posts/day? But yeah, she was home-schooling, home-cooking, changing diapers, weaving their clothing, tending the chickens, and feeding seven ppl for $75/week. lol
Quelle surprise, eh?

Glad you came back to post a bit more tonight. Please refresh me again though, on which one of us is the minion of the other. It's hard to decide which frock to put on.

Lol. Instead of that I'll inform you about the thanks/groans business. When I first started here there were none. Then at one point there was a system of "rep(utation) points" for when people liked or hated posts. They showed up as little green or red bricks on the right hand side where the thanks and groans are now. Then they got to be a point of disagreement and people started fighting over them, so it was abandoned. Now my memory's a little fuzzy here but I think some time passed and then the thanks/groans system got started.

Before thanks/groans you had lots of posts where people said only "good point" or "well said", things like that to show approval of a comment and of course one or two words to show disapproval. It was tedious and took up space. Thanks/groans came along so you could show approval and disapproval without typing something out.

If people really hated thanks/groans they could be gone. The mods could do a poll and posters would give their preferences. It's just like threadbanning, that practice stays around because a majority want it.

Some people here, and we know who they are, have a real obsession with thanks/groans, lol. The stories they build around them are hilarious. Personally I think it's because these people don't have the chops for real discussion here so they fall back on something trivial. There's gotta be a better use of time than obsessing over this. :laugh: ;)
That's putting it nicely! He didn't want us to know that he averaged over 100 posts/day because he worked for the government and was supposed to be.... working. Instead of posting. But yeah, anyone who ever got food stamps, help with utility bills, Medicaid, or "welfare" was a no-good leech. Remember the conservative evangelistic home-schooling mother of five kids under 10 years old who also often posted over 100 posts/day? But yeah, she was home-schooling, home-cooking, changing diapers, weaving their clothing, tending the chickens, and feeding seven ppl for $75/week. lol

LOL! Yes, I remember that! He was supposed to be "working for the government in Japan" yet he was posting in the forums all the time. Too funny!
Lol. Instead of that I'll inform you about the thanks/groans business. When I first started here there were none. Then at one point there was a system of "rep(utation) points" for when people liked or hated posts. They showed up as little green or red bricks on the right hand side where the thanks and groans are now. Then they got to be a point of disagreement and people started fighting over them, so it was abandoned. Now my memory's a little fuzzy here but I think some time passed and then the thanks/groans system got started.

Before thanks/groans you had lots of posts where people said only "good point" or "well said", things like that to show approval of a comment and of course one or two words to show disapproval. It was tedious and took up space. Thanks/groans came along so you could show approval and disapproval without typing something out.

If people really hated thanks/groans they could be gone. The mods could do a poll and posters would give their preferences. It's just like threadbanning, that practice stays around because a majority want it.

Some people here, and we know who they are, have a real obsession with thanks/groans, lol. The stories they build around them are hilarious. Personally I think it's because these people don't have the chops for real discussion here so they fall back on something trivial. There's gotta be a better use of time than obsessing over this. :laugh: ;)

At least here you can see who has put a thanks or groan on your post, which makes it really comical. Like you said, certain folks who just flit around after certain other folks, parking groans on everything they say. Amazon had up/down votes that were anonymous. So it was a common practice for certain ppl -- who shall remain toxically anonymous as well -- to down-vote their enemies' posts. Once you got a certain # of down votes compared to up votes, your posts were hidden by default. Stupid system! I noticed that when you called someone out on groaning all your posts, they stopped. Not so much fun when your target knows who you are, eh?

I don't pay much attn to the groans; they're predictably always from the same losers and matter not.
At least here you can see who has put a thanks or groan on your post, which makes it really comical. Like you said, certain folks who just flit around after certain other folks, parking groans on everything they say. Amazon had up/down votes that were anonymous. So it was a common practice for certain ppl -- who shall remain toxically anonymous as well -- to down-vote their enemies' posts. Once you got a certain # of down votes compared to up votes, your posts were hidden by default. Stupid system! I noticed that when you called someone out on groaning all your posts, they stopped. Not so much fun when your target knows who you are, eh?

I don't pay much attn to the groans; they're predictably always from the same losers and matter not.

I don't care one way or the other. When I get the notice that someone responded to a post, I don't even scroll down far enough to look at who thanked or groaned me.
At least here you can see who has put a thanks or groan on your post, which makes it really comical. Like you said, certain folks who just flit around after certain other folks, parking groans on everything they say. Amazon had up/down votes that were anonymous. So it was a common practice for certain ppl -- who shall remain toxically anonymous as well -- to down-vote their enemies' posts. Once you got a certain # of down votes compared to up votes, your posts were hidden by default. Stupid system! I noticed that when you called someone out on groaning all your posts, they stopped. Not so much fun when your target knows who you are, eh?

I don't pay much attn to the groans; they're predictably always from the same losers and matter not.

LOL! Yes, I remember that now! It was easier for posters with multiple sock accounts to abuse the system. I have noticed now that you can't downvote reviews anymore. That's also a good thing.
Yep, that's how it went down. You gave it to her out of the kindness of your heart when she was dying because she had nothing to live for when she crawled out of the kennel in the morning. Then she used it to claim that you stabbed me in the back by giving her an account that *I* had created. If you had, she would have lost the use of it the first day assuming you hadn't changed the PW.... I would have taken it back. She also said all kinds of other crap about you. So you messaged me the story of how she got the account, and gave me the log-in info. I logged in as Toxic and changed all her spiteful nasty posts to sunshine, rainbows, and unicorns. Oh, and changed the PW so she couldn't use it any more. Despite her having the mods' "direct phone numbers," it still took Amazon a couple more weeks to ban that account. I enjoyed using my magick wand to change Tox from evil to good.... and you had quite a fun time with that Lilly W. thing yourself.

Good times, good times.

Now you and Mason have both confessed to being low-life punks. Case closed.
LOL @ evil laughter. Like this?

Yeah, I started in 2010 as well. The Mina thing was still ongoing but not as bad, apparently, as it had been. Tomcat, Chuck Norris, ET, Toxic et al had entire threads dedicated to bashing her mercilessly.

Mina was a sweetheart. You left Laz off the list of her obnoxious tormentors.