What is forum stalking?

It's from the old Amazon Forum.
Not like it's a private email that you have posted.
Aren't you the one who posted from gr forum?
But here you are pretending that the Amazon forum was private information!
You're a real piece of work mr. or miss.

How many times have you've been banned here and what for and how long for?

Mina was a sweetheart. You left Laz off the list of her obnoxious tormentors.

I don't think I knew about that. Laz hated almost everyone, and in addition was the world's foremost authority on everything. Every. Thing. Just about the only thing that I never saw him try to one-up ppl on was child birth experience.
Scowlwoman : I have an idea

Jaded: yes leader

Scowlwoman : let's go to a new board and continue our whiney fight

Jaded: yes leader
I think it was because Amazon started flushing all the non-Prime ppl. My husband never did reviews, but was a Prime customer for years. He dropped it for a couple of years. During that time he tried to review some product he got that was substandard, and was told that he didn't have "posting privileges." That was miraculously fixed once he renewed his Prime membership. I know a lot of other ppl grumbled about that as well.

A Story for Every Occasion™.
What? Where? Prove it. And what makes you think I would even know about it, assuming you are telling the truth?

Fight me.

Are you drunk or stoned, yurtsie? You asked me this question two days ago and I gave you the link. Now apologize.

Originally Posted by Yurt

? What are you talking about?

Why do you worship scowlwoman so much?


Your comment makes as much sense as if I asked you why do you worship Toxic so much.

I'm talking about this thread: https://www.justplainpolitics.com/sh...ement-Syndrome

Don't pretend you haven't seen it.​

